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Everything posted by CoastersRZ

  1. I find Firehawk to be a thrilling and fun ride, and provides a unique coaster that the general public really seems to like (even if most of them think it came from Cedar Point ). I`ve ridden Firehawk three times, waiting five, three and two hours respectively. I haven`t found that my wait times were a waste of time. I thoroughly enjoy the ride. And as others have said, that pretty much seems to be the consensus among riders.
  2. Well, the last words that I heard from the park several weeks ago, they were hoping to open the ride by the end of June. I don`t know how realistic that is/was. But we shall see.
  3. In the Action Zone, they sell soft serve ice cream at the Ice Scream Zone. It is the building that is located immediately adjacent to Delirium`s exit (on the right when exiting Delirium).
  4. Well, from what I`ve heard, it is not a complete car that is in the station. Needless to say, they are working on the new trains for the ride.
  5. Agreed. If they can use both loading platforms, it will increase capacity as they won`t have a train sitting on the brake run for a minute waiting for the other train to be dispatched. That being said, regardless if they are using one or both platforms, having two trains running is a lot better for capacity than just single train operation.
  6. Well, The Beast was the tallest, fastest and longest wooden coaster in the world... when it opened. Today, it retains the record of longest wooden roller coaster in the world (and the longest roller coaster in the United States). And yes, Son of Beast has taken the records for tallest and fastest wooden coaster. But we all know that sonny hasn`t been as big of a success for the park as what The Beast was.
  7. Strange. I rode Top Gun today, and didn`t notice anything out of the ordinary at SoB when leading Top Gun`s exit. But then again, I wasn`t exactly looking for anything either. (Nothing was visible from the Eiffel Tower).
  8. Yes, I can confirm that both trains were running today. They were only using the station closest to the ride area, resulting in every single train stacking. I also endured a forty five minute weather delay as thunder and lightning could be seen to the west. Eventually rain came, and the shading devices in the line are not very water proof! With the weather delay, I waited two hours. And, they are selling the first rider Firehawk T-shirts for $5 at the photo booth!
  9. CoastersRZ


    No, they were gas powered. They did run briefly last year if I remember correctly. But they only operated on weekends when the park was busy.
  10. No, its not cheap. Especially a ride as large as what Firehawk is. I heard a number that of the total $10 million capital expansion budget at KI in 2007, that approximately $7.5 million was spent on relocating FH. When X-Flight was installed up north back in 2001, it cost $15 million. You do the math. I highly doubt we see a new roller coaster at Kings Island next year. Other than the Face Off Drop Zone followed by Son of Beast additions, the park has never added two "major" coasters in back to back years before. I see a flat ride or addition to the water park in 2008. Besides, Firehawk will still likely be a huge hit with park guests next year. Whatever they add next year, hopefully it won`t go in X-Base. Otherwise, we might have another Action Zone on our hands!
  11. I wonder how much of that increase in per capita guest spending is a result of the guests having to shell out more money this year for items they bought last year cheaper.
  12. The track has to sway some. As the saying goes, if it does`t shake, it will break.
  13. Well, I`m sure that KI/Cedar Fair had to consult with Gerstlauer when they were modifying the trains for SoB. Especially since they had to adjust the trains to fit the track guage for Sonny. I`m sure they would have built new trains for KI, if the price was right. I don`t think they are as concerned over ride quality as what the fine folks at GCI are. It will certainly be interesting to see when the Son of Beast trains show up on the track. It will be even more interesting to see when the ride opens this year, and how the ride runs compared to last year before the accident.
  14. Was Firehawk still one train operation?
  15. Yes, the train was open a couple weekends before Boomerang Bay opened.
  16. And the purpose of the survey would be what? Its interesting they are only using three coaches on weekdays.
  17. That is not entirely accurate. In October, the train is used for entertainment purposes. Both the Pumpkin Patch Express and Headless Hollow utilize the train. But again, the train is primarily serving as a transportation device. Even with just one of the trains running, each train has six coaches. Each coach can hold 80 people, which totals 480 people per stop. So the train is one of the higher capacity rides in the park, even if they are only running one train. In October, the park will typically run both trains, although they generally will only run three coaches per train.
  18. Ask and you shall receive. Looks like I was beat to providing links to the images of Son of Beast without its loop!
  19. Yes, I noticed that it was the yellow train. Were they running both trains yet? That will really help with capacity if they can get both trains running. I might run up to the park tomorrow afternoon, as I just finished up my DAAPWorks model!!
  20. The line splits before approaching the station. One line (the side that the red train is using, stays level with the main queue line. The other goes down stairs along side the retaining wall, and underneath the queue line that goes to the left station. The stairs that go up to the right station can be seen in this picture.
  21. I, like Shaggy, think that they should have waited to open Firehawk. It was clear that they were not ready to open the ride. They had a laptop hooked up to the ride computer on Saturday to trouble shoot any issues that arose. (On my second ride on Saturday, the computer stopped our train three times on the way out of the station). They should have waited until both trains were ready to run, to reduce the wait times. To me, it was obvious that they rushed to get the ride open, and as a result, capacity was severely limited, which can cause angry guests because of the huge lines.
  22. I think he might have been referring to those people that rent wheel chairs because they have a "limp" or an "injury." I use quotations around those words, because I think some people rent wheelchairs and claim that they have a disability so they don`t have to wait in the lines with everyone else.
  23. Was Firehawk still running the red train only?
  24. What? You`re not a fan of Top Gun, Timberwolf, or Congo Falls? I do agree with you that they need to add a restroom back at X-Base. There are no restrooms close to FoF or Firehawk. You have to go to either the top or bottom of Coney Mall to come to the closest restroom.
  25. Well, its not all hills. There is some land behind Son of Beast that is relatively flat. But part of KI`s problem, is they have essentially boxed themselves in from most of their undeveloped land. They still have some undeveloped land that is accessible for a flat ride or two. The old Salt Water Circus location that is just currently grass. Also, I`m sure that the old Flight Commander site could be more appealing if it had a flat ride there than the pay as you play Eurobungee attraction.
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