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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. I wonder if they plan to decorate the retaining wall because plain concrete there just doesn't seem to look right.
  2. It can stay there because I don't want it back.
  3. That is the primer for the one millionth time. Anyway really nice update. Hey even they were taken today they still might have a few more pieces of track up.
  4. Kind iof like that but more futuristic.
  5. I would have rather seen something more with model jets and model it after a military base or something.
  6. That ride is fun but I really don't think that is what Kings Island needs. I just don't think it would look right. Really I think they need something more along the lines of Spiderman.
  7. Oh I thought it just conveniently broke.
  8. Why did they even remove the inversion in the first place.
  9. I feel perfectly safe on any ride without that extra seat belt. I mean I have been on rides thousands of times and not once or one person I know has the restraint open up on them. Weather or not The Vortex gets them it will still be a great ride.
  10. Does anyone know if they are going to do a soft opening before Memorial Day?
  11. The park even went to covering up the pay for zoom lenses on top of the Effiel Tower.
  12. I was really wanting to go to that park but the high prices are keeping from going to the park.
  13. How much track is still in the parking lot?
  14. Man Coasters I really hope your right. THere is a few days durning the week of Memorial Day that the park is open. I wonder if they are planning to do a soft opening in those days.
  15. I just don't think its looking good and here is why. As of March 18th when the ride was being built.
  16. Something tells me they are not gonna be able to get it done.
  17. I wonder if they are planning a new area with a Area 51 theme or something.
  18. If the one side of the station breaks down the ride will continue to operate but with only one station.
  19. I think Cedar Fair knows how much more room Kings Island has than Cedar Point and they should be expanding on that land unlike Paramount. Paramount did build new things but many times we had to see an old ride go. Even though Cedar Point is next to a huge lake. Maybe one reason it gets a lot more tourism than KI. However with a few new rides just may change all of that. I am just pondering on the fact that if Cedar Fair continues on expanding the way they are that pathway underneath The Racer will be very crowded unless something else is done. Also are they going to be changing the Flight of Fear sign that is over that pathway since its not the only thing back there anymore.
  20. I have also noticed that Deja Vu has some steps on the boomer rang. What if Face/Off vallied there?
  21. I have noticed that Face/Off has no steps on its lift hill. So what happens if there needs to be a walk down how do they get the riders off. ** Never mind I forgot that the ride can be lower manually.
  22. Maybe that would be a pretty nice idea and speed the line up a little filling every seat on the train
  23. That would be an amazing front seat ride.
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