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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2011 in all areas

  1. It is my unfortunate responsibiity to inform you that Morgan Judd, a talented young dancer who was featured in Hot Summer Nights this past season, has passed away. On behalf of myself and the KIC Universe, I offer our thoughts and prayers to her friends and family.
    3 points
  2. Thanks to everyone for all the interaction yesterday...I liked reading all of the comments. Today's photo set is another one of those which only the 1974 shot is fun to look at...but hopefully that is enough. 1974 It's weird how wide open it looks. 2011 I am sorry for this lackluster shot. By the time I got around to taking this shot the sun was not in a great spot for a nice photo. With my limited time at the park there was no turning back with this photo. I thought about retaking one when I came back in October but I didn't want a shot with all of the fall colors & Halloween decorations. This is TRULY an example where my photo doesn't do this area justice. The odd thing about today's photo set is that if I only went by these photos I would choose to be back in 1974....but as I have stated before, I love the trees along the fountain...so today 2011 gets my vote again. P.S. The next 2 days of photo sets will be better than this one so hang in there!
    3 points
  3. I love old bumps...i find them interesting and this topic is so! Look at how many members selected Tomb Raider: The Ride (now Crypt) as their favorite ride in the entire park....my how times can change, and fast.
    1 point
  4. Can't you just imagine this in the Museum of KI History - JD's photo's as mounted 11x14 prints side by side, with Hendricks fades playing underneath on a tv screen - all surrounding a scale model of the park from the early 70's. In the next room, various signs/ride vehicles/images from rides gone by, followed by ... Sorry, here I go dreaming again - although I still say it would be an awesome attraction.
    1 point
  5. EXCELLENT reference! (But aren't you being a little anti-Kings Island digging up old thrown away Nick characters to reference?! ) A more proper comment might have been "I bet most people here only get rocks"....wah wah wah WAH wah WAH. No, really, I'm just being, um.. nostalgic?
    1 point
  6. Everyday, I save this topic for when I get to my MacBook One of those funny things that probably 1/2 of us here do. J.D. Ki should give you a free pass or something for this. Even if your... nostalgia leaning
    1 point
  7. Mature trees are nice, but I-Street in '74 looked like an interesting place to be versus the walk-by it has become today. I know, there are times when I enjoy sitting by the fountains and people watching, enjoying the scenery, but I think it looks like there was more to it than that. Thanks again for the efforts of JD and Hendrick on this thread - it makes me go to the computer (v. just the iPhone) to log on to KIC every day.
    1 point
  8. Hey guys. I got a chance to go to my second coaster enthusiast event, ACE Northern Ohio's Holiday Party, yesterday. I'm not an ACE member, but the experience seemed like a fun birthday present for myself (as I had a birthday on Black Friday). It's the first time I've ever been inside a park when it's closed, and it was a really neat experience. There's something oddly peaceful and equally interesting about an entirely silent, closed park, and I really hope I get a chance to experience it again sometime soon. (On that note, I'm incredibly bummed I can't make it to GOCC's KI event this weekend... I bet KI is just as interesting in its own way.) I don't know how I'd write an actual PTR for this since it was just CP's Bryan Edwards leading us around Millennium Force, Maverick, and the Frontier Trail answering questions, with a meal and presentations later at Kalahari, so I'll just share some photos. Enjoy! Some of my favorites: Man, I miss Blue Streak. Shot of the lift hill base from under the station. They must have removed the catch car, because I couldn't see it anywhere. Artsy shot of the CP&LE RR. Short lines today. The ride's final hill, from the side you don't usually see inside the park. Under the lift hill. Not an angle you usually see if the lift. I thought it was cool, though it would look better with a train, in my opinion. Then we walked along the train tracks to Maverick. As you can see, the sky was perfect for picture taking. Maverick's heartline ro--no, wait... The first drop, which looks, oddly enough, more intense from underneath than from the midway. Probably one of my favorite shots of the day. Again, I feel like it could be improved with a train, but c'est la vie. I don't think I could exactly have asked them to send a train. The world needs more solar flare. Also one of my favorite shots. Bonus round: for ten points, can you name what ride this is? There are several more pictures to be found on my Flickr, so head that way if you'd like to see more. I've got several more shots of Millennium, Maverick, Snake River Falls, Shoot the Rapids, and the Frontier Trail. I had a blast. Hearing representatives from CP, Waldameer, Kennywood, and Kalahari was a whole lot more interesting than I'd bargained. I even scored a flag off the lift hill of Ravine Flyer II! (Guess that means I finally have to get around to visiting Waldameer next year... Man, they just had to go and twist my arm like that, didn't they. ) Hope you enjoyed the photos!
    1 point
  9. Another photo set, another week! Back when I posted the shot from Congo Falls of Stunt Crew Grill I mentioned that it was 1 of 2 photos in this series that I couldn't duplicate exactly because it would be illegal to stand where the original photo was taken...today's photo is the second photo. I could not stand exactly where the original photographer did. I am guessing that the 1974 photo was taken from the old exit of The Racer, so to have taken the exact photo I would of had to stand in the grass area next to The Racer's queue house.(Is that what's it's called?) I do think I came pretty close...but the angle is not quite right. 1974 2011 Where I would rather be standing today is no contest. I love in the 1974 photo how the viewers/watchers could stand so close to the train as it was getting ready to head up the hill. (That would have been a great photo/video op!) Plus since The Racer has the cool red, white & blue paintjob, 1974 wins by a mile! Once again...since I haven't annoyed anyone by saying it for a few days...thanks to everyone for the comments and "Likes"...it keeps my enthusiasm going. Also, thanks again to Hendrick for continuing to make the fades!
    1 point
  10. EXCELLENT reference! (But aren't you being a little anti-Kings Island digging up old thrown away Nick characters to reference?! ) A more proper comment might have been "I bet most people here only get rocks"....wah wah wah WAH wah WAH.
    1 point
  11. ^By your definition, the helicopters around Planet Snoopy are coasters.
    1 point
  12. Definitely my favorite one so far.
    1 point
  13. And yet, at one time, the flume, a Coney Island original, was going to be removed. Announcement was made, last rides (rites?) were given, and the ride closed. Thank goodness that decision got changed....
    1 point
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