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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. That doesn't surprise me. Back to CP: while I was there last week they hoisted a giant curtain around the new tower during the day but took it down at night. Made it almost look like a cooling tower for nuclear power plant, kind of creepy. It didn't look like they had done any painting. Is it just to shield whatever work is being done for the GP?
  2. Well I stand corrected then. Some urban areas still use water towers. But is sure sounds like what you are describing is storage tanks on top of buildings for use in a particular building, not municipal water towers used to store water for distribution. Interesting because I have never seen a visible water tower on a non-industrial building in St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, or Columbus. Granted none of those are east coast or southern cities.
  3. A. You call Mason urban? We must have different definitions of urban. Unless the letter carrier walks his route it is definitely not urban. B. You won't find one within the city limits of St. Louis, and I can't think of one until you get into the far, far burbs of St. Louis County, like Eureka. You will find 3 narrow towers that were decommissioned way back around 1912. They are kept for their architectural significance such as the the on N. grand that is the worlds largest free standing Corinthian Tower.
  4. With some bar napkin math that comes out to roughly 300 cubits.
  5. Maybe adding an Ark to complete the encounter.
  6. ^ it's in Breakers and not on the meal plan. They aren't just regular chicken tenders they are Chef Nathan Chicken Tenders. There is a difference you know.
  7. ^ You didn't? It goes slower as well.
  8. ^ if you want one for $50 you better attempt to pass off as one.
  9. That was the first random thought that crossed my mind when I saw the axe in the MS video and I have no doubt many others did as well. Fun to joke about but moving a woodie is not cheap and probably wouldn't save much money over building something from the ground up. It's almost 30 years old. Many are absolutely certain about an RMC job, I am skeptical,
  10. What is "healthy" depends on the individual. For instance, one with blood sugar or gluten issues the offending ingredient at subway would be the bread. There are options but they are limited and often spread far apart so consensus is difficult. I need ultra low carb, my wife is celiac, my oldest is just plain picky and my youngest eats a ton of food but can't eat a lot at one sitting. For the most part I have given up on trying to have "family meal" time at the park. The only exception we found was Market Cafe at CP. So what ever happened to the "Famous Chefs" CF hired for each park they were promoting earlier this year?
  11. Kids are people too and pay admission. Although they frequently have more in common with wild animals, or Beasts in the woods.
  12. ^^ I was at SDC a few times as a kid as well so I could very well be remembering that. Need to get back there soon.
  13. IIRC as a kid at SFSTL in the early 70s some outlaws stopped the train briefly for a robbery. Pointing fake guns at passengers would probably not go over very well these days. Different times.
  14. ^ which would indicate that it will not be extremely "thrilling" and rather tame. Maybe it will just be the Wyndham Wyzard in there creeping everyone out.
  15. Agreed but to most of the GP it does. 1st time I was at CP I thought Gemini was until I got closer to it, a mine train is more obvious.
  16. It doesn't make sense to me that nothing will be replacing MS in that spot relatively soon with all the hype and "celebration". The STR removal was just quietly acknowledged.
  17. ^I am somewhat intrigued by this and some similar ideas but my concern is increasing the frequency of "protein spills". Those cyclinders don't make me sick but extremely disoriented.
  18. LaRosas has a decent AntiPasto salad. The best salad at Kings Island is at Reds Hall of Fame Grill. The buffalo chicken salad is even on the dining plan. Will have to give those a try. Thanks.
  19. Vortex also has to much of a history of banging people around to ignore. It really cut short our trip a couple of weeks ago. Instead of Thrill Levels we need Risk Levels. Save the Risk Level 11 rides for the end of the day if it is your first time.
  20. Again this is a 1% issue about Cedar Fair Foof Disservice. Most people don't care and just want their cheese on a stick. Most fast food isn't any healthier. Have you looked at American's waistlines? (Including my own) On top of that if you really have a serious issue with their food, they will allow you to bring your own and store it at first aid I believe.
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