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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. I only saw one person in Corn Stalkers and 1 in the Construcion zone place.
  2. I didn't even see a metal plate. MY only thinking was maybe since it grabbed on about the 3rd car or so maybe the chain can only go say 3 or 4 car lenghts to the top.
  3. I notice that the park is always alot more crowded with Fear Fest.
  4. Wicked Twister really scares me alot in the front seat for that very reason. Face/Off even scares me because of that and I was wondering what there is to prevent it from going over the edge. That is one of the reasons I usually like to ride in the middle cars. Anyway thanks for giving me some ideas on how they work that. I would hate to see that ride go over the edge pushing its riders to a sure death.
  5. What keeps the Face/Off lift carry the riders over the top since the lift thing starts pulling the train about from middle of train. If there was like a computer error is there any mechincal device that keeps it going over the edge.
  6. How dare them leaving Tomb Raider off that list.
  7. I am just wondering how you get media day tickets.
  8. They should put a food court in there like you see at malls with Subway, Burger Kings, Arbys and what not.
  9. Sometimes I go to the website and the only thing that shows up is the background. Internet Explorer will say the page is done loading and nothing shows. The only way I am able to post is because I typed in the direct link to the forums.
  10. I thinik FearFest is the best thing to happen to the park in awhile.
  11. Thier is no winterfest at all this year and I don't think it a type I think the park is just closed.
  12. Does anyone have any pics of the actuall park?
  13. On the Cedar Point website it says: I was wondering if they includes if you bought your pass at Kings Islnad if you would still have that on your pass?
  14. I am 100% that it was hyroldic fluid. 100%. However the line was not moving for a long while about 20 minutes before I looked over so alot could have been happening in that time period.
  15. Half of you on this website are ***s because you think you no everything and what no which really ruins what this website has to offer. No I do not know how the hell Delirium operates but I do know what the hell hyrodlic fluid looks like and that was what was coming out the ride you weren't there at the park so how would you know what was going on. So if you don't know and you weren't there you need to keep your mouth shut and quit acting like everyone else is wrong but you.
  16. ^ Are you sure dude because I couldn't feel them going down the hill maybe it just my wishfull thinking. Anyway I know it was hyrdolic fluid and I guess those 3 seats had an error and all other seats were working right so I'm guess they just closed those 3 seats instead of the entire ride.
  17. O I never noticed a sign on it or anything so it just me.
  18. No it wasn't they just closed off the 3 seats and contined operation as normal.
  19. Yea Ralphs What a generic name.
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