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Well, as promised, today’s photo set is a little more interesting to look at than yesterdays. (You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life… ) 1974 The Dad in this photo doesn’t look too thrilled to be riding in the car…but I bet in the long run it was a good memory. 2011 As you can see by the cornstalks this photo wasn’t taken at the same time as the others…I didn’t quite get the shot I needed in the summer so I had to retake this one…out of 31 shots this was the only one that I had to do this with. Not bad odds eh?! So, where would I rather be standing today 1974 or 2011…this is one of the few shots where I could go either way. I think the cars would be about as much fun as Surf Dog…if I HAD to choose I would go with 2011 because I know that one of my nephew’s favorite rides (Peanuts Off-Road Rally) is back behind Surf Dog. I hope everyone has a great weekend!5 points
The thing that bothers me has always been the trees. For example, when Tomb Raider: The Ride was built, at least there was an effort to keep a tree line in front of the building. But why wasn't the earth built up around the building, even a third of the way up its sides, then planted with new trees? I understand there's an access area with the garage doors facing The Beast, but painting the building "go-away green," creating a hill that enveloped it, and planting trees around it would've done wonders. Most recently, my problem is Diamondback's splashdown area. It has truly turned Rivertown in a large, open plaza with a concrete pool at the center. Again, I think this would be forgivable if there was a true effort to replace those trees, even if the area wouldn't be grown in for a decade or more. What would be so wrong with a backdrop of pine trees back in their place around the Crypt / Beast side edge of the lake? Instead, a few dogwoods were placed on either side. The result is that what you see there now is approximately what you'll see there in two decades. If real, true trees had been planted (and a lot of them) then the splashdown might actually be able to pass for a real lake, and the train might look as though it's diving beneath the canopies and racing along a pond. As it is, I think Rivertown is the most poorly affected area by the tree thing. It is truly a giant plaza with Diamondback in the center - it's the only ride that crosses a midway, and the only coaster that's not set back off a path. It truly attempts (and succeeds at) dominating the area, which is not always great in my book. But that's just me.2 points
Are you sure your dad wasn't there to present plans to KI for a new area of the park? A counter-proposal to Mr. Brady's, perhaps? I'm sure KI would have consulted a few different firms, not just one. Was your dad carrying any long, cylindrical tubes around the park?2 points
I'm eagerly awaiting KI's schedule. Dollywood's is up, which is understandable since they open in March, & Holiday World's is up (although only 4 of the 11 US SF parks have their's up at this point). I'd like it to be earlier than it was this year, because if it's the last Saturday of April again, I'll have to miss it for the first time in years because we'll be attending a certain KIC member's wedding that day (why did you have to schedule it for that day Stalkerchick?). And if I can't go the following day instead because of the park sellout, that then causes me a dilemma in my tradition of going to HW's opening day, which is always the first Saturday in May... do I go to HW or KI that day? Please, please, please go back to opening earlier this year!2 points
Way back in April I teased that I had purchased a set of photos of the park from 1974. (Random Photo Thread) A lot of the photos are the “same old, same old”…it’s amusing to me that I have seen several different sets of photos that people have taken at the park over the years and it seems like you can count on quite a few people taking the same exact shots. (I wish I could run across someone who liked to take more pictures of the rides back then! ) Anyway, as I was scanning these photos and looking at them I kept thinking to myself just how much the park has changed. (duh) I was also just as amazed of how many of the things that existed all those years ago are still there. This got me thinking…what would these photos look like today if I were standing in the same spot as the person who took them 37 years ago. (Light bulb goes off in head!) I decided to see if I could recreate each of the photos that I had. I could tell that MOST of them would be easy…especially whenever I could use the Eiffel Tower in the background as a point of reference. There were 3 photos that I knew would be impossible for me to recreate…these were taken from The Lion Country Safari monorail. I shared those in TombraiderTy’s (excellent) “Lion Country Safari Spotlight” thread. Due to the fact that EVERYTHING has changed in some of the photos, it became a challenge to figure out exactly where the original photographer would have been standing. (Especially in the Lion Country Safari shots.) To figure this out I poured through old park photos that I have saved up over the years to try and pinpoint each location. As I stated, the Lion Country ones were the toughest…here is how I went about figuring out where to stand to take the new photo: If, after looking at the original photo there was no current visible landmark I would figure out from an old aerial photo of that area where the person was standing when they took the photo….then I would find an exact aerial of the photo of that area today. (Once again, it’s amazing how so many people take the same exact shots year after year.) I would then size match the 2 photos, then layer them, and then make the current photo almost invisible and mark where the person would have been standing and in what direction the camera would have been aimed. After making the top layer visible again I would then be able to see a current landmark to go by. Here is an example of my work in progress: After I had done all of my research, “all” I had to do was take the new photos when I went to the park. In order to do this I came armed with both the copies of my 1974 photos and also my “work” photos of where to stand to get the same shot. In the past I remember a park employee posting on here that security is watching guests a lot more than