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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2011 in all areas

  1. I have mixed emotions about 2011. The year started out promising...the new pavers in Coney Mall are excellent. (I still think that the addition of these to the park may come to be known as the best thing ever CF ever did for the park.) WindSeeker, for me was a slight dissapointment...it is a GREAT addition to the park's skyline...but all in all it isn't much of a "must do" ride...no one in my family ever even rode it more than twice. Dinosaurs Alive was a nice addition...the kids seem to love it, and that's what matters in the end. But I am guessing that the attendance isn't what the park was hoping for...hence the EMBARRASSING "Up the numbers/grab a few more bucks" Halloween version. What kind of a move was it for the park to move trick-or-treating and the pumpkin decorating into a paid attraction?! If I don't miss my guess, the park already pays little or no money for the candy given out.. (It seems like it would be about a trade off for the advertising the candy companies get.) Now...if someone is going to say "Well, it just got too crowded for the park to do it."...I say, well why add bring a friend day every Sunday in October if the crowds are already too bad! There used to be a time when a company would "give back" to it's customers at some point in the year as a sort of thank you/good will gesture to it's customers...the trick-or-treating used to fall in that catagory for me. The Halloween Haunt park decorations were nice this year...I especially liked the way that the (former) International Restaurant was decorated with all of the orange & green leaves! (I will say that the some of the Coney Mall playground figures should have been covered during the daytime though.) I will save my (usual) long rant and simply say that the whole Fast Lane situation will be something that taints my opinion of the park for years to come.
    2 points
  2. I was at Knott's for most of the week and I traveled out there alone for the first time -,- A Knott's scareactor and his gf gave me a place to stay during my visit and I got to spent a full day at the park along with another friend from there. (Haunt was the main reason I went). Overall, the trip was awesome. Getting to see some friends and made all new ones too. During the day it was really really quiet, every ride I did were pretty much walk-on, including WindSeeker! _1017912 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr _1017879 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr _1017948 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr _1017916 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr _1018071 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr Other regular Knott's pics:http://www.flickr.com/photos/ki_faerie_wench/sets/72157628003786424/ For the Haunt..it was AWESOME. I was actually amazed at the energy the scareactors all over had considering its so late in the season and they work a far more hectic schedule. My favorite having to be Endgames, it was loud, and full of energy and scareactors really heavy into their roles. Doll Factory while good, I can tell its seen its better days and time for it to be laid to rest. :/ The scare zones talent were on top of their game as well and sadly a few know too much of my weaknesses so I had multiple vampires in Necropolis chasing me all at once me getting scared to the point of taking off running says a lot considering its very hard to do. It was also good seeing some friends I don't get to see often and plus made plenty of new ones. now I wanna go back to Cali..I actually got accustomed to their weather >.> Some Haunt pics _1018169 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr IMG_3884 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr IMG_3877 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr IMG_3889 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr IMG_3897 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr Other Knott's Haunt pics: http://www.facebook....=1&l=05dd4271c1
    1 point
  3. ^ That's what you get for bringing your bear to KI! How'd you manage sneaking that in, anyway?!
    1 point
  4. The best thing for me since I joined KICentral was having the opportunity to meeting so many great fellow members here. Some of you have become close friends and I cherish our friendship In past years it seems many of the members here have gotten together in some ways to include going to Holiday Festivities together or to go bowling on a Saturday afternoon. It seems we all long for theses types of get togethers during the off season and I am sure this off season will be no exception to those meet-ups. As of now no plans for a KIC off season get together but I am sure in due time there will be something. Until then feel free to post a meet-up opportunity at some of the holiday festivities coming up soon.
