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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2014 in all areas
13 points
Will they be taking the company car? Parody; images from multiple sources. For expression only.12 points
Non-riders who claim that they won't ride roller coasters because they're dangerous. Bonus points if they are a parent who sits and waits while they let their children on these alleged death traps and who participated in an exponentially more dangerous activity by driving to the park that morning... Thanks, local news media, for falsely convincing people that one of the safest forms of amusement you can find is apparently dangerous...11 points
From the article linked to the in the original post: ... Really? I think Action Park made the same assumption.10 points
9 points
8 points
I don't think Verruckt is attracting anyone to the park so far this year. They should take out that second 'r' and replace it with an 'F'.8 points
If you listen to news reports you would think every ride is deadly lol. There's another pet peeve, news stations blowing small issues at a theme park way out of proportion.8 points
Crepe hangers. Misinformed people telling other riders that people died on what ride and when. They make it sound like Vortex ends with a guillotine. The parents that sit on a bench during Haunt and let their kids, that invariably smell of urine, stand on the rails in line in front of you so that you, too, can appreciate the urine smell full blast. Smokers outside of the personalized, comfy coral that was devised for them and only them. Attention mongers- girls that laugh too hard and falsely in line, etc., The Mad Max Stroller Brigade. I understand that having a kid makes you the Only Person in the Universe, but to me, my shins are real, and that metal bar you use as a weapon hurts.8 points
Go to a park expecting great rides and a great time, you'll probably get it. Go expecting crap rides and not to be impressed, that's likely, too. Enjoy Raptor!7 points
Netting Overhead? Awesome. One can take that first hill really hard and launch themselves out of the raft and grab onto the netting like trying to clear the cargo net in American Ninja Warriors. Just make sure you don't wear yourself out on it because there are a few more obstacles left. Attach some ropes and slides and you got a children's' play area all in one.7 points
7 points
I disagree with these posts, strongly. As children, my brother and I got to do everything we wanted to in HB Land on each trip to KI, then my parents got their turn to ride the coasters that they enjoyed. While we didn't get to ride those coasters because we weren't tall enough, my brother and I were always fascinated with them and enjoyed just watching them run their course. Plus we got to spend time together as a family in line. And it taught us that the world doesn't revolve around us; why should we be the only ones who get to ride what we want to? Why shouldn't we share the joy of a trip to KI with our parents by letting them ride the rides that they like? As my parents would roll into the station, they were typically greeted with us geeking out just as much or moreso than they did while riding the ride as we grilled them with questions about how high up they were, how fast they went, and what the heck it's like to go upside-down. I mean think about what some of you are saying. You'd rather get a sitter than get to spend that time with your child(ren) while also getting to enjoy the rides that you like? "Have you heard of parenting??" Shame on all of you who question the parenting methods of any parent who does that. I feel like my parents have been personally attacked on here, and they're not here to defend themselves. It's one thing to say "I wouldn't do that with my kid(s)". I can respect anyone that has a different philosophy, even if I might disagree. But to say things like "have they heard of parenting??" crosses the line of "I disagree" and into the realm of a personal attack.7 points
7 points
...and better topography, but for Lake Erie. No seagulls were harmed in the making of this post.6 points
Does this statement not concern anyone else? This is a quote from the park, FLEW OFF THE SLIDE. Seriously that is not good. Amazed at the poor engineering done on this thing, along with this the wrong calculations is a second concern. Did they Google the calculations? We all know everything on the internet is accurate. Then again if I were building attraction like this I would have hired a firm with expertise in the water slide industry or maybe those respected companies wouldn't build an attraction like this. Hmmm a certain Son had the same issue.6 points
This is no more out of place than seeing a plush Olaf being offered as a prize at the goblet cup game in Coney Mall.6 points
Sometimes those claims are validated, like when a guest claims their son rode a ride earlier in the day and has an on ride photo to prove it. That's an interesting situation to try and smooth over.6 points
I dislike the line jumpers, spitters, and the people smoking in a non-designated area. I would really like to just pull the cigarette out of their mouth, throw it on the ground, and proceed to step on it.6 points
I enjoyed the kiddie pens back in my under 48" days, honest. My pet peeves are: -People's lack of knowledge on lightning -Guest (typicaly high schoolers) who think the midway is a fashion rumway. I once saw someone replying her makeup while walking as her friend guided her through the crowd. -The need to bring ones whole life into the park. -People who don't pause for the playing of the national anthem6 points
What also upsets me is when a kid is to young/small to ride and their parents make them wait in line with them and then sit in the corner in the station while they ride it! Have they heard of parenting?? I feel like going up to these kids and giving them hugs!6 points
6 points
6 points
Pre-teens and teens, usually but not always girls, who squeal shrilly in mock fear on coasters, frequently right in my ear--Please shut up.6 points
As a parent, I feel it is important to tea h my son many many things. Part of this teaching will be about waiting and being part of a group. If that means they must wait in a line and not get the enjoyment out of the ride, then that happens. Plus it's not like we are talking about a 3 year old in the corral. Many times they are 6/7/8/9 years of age. Old enough to scream for help if someone is stealing them. But when you get have kids, you will know your kid and what they can handle. The parent swap at Disney seems to be one of the greatest inventions ever made.5 points
*pushes glasses up on nose and cracks open the official Marvel handbook* SHIELD is a government (sometimes world) agency with Nick Fury as director. The Avengers are a group of supers who get together to fight bad guys. Shield does work with them in the way they ask for help or tell them where to go. But many times in the comics, Avengers and Shield don't always see eye to eye.5 points
Hitting a net a 65 or whatever miles per hour could break someone's neck.5 points
Really? I'd rather see Scooby-Doo than the Avengers..Don't want to make waves but..yeah.5 points