they think they are. If that truly is the case I would say that the park’s security was not on their toes the day I was taking these photos! I KNOW I had to have looked suspicious while I was completing my mission. I would stop in front of something, start looking at my photos, every now and then holding one up to make sure I was getting everything I needed in the shot. I would then take several shots at varying angles just in case. THEN, since I didn’t want to have to remember if I had or hadn’t taken a certain picture I would walk over to the nearest trash can and throw away any of the photos connected with the one that I had just taken. Tell me this whole scenario wouldn’t have seemed suspicious! I am very proud of how well some of these photos turned out…as you will see some of them are almost an exact match. There are 31 photos in the series. I would say that with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 I really am within’ 3 feet of where the original photo was taken. There is room for error on some of the shots…even though I could pinpoint where to stand…in some of the photos where there was no remaining landmark from 1974 I had to make my “best guess” on the direction of the photo…where even tilting the camera a few inches gives you a different photo altogether. (I will point out the couple of times when this came up.) I PLAN on posting one comparison shot set a day. (Not counting weekends.) BUT, there are 2 conditions! #1. If you feel that I have made an error by all means point it out. (Even though I THINK I have done my homework I do not for one second feel that I am infallible.) BUT if you do think/know that I have made a mistake…PLEASE point it out in a NICE way. And #2, which is a BIG condition! (And some may say selfish.) When I started this project I was excited about sharing these with this community…I must admit that that excitement level has dropped CONSIDERABLY since then…so much that I was REALLY close to bypassing posting them here and just sharing these photos directly to a select few. The reason I say this is because SO many of the viewer’s remind me of that old line from Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”…”Here we are now, entertain us”. Many members seem to have lost what made this site so special “back in the day”…courtesy to their fellow members. Over the last year I have seen a disgusting lack of consideration for the posters who have went to a lot of effort to put together either special features or trip reports. These posters spent quite a bit of time putting these together for our benefit and what do they usually get out of it, almost nothing. (I long ago gave up making trip reports.) Here are screen-grabs from the latest trip reports: Look at the difference between the views and the replies! Those numbers just scream inconsiderate…or lazy…take your pick. If a member has the time to punch on a topic, that member should also have enough time to post a simple “Thanks”…or at the VERY least hit the “Like” button to show that the author’s effort was appreciated. SO, here’s where I stand…after spending a nice sum of money to purchase these original photos, then spending time scanning them, digging up old research photos, using a few hours of my (limited) time at the park to take the new shots…and finally putting this whole thing together…J.D. (that’s me) is NOT playing the “Here we are now, entertain us” game. For all of the above reasons I feel like I should be able to rate a little consideration and know that my efforts were not in vain. I DEMAND interaction…and here is how it will work. I will keep posting a new set of photos each day as long as I get a certain amount of either comments OR “Likes” each day. (And just like the park won’t disclose the maximum amount of Fast Lane passes it will sell…I won’t say what my minimum is…but it’s not much.) I am NOT asking for, nor do I want any condescending “Oh this is just the greatest thing ever…” type comments. I am simply looking for a little proof that someone is out there enjoying my work…or else why do I need to bother to keep posting them? I would be happiest to see a little interaction with comments about how someone feels about the changes in the park…but I will settle for a simple click of the Like button. So…will all that said and done…here are today’s shots: 1974 I STILL miss the tunnel walkway…it is one of the few things that I can still remember from my first trip to the park way back in the 70’s. 2011 I thought it was amazing how many structures had survived after all these years. As I looked at each set of photos I would sit back and think…where would I rather be standing…back in 1974 or 2011. With this set of pictures it was pretty easy. 1974 wins easily, to me the area looks serene…and a more consistent theme throughout the area. I HOPE that everyone enjoys the (hopefully) upcoming photos…and just like the Son of Beast posts…I am going to beat this horse one last time: P.S. Looking at a lot of these photos as a "fade in, fade out" type of slide show was (in my opinion) neat...some of the photos are so close you can see key structures change before your eyes. I TRIED to come up with a way also throw on a slide show version but I couldn't figure that out...so if someone else knows how feel free. EDIT: Hendrick was nice enough to slideshow these photos for me/us! Thanks!!!1 point
Few things; 1. keep in mind one should try to please everyone but understand that some you can not please oh matter what. Therefore do not punish the grateful because of the ungrateful otherwise the ungrateful numbers will grow.Don loves Kings Island and is very proud to share it, I have heard him express a few ideas on what he thinks enthusiast may enjoy so do not be surprised for an invitation some time down the road. 2. Keep in mind a KICentral get together does not necessarily be at KI this year as there is not much to show there other than dirt. I think a bowling or another event gathering is always fun to do during February. If there is something to show then maybe Don may be open t a quick tour followed by a dinner get together or a evening of bowling. 3 Personal note here; I have been a bit absent for the most part the past month here and that is due to a combination of factors although I have responded to PM or spam notifications as they came up. Sorry to be MIA for this past few weeks and look forward to catching up on what I have been missing out on. I just needed some time to make a few life adjustments with the family and business not because of anything that came up but more because it was just time to give both those issues some extra special attention. Also during that time I have decided to do something for myself in the form of taking care of my health and started a diet and exercise regime. I decided to start now so I would be fit by the time KI Soak City opens. I ordered a new treadmill on Black Friday and started using it already, the best part of it is I can browse KIC will jogging on it. Look forward to getting back on here amongst friends.1 point
