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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2011 in all areas

  1. I thought this story was rubbish. It sounds like Mall of America wasn't making good use of the Peanuts theme. To try to apply that situation to Kings Island and conclude that KI made a mistake letting Nick go is not an apt comparisson. Is Nick a more popular franchse than the Peanuts? I'd say so. Was that popularity bringing people into KI? I don't think so. Planet Snoopy is as busy as Nick Universe ever was. The lines to see the characters are just as long (which is to say they have always been very short). The rides are as popular as ever. Bottom line, the change to Planet Snoopy was wise. It doesn't appear to have hurt the park's income in any way and has saved them money over a more expensive property. All the other stuff just sounds like justification. Why would KI need a new Peanuts character? How are they in any way limited by the Peanuts brand? When the change was announced, I had my doubts as much as anyone. My daughter loved Spongebob at the time. And she liked Dora and Diego, the Fairly Odd Parents and some of the other shows. A lot of them had been off the air too long for her to even know about them. So, I was a little bummed to see Spongebob go. But she didn't mind the change at all. It took a season for her to learn the new characters names. But now she enjoys watching all those Peanuts specials with me on the holidays. She's outgrown Spongebob and the rest, but the Peanuts are timeless. We also have a younger daughter who never saw the Nick version of Kings Island. She's 2 now and loves Dora and Diego. But through the park, she's also come to love Snoopy and the Peanuts. If the Planet Snoopy conversion had been in some way botched, I could see why people would complain. But even the most vocal opponents have been won over by Planet Snoopy. KI did a great job with the conversion and that's really all that matters. It's a quality kid's area. The theme is less important than the execution. It's time to move on to something else.
    4 points
  2. sounds like pkifreak23 is creepin around to stay away from the chainsaws. i say let them be a suprise as it can scare you in a good way.
    2 points
  3. ^ They're really gone. They showed up at Kings Dominion a few years ago.
    1 point
  4. As another Haunt season is about to start I am excited to go, but would be experiencing this evenings haunt without my wife. I realize this is the first time I would actually be experiencing the haunted attractions since we became pass holders in 2003. We love going to haunt, but the wife is not much for haunted houses, so we had only went through a few in past seasons. In the past several years CF has really changed haunt, and by seeing the amount of people in the park compared to my early days they are on the right track. Coming into the park and heading down International Street it was obvious that KI is stepping it up a notch for 2011. Here are a few IS pics. Things I noticed through out the park in the first hour being there was creative new props and better prop placement. I thought the amount of scareactors was very good. It was hard to not see one scaring someone, drawing attention for a picture, or skidding across the midway. They all seemed to really be into their characters! With so much movement going on, my phone did not take the best pictures, but I got this really a blurry picture that was really cool! I am not going to list all the hunt attractions, but will touch on my top five favorites. Carnevil - This was a great mix of props, great costumes for surprise scares, and a great sense of dizziness and confusion. This was my favorite! Urgent Scare - Had a great variety of props and scare actors. Very well done! Holiday Horror - This was the one I was looking forward to the most, it turned out to be nothing that I expected it to be, but was a very original well propped maze. This mazes' originality and story line is what really gave it high mark from me! I wish there were a few more hiding spots for more surprise scares. Slaughter House - I really loved the story line as you got started and how it progressed through the maze. Club Blood - This was a very good maze, not necessarily scary, but do feel the theme was done well. It seemed like a club you would see visitng in the Blade movies. There was a good mix of sensuality and blood, but maybe a little more of blood would help. I am not a fan of wrestling, but I took in a showing of Half Pint Brawlers. It was not my cup of tea, but these little guys do give new meaning to the phrase blood, sweat, and tears. This guy was our pre-show emcee and did a good job of keeping us entertained until the event started. Things are not going well for puppet. We stopped in a few shops after the show. I loved this shirt! A show that I had not seen before was Hot Blooded. I really enjoyed this show, great music variety from artists like Foreigner, Heart, and Journey. It was a very long show, I can not imagine how long it took to learn all the moves for this show. A pic I got early in the show. At Midnight, the 24th (which was my birthday) a few of us went and got a ride on DB and Beast. What a great way to bring in the first hour of your birthday! Using a Fright Lane Pass: Being a person who's not a big fan of the Fast Lane, I was a little reluctant to use my Fright Lane Pass. I quickly understood for those people making a one time trip, (especially if they had a big expense to get there) that those passes are worth the money. I have a new respect and appreciation for their use when purchased. There were a lot of KIC'ers there that we saw over the evening, and of course we talked in the parking lot for an hour after the park closed. I did not get to bed until 4:30 AM after the drive back to Indy, but it was a great evening that I will remember a long time! Thanks for a great fun evening KI.
    1 point
  5. Urgent Scare scares me to death. I hate hospitals.
    1 point
  6. All I can say is the kids seem to be enjoying the Peanuts characters just as much as the Nick characters from the smiles on their faces. Nuff said.
    1 point
  7. I like the thought of Peanuts being at KI, can't really call them regional characters but they lend an air of nostalgia. I think about Peanuts and I remember watching them on TV during holidays. But as a kid I see them as great treats related directly to KI and as a kid it doesn't need to be much bigger than that. The characters NICK creates are mostly geared toward an audience that is likely riding the Diamond Back or holding hands with a pimply faced partner acting as cool as possible walking around the park. Yes NICK may be main stream for many but as a parent that wants my kids to stay a kid for as long as possible, I love it when they say can we go see the Flying Dog, or that big headed boy with the zig zag on his shirt. That is cool and I am glad we save the money, maybe we can use it to make more theming for the park to create the whole experience. Thank you
    1 point
  8. I'm having a great time too. I've been getting some of my best scares ever too with my new spot in Slaughter House! I would hope so! That's exactly what I like... humor mixed in with the horror. Slaughter House has a lot of good people in it, and we love to have fun with our guests, mixing scares and humor. I know that after the initial startle, Sam is pretty humorous. He's just your average cannibalistic butcher trying to make an honest living and doing what's best for Mama and the rest of the twisted family.
    1 point
  9. ^Sam underwent a wardrobe change this year, as well as a change in the room he frequents. Sam now wears a blue doo-rag on his head and tends to hang out in the kitchen now rather than the butcher room.
    1 point
  10. Lol. I can see it now. Come on kid, lets ride the iCoaster. Nick is just like Disney nowadays, dominated by lame Tween shows starring kids that sing Autotuned music. Good riddance.
    1 point
  11. ^Not sure how you're looking in the complete darkness while doing inversions at 54 mph, but a few seasons back the trains were sitting in the parking lot and the park explained that they were being shipped to another park for spare parts. It takes longer to read this thread and shake your head than it does to ride Flight Deck.
    1 point
  12. It took me longer to write this then it did to ride.
    1 point
  13. Does Club Blood still have the best looking/slutty looking girls in it? It needs to be a combination of the two. Not one or the other.
    1 point
  14. I found a lot of them really funny with what they were saying. I did get startled more than once, to be honest.
    1 point
  15. I'm sorry, but I see no humor in CF's closing of Geauga Lake!
    1 point
  16. Legs=Soreness for me. I'm having a fantastic time this year at Haunt. Even with all the guests banter and abuse. Doesn't phase me one bit because I am having such an awesome time working this year and have gotten the most fantastic scares ever!
    1 point
  17. Collect Kings Island memorabilia? If you do that, you must have way too much free time on your hands!
    1 point
  18. It takes longer to go up the lift hill then the actual ride itself.
    1 point
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