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    Coasters (obviously), reading, mythology, music, Star Wars, and the MCU.

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  1. I doubt that the removal has anything to do with the lawsuit (given that the other Cedar Fair parks with Funtime attractions are still in operation), although I'm sure Kings Island has just saved a lot of money on future hard to find parts if Funtime loses the lawsuit.
  2. While I doubt KI has immediate plans to build a coaster behind Orion and FoF, I could easily imagine a couple of sci-fi flats to fill out the area. While I'm not as well versed on flat rides as I am on coasters, I could imagine a Musik Express-type ride fitting in well with the theme. Edit to add: I did a quick search of flat rides and found Zamperla's flat pages section of their website. I think a Giant Air Race would fit as well. Link to Zamperla's website
  3. I don't believe that this is worthy enough of its own thread, but apparently Coaster Nation has posted images of additional clearing around Timberwolf near most of the original markers. CN mentioned that trees had been removed from both berns surrounding the amphitheater, with "extensive" land work "from the northernmost section" of the amphitheater to the maintenance sheds for the monorail. Additional paths lining the southern bern were also removed. Because of Timberwolf's close location to the utility work done last year, is it possible that Timberwolf gets removed in the near future? Spirit Song is not happening this year, and if it does not happen in the future, it could easily be removed. The greying out of Canada Wonderland's Timberwolf venue on a park map for this year is also worth noting here as well. (If mods see this as worthy of its own thread -- feel free to move this!)
  4. It's finally here and I'm so excited!
  5. Unless someone is willing to invent Star Trek transportation, I am too far away here in Florida for that. If someone does invent it before then, just beam me up, Scotty. It probably won't be the weirdest part of the announcement.
  6. If anyone is willing to brave the rain and has an hour to kill, can we see if there are any teasers up on the fence? Also if we don't see teasers by Friday (4 weeks before National Roller Coaster Day) I'm pulling the same strategy that I use when waiting for new Star Wars content: Wait and see. We know a coaster is coming, and I'm sure anyone who watches WCPO/reads their website knows one is coming as well. Word of mouth is a teaser in certain ways.
  7. A modern Intamin would be cool, but I'm nervous that these newer shuttle coasters would be a capacity nightmare. I'd be interested in seeing something like Maverick as an upcoming attraction but I feel that a family coaster will definitely come first.
  8. Definitely not related to coasters, but someone was screaming "Don't forget to like and subscribe!" on Delirium while I was passing yesterday, and while I'm sure said person was joking, it was still funny.
  9. Food tents are still up, the tape has peeled off while leaving marks on the pavers, and you can still see streamers in the trees, but otherwise it looks like nothing happened.
  10. Did another lightning strike hit the park early this morning? My mom and I drove past the park just now on Kings Island Drive and only saw Banshee and Eiffel Tower running. The only reason I ask is that my mother said there was a wicked thunderstorm around 1 am this morning.
  11. I had a great time at the parade last night! I got to participate in the part where they get people to dance, and for that I want to thank the person (one of the people dressed as a chef towards the front of the floats) for letting me participate. Was I too old to participate in the dancing (at the age of a young adult)? Probably, but it was still a special moment!
  12. The park probably learned its lesson after we managed to leak two sets of blueprints and has given the city an ultimatum to not tell us that information. On a more serious note, it seems that construction outside of the station doesn't normally start until after we get an announcement, so I'd say that we might see them in a couple of weeks. If anyone has more experience, feel free to correct me.
  13. Does anyone have any clue to why we're seeing more trees knocked down as of now? We've seen what we believe to be the layout of this ride, so could X-Base be getting some flats as well (in tune to what CF did with the area where Copperhead Strike was placed, for instance) or is this just something ordinary (thinking of last year's venture in the Giga Speculation Thread where trees were being cleared by The Beast just because of termites or something like that).
  14. As an autistic person, I could say that I would definitely enjoy this. (Although I do enjoy a certain amount of spontaneity from time to time.) In other news, I recently bought a fannypack (for whatever reason, they're a trend again) with the intent of taking it into the park when I'm finally up in Ohio. If I tried riding it on Banshee or Mystic Timbers, would I be told to go to a locker or would they let me on with it?
  15. I don't understand why everyone is underwhelmed by stats. We could have an intense ride (see I-305) with B&M reliability. If Steel Vengeance wasn't to our north, people would probably consider something like what I mentioned above the best thing since sliced bread.
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