1 point
Thanks for doing this Standbyme. This is has quickly become my favorite topic on the board.1 point
1 point
The flats at CP are very good! Power Tower, MaXair, Calypso, Matterhorn, Ocean Motion, WindSeeker, Giant Wheel, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. CP has won those Golden Ticket Awards for a reason. Good point! And they certainly didn't win them because of that incredibly accurate voting process or the pages of advertisements.1 point
1 point
Thank you for taking the time to tell me! You and me both! Today’s photo set is the complete opposite of yesterdays…whereas in yesterdays set it was hard to find hardly anything interesting to look at, in today’s it’s hard to know where to start! 1974 Coney Mall in 1974 was perfection. 2011 Excluding International Street, I would think that Coney Mall has the most remnants left over from 1974. Where would I rather be standing today…1974 or 2011? Is there ANYONE reading this that would choose 2011? I don’t care if I wouldn’t have Flight of Fear or Firehawk...I would trade those in a heartbeat for that amazing landscaping…not to mention Skee Ball, The Flying Eagles…and NO Subway!1 point
I miss the music. Nuff said there; but what else is sadly gone is how Kings Island used to be isolated from the sprawl. That is, Mason, Landen, South Lebanon and Deerfield Township hadn't yet boomed into the near asphalt jungle' of today (tongue in cheek). Seriously, though, the park used to be 'out in the country,' so to speak. Beyond the 'fringes of the suburbs' and just inside the 'far unlit unknown' (quoting Neil Peart loosely) The Eiffel Tower once dominated the night sky, bathed in bright lights. Now, it looks tiny, dim, just another object amid thousands of ordinary streetlights of the now-intrusive surrounding communities. Not that that's a bad thing necessarily (I understand that you just can't stop progress), but it did add to the 'magic' of the park in years gone by.1 point
Today’s photo set isn’t really a great way to start out the week...but it is what it is, sorry. 1974 2011 There is not a whole lot to look at in either photo...about the only thing that I can appreciate in the 1974 photo is that it shows just how intricate the bushes were around the fountain. Where I would rather be standing today is easy. In my opinion there is no contest between 1974 & 2011...1974 not only has nicer landscaping at the foot of the fountain...it doesn’t have any flagpoles blocking the fountains view. I am not un-patriotic...I just liked the unobstructed view of the fountain better. (I wish the park would have put the a single larger U.S. flag at the head of the fountain instead.) I am guessing that there are several KIC’ers who will choose to be back in 1974 if only because there isn’t a Keyhole Photo booth in the shot! P.S. Thanks to all of the responses that I received over the last few days...and once again, again...thanks to Hendrick for continuing to give ME something to look forward to daily!1 point
All the more shocking that Marcia snitched on Greg for smoking-Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!!!( LOL.)1 point
Today’s photo set pretty much speaks for itself...not too much I can add. I will say that this one was SO easy to find the exact spot to stand in it was ridiculous...but even with that, I PURPOSELY didn’t match the shot exactly. In my 2011 shot I bent down a little...otherwise a lot of the photo would have been of the orange “Finish” sign. This is the only photo in the series that I felt it was better not to match as close as I could. (That is why the trough in the foreground is farther away.) 1974 2011 Where would I rather be standing today? I can’t really say. I like parts of the 1974 look...like the clearly visible stone arches by the water...but the 2011 version is nice and colorful. The thing that MIGHT sway me to 2011 is the thought of those long 1974 lines! I haven’t said this in 3 days...so I would just like to say that I sincerely appreciate the ACTIVE participants in this thread...even if it’s “only” a simple click of the “Like” button.1 point
Thank you to everyone who responded…it does mean a lot to me, sincerely. (Although some of the responses are SO hopeful they almost scare me…I hope that the pictures don’t eventually let some of you down.) As I mentioned, quite a few of them are the “same old, same old”…at least that’s the way I see them. PLEASE do keep in mind that I have not posted the 1974 photos before…so even if the 2011 shot is “boring”…at least you have an unseen old shot to look at….which leads me to today’s photos! This is a shot of one of the island’s in Lion Country Safari. TombraiderTy’s Lion Country Safari thread was a great assist with some of these photos! As Ty pointed out, the islands were supposed to look like a monkey’s face…this would be a shot of the “right eye” island. (I hope.) This was a tough one. I went through several old shots and attempted to match the park benches in the background and the type of tree that is on this island. There is room for error with this shot...but I THINK I got it right...what say you Ty? 1974 2011 And today here we stand outside of the line for Congo Falls. About the only thing that looks somewhat the same (to me) is that you can still see an embankment in the background. Thanks to Hendrick: As for where I would rather be standing…1974 or 2011, today I choose 2011. As much as the island is interesting, I love Congo Falls SO much I would give up looking at the turtles & birds in a heartbeat…plus it doesn’t look like they themselves are probably having a great time being confined to that little area all the time. I hope it does, I have been counting on it!1 point
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