Nevertheless, it's interesting that Disney would sign an agreement allowing them into non-Disney amusement park(s). They traditionally have been rather protective of these rights. It does make a lot of business sense, though. The Avengers get promoted ahead of the property's next film, and KI's guests get an appearance that many will enjoy. Presumably KI is making money from the promotion as well.5 points
Wonder if they will come down and visit the Super Friends at the Cincinnati Museum Center (aka Hall of Justice)5 points
Actually to keep the trains from flying off the track. The restraint systems act to keep the guests in the trains.5 points
Don't roller coasters have wheels under the track to keep guests from flying off? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk5 points
If an elevator got stuck in a building for 4 hours, would it be news? Hardly; at least these people got water/snacks while they had to wait around though I'm guessing bathrooms are not an option. Inconvenience for sure, but nothing close to being stuck on WindSeeker for multiple hours. And then there's the issue who brings up the conversation to establish a "pee corner."5 points
The pens might be boring (I don't remember them myself, but I always had a parent or older sibling with me). Maybe there should be an interactive, large-screen interface with the ORP cameras, where kids can watch for their parents on the screen and "zap" them as they go by, making the picture that much more fun for all. It would be entertaining to see all the little circles pop up on the screen as the trains go by. Maybe there could be two or three of these passes along the track, so kids have 2-3 chances to get a good pic. Probably already exists somewhere.5 points
Actually my daughter had a few good experiences with the "Kiddy Pens". She actually asked me to go ride AE(which she wasen't tall enough for yet) while she waited in the KP because she wanted to watch her daddy ride it to see what its like, even if she only got to see me leaving and coming back to the station. She said it looked neat afterwards and told me she wanted to ride it when she was tall enough(which she did, over and over and over :-) )5 points
I pretty much hate every single person at the amusement park, fair, etc. on the days that I choose to go. You too buddy!5 points
The idea with parent swap is that one parent waits in line while the other takes care of the child elsewhere. The latter parent boards via the exit, handing the kid off to the first parent.5 points
Parents who force their young kids to go on rides. I hate seeing kids crying and terrified to ride all because a parent wants to ride it and forces them to go on it too.5 points
The only thing that really bothers me is a lack of personal hygiene from others. Other than that, I refuse to let other people ruin my day. Although I am a naturally laid-back and easy going person anyway...5 points
If some parents didn't lie, that would be true. But they do: * You are tall enough to ride, it's the mean ride operator! * He rode it this morning (last week, last year).5 points
5 points
And some enthusiasts question again and again why parks go to B&M over and over for large coasters. Their rides just work. And open on time. And have an incredible safety record. Yes, they come at premium prices. But, as is often the case, you get no more than you pay for. Pay less, get less. B&M: The engineering goes in before the first footing does. Yes, this is a water attraction. But, extensive computer modeling should have predicted this. It's not 1950.5 points
Cedar Fair bought Geauga Lake. How'd that work out? Terp, who likes to ask questions.4 points
Think about how much cooler a ride it would be if the area was very nicely landscaped with an antique car ride.4 points
People that feel the need to read every text they get loudly and same with the texts they send. Ex. "WE ARE AT THE [salty Language] BEAST!"4 points
Hey all, Just wanted to give a thanks to all the team members and those who support A Kid Again also the ones that do the fund raiser Coasting for Kids. We are a Kid Again family and also a Give Kids The World Village alum. We have been part of A Kid Again for 11 years now and loved every event they have done. We also stayed at Give Kids The World Village on my son's Make A Wish trip in 2003 and my daughter's Make A Wish trip in 2010. I will say with out support from everyone these magical days couldn't happen. Every little bit helps. I know for the team members it is a busy day for them, I know it slows dispatches for the rides because of slow transfers and all but I know these kids love every second of being at the park. For those that enjoy the Coasting for Kids event I know it is a blast I did it in 2011. I have not been able to do the event due to work these past years but next year going to try. But when these kids get their wish granted from Make A Wish or any other wish granting organization I will say they are having as much fun if not more. Like I said we benefited twice. I know first hand what this village is all about and anytime I can help in anyway I will. Once again huge thanks to you all. If anyone wants to see our pictures from Give Kids The World Village let me know. Also if you want to chat about it look me up here.4 points
I feel like if I were a parent who wanted to go to Kings Island, I would consider only two options: 1) Go to the park and ride only rides that the little one is willing and able to ride, and enjoy seeing the happiness on my child's face 2) Hire a sitter for the day I don't even like the idea of parent swap, to be honest. Though the kid doesn't have to wait alone, you're still making them wait in line for a ride they can't/don't want to ride, and that still rubs me the wrong way. Though when I have kids, I plan on getting them into amusement parks as early as possible and get them on coasters before they are given any reason to see roller coasters as scary. I feel like kids are only afraid of coasters because they have friends or family who say that they are afraid of them, which in a young mind, can make a child fear something. If a kid doesn't realize there is anything to be afraid of, they shouldn't have any reason to be afraid, if that makes sense.4 points
4 points
And game barkers and ride ops with mikes who think they are the entertainment. Guests who don't wear deodorant. People who talk and/or play with cellphones during shows. People who congregate at ride entrances and won't move. Enthusiasts who have to bore everyone in the park with their "knowledge," much of which is frequently very wrong. Being with a group that keeps engaging in long discussions about what to ride next.4 points
For me it would be kids running around the park instead of walking. People walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk, this isn't England anyways. People making a full line across the pathway to where you have to turn sideways just to walk through them. And finally parents that sit there and let their kids climb on the railings in the queue lines like it's their own personal gym, my 4 year old will ask if she can do it when she see's a kid directly next to her doing it and I will tell her no, when she asks why the other kids can do it I tell her it's because she's better than that and I am not shy about it.4 points
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