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Everything posted by TylerRider

  1. This place was really beautiful.
  2. Nice attempt to use large words, but I think all of them, except for undeniable, is spelled incorrectly. Indubitably.
  3. Nice attempt to use large words, but I think all of them, except for undeniable, is spelled incorrectly. Indubitably. I made most of them up TylerRider1 Jacka**0 So they are spelled right 1up!!
  4. I can understand completely. It is undeniable that we have and uprour of incopreious and indiligent juvinine deliquents. It in indublity sound that we just execesise collectiveable utter towards them.
  5. Please use spell check. Your grammer is a slaughter on the English language and should be put in a scene at HH. Now THAT would be funny. Me dosnt evan getted wats you measd
  6. I sorta agree with you. It was somting people got offended to easily over, but I can understand that people were up their A**es about it. It turened into bad publisty. They have a back bone, and they are just doing busness
  7. Would it make noises a few rides before the incident happened?
  8. Once my friend and I were going on AZ ade he doesent like rollecoaster that much and he askes. "Is it as tall as Dimonback?"
  9. Last night I dreamed I was on the mini dropzone, and at the top we fell, but we survived. I was walking arount with the seat sitll on my but.
  10. But the Sonny Bonno,ans steve Mc Nar was a bit muck, o and the heath Ledger
  11. I have never heard that, and I've ridden (ridden?) Action Theater many, many times. Ya it doesent really always say that, the doors go in not out anyway
  12. This is stupid I think this not only is not inaproprit, but it rembers people who dies to.
  13. O ya,but but do screams and bloody heads normally fly out
  14. If there is any problems with getting the seat sucure i wouldent ride.
  15. I woulent ride A ride if there was any diffucilty in getting a sit to secure properly.
  16. !!!Scary!!! One time I was at actoin theater and while in line al of the doors opened automaticly!!!!! Creepy Right.
  17. Did the Dippin' dots guy tell you that? No,why? *facepalm* It's an inside joke. Anytime a crazy rumor (like Vortex sinking or Cedar Fair moving Dragster down to Kings Island) starts up people bring up the associate least likely to relay any inside information from the company...namely the guy who works at the Dippin Dots stand. Another notable substitute is the Cabana Lady who works at Boomerang Bay. Or the guy that is in the Firehawk line who always is spreading rumors
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