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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2012 in all areas

  1. I'm sure it's been mentioned, but I LOVE the change to The Racer! Basically, instead of choosing before entering the que if you are going red or blue, you go to the station and choose a side. The giant wall separating the sides is gone, and while that may sound incredibly minor, it's not, especially if you are going with a group of three or more. What we did is simple, but so fun - my son and my buddy's son went to the blue racer. My and my buddy went to the red. We lined up so we were in the exact same position, but on different trains. As we went up the hill we were yelling at each other about how we were going to 'win'. The kids were laughing their heads off, and it added so, so much to the ride. THANK YOU, Kings Island! A very minor modification that made a great ride a lot better!
    1 point
  2. Prime time it is not.The highly competent hands must not be available to work on Funperks. My favorite perk would be to have no PAPARAZZI when i walk in and around the front of the park!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  3. ^ Maybe try Flying Ace Aerial Chase, Surf Dog, or Woodstock Express.
    1 point
  4. Just came across a pic from 2008:
    1 point
  5. ^Really? Must everything be about SOB?
    1 point
  6. Is correctness like accuracy and productiveness like productivity? Terpy, who et at Mirch Masala today, and is headed for Sheridan's Frozen Custard. http://www.mirchmasaladecatur.com/
    1 point
  7. I know a water ride was there before, but I believe a nicely themed Shoot The Rapids type ride would be perfect for that area. (Of course make sure it works!)
    1 point
  8. ^ It's much easier to peel off the stickers and reapply.
    1 point
  9. Dan Patrick is on fox sports radio. No longer is he with ESPN
    1 point
  10. I just found this site today and all I can say is wow and thanks to Standbyme and Hendricks for the effort to compare the past and present. Sadly since I'll be 50 this year I go clear back to Coney Island and can remember some of the things that carried over. In the 74 pictures of what was originally called Coney Island most of the flat rides along with the ginko trees were carried over. The one thing I'm surprised by is that no one mentioned the reprofile of The Racer by removing the head choppers before the brake run. Everybody I mention them to doesn't seem to remember them, I think they were removed during the Paramont days. Would have been nice to reprofile that secrion for it's 40th anniversary. Thanks again.
    1 point
  11. Sorry I never posted StandByMe - excellent work, I was in awe and nostalgia. Since I was in highschool when the park opened, I've seen all of this and boy did it bring back memories! I definitely miss the 'vine tunnel' over near rivertown. They still have the one at Carowinds, so it was quite nice to relive the memories on our visit last year. I'm happy to see also, that Cedar Fair mgmt seems to be 're-theming' the park, hiding the mechanics again, and bringing the magic back, and they seem to be doing it without running off their cash-cow demographic (teenagers). Again, thanks for all the hard work - this is simply splendid.
    1 point
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