    1 point
  5. I think some Antique Cars and Flying Eagles would be a nice replacement.
    1 point
  6. There is enough room for a ferris wheel
    1 point
  7. A month would be nice. June, I take it?
    1 point
  8. And here I thought I was about to read an article on Lindsay Lohan. In all seriousness, it's always cool to see KI's winter maintenance at work. (It'd be even cooler to see it in person... *nudges Boddah* )
    1 point
  9. 2010 Two new attractions were added to Halloween Haunt in 2010. Wolf Pack (Son of Beast Station) - A haunted house that toured guests through a forest and into a creepy cabin, avoiding the werewolves that stalked them. Included an on-ride photo at the start. --- Half-Pint Brawlers (Festhaus) - Midget wrestling with an excessive amount of blood. Featured ring-side seating for an additional $10. --- --- Returning attractions were Slaughterhouse, Hot Blooded, Cut-Throat Cove, Urgent Scare, Cemetery Drive, Club Blood, Tombstone Terror-tory, Death Row, Trail of Terror, CarnEVIL, Massacre Manor and CornSTALKERS. Ghouls Gone Wild continued performances during the day, but ceased showings during the Haunt hours. Urgent Scare's on-ride photo was moved from the beginning of the house to the end. Club Blood received a new sign. The Beast was "hauntified" with the addition of fog and a "beast" monster. Halloween Haunt 2010 Entrance Display (via KI facebook) 2011 The most recent year for Halloween Haunt and a decent-sized one in terms of expansion. Holiday Horror (Peanuts Playhouse) - A haunted house themed to miscellaneous holidays, including Christmas, Halloween and St. Patrick's Day. Included an "on-ride photo" at the start. Nightmare Alley (Planet Snoopy) - A new scare-zone populated by carnival freaks Mysteria (Red Barn) - A rename and rethemeing of the former Death Row. Featured new lighting effects and an extensive use of Morphsuits. Fright Lane - Not an actual attraction, but instead a new service available to park guests. For an extra fee, visitors were able to shorten their wait for every haunted house/trail. Returning attractions were Club Blood, Wolf Pack, Slaughterhouse, Cut-Throat Cove, Massacre Manor, Urgent Scare, Tombstone Terror-tory, CarnEVIL, Hot Blooded and Half-Pint Brawlers. Trail of Terror did not return. Boo Blasters on Boo Hill remained open during the event and received at least four actors hidden through-out the ride and exit. Cemetery Drive was expanded from Tower Gardens to all of International Street as part of a new scare-zone. Included in this was a minor new attraction, "Buried Alive", with an upcharge of $5. CornSTALKERS was relocated to Tower Gardens. Urgent Scare lost its outdoor segment and its on-ride photo. Club Blood received a new paint job. --- ------------------------------------------------------- - 2012 A new haunted house and several new scare zones were added, as was a new dining experience and a new show. Madame Fatale's Cavern of Terror (The Crypt) - A wax museum style haunted house. Utilized various props from Phantom Theater and The Crypt. On-ride photo included at beginning. Madame Fatale's Dead Inn Feast (The Crypt) - A unique dining experience hosted before the start of Haunt and housed in the former antechamber / preshow rooms of The Crypt. Nightmare Alley (Pathway between International Street and Action Zone) - A generic scare zone with an extensive use of eyeballs. Freak Street (Planet Snoopy) - A new name for 2011's Nightmare Alley. Grimm Blvd. (Action Zone) - A steam punk fairy tale style scare zone Death Drums (Action Zone Water Tower) - A unique music show. Returning attractions were Slaughterhouse, Club Blood, Wolf Pack, Cut-Throat Cove, Massacre Manor, Mysteria, Urgent Scare, CornSTALKERS, Tombstone Terror-tory, CarnEVIL, Holiday Horror, Cemetery Drive, and Hot Blooded. Half-Pint Brawlers did not return, enabling Graveyard Shift to be performed during Haunt hours. Cut-Throat Cove was reversed, placing the entrance near Sling Shot and allowing Viking Fury to remain open at night. The queue was reworked for Tombstone Terror-tory so that guests would enter through the White Water Canyon entrance. -------------------------------- So yep. I may get around to editing and expanding this, but that's the basics right there Hope you enjoyed; feel free to leave a question or comment.
    1 point
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