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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Why when I am in the forums a PKI.com log on thing keeps coming up and asking my my user name and pass word to log on at pki.com ?
  2. I think its a great idea but don't you think he price is a little steep?
  3. A sponge bob coaster would have been nice.
  4. It may have been awhile ago but no one said anything about it shhhezzz
  5. Yea but this robo coaster is on a track so it is going to give you a new experince. Also probaly alot of slow moving lines and alot of break downs.
  6. Skyline is the best. Gold Star right next to the skyline went out of business.
  7. read it all (Not all thrill rides that run on a track are roller coasters).
  8. To fit the new theme. It could be alot worse like the giggle coaster.
  9. How would raising your hands make you fall out of seat? Anyway since thier is no airtime on The Beast I wounldn't worry about that. Put your hand outside up above or anywhere you please and nothing should happen since the coasters have to pass a arm reach test.
  10. Its nothing like tomb raider. Well by the defition of a roller coaster which is something like this. In essence a specialised railroad system, a coaster consists of a track that rises and falls in specially designed patterns, sometimes with one or more inversions (the most common being loops) that turns the rider briefly upside down. The track does not necessarily have to be a complete circuit (the antonym of complete circuit is "shuttle"), though some purists insist that it must to be a true coaster. (Not all thrill rides that run on a track are roller coasters). I dont think its a coaster if you go by that.
  11. This is off topic but does anyone know why Son of Beast is closed?
  12. Im probaly gonna ride dropzone first then head to the tower so I can get some pics and more videos.
  13. Maybe even sign knocking over winds!!!!!!!!
  14. Well, have you been to the park before? Ride Dropzone first cause those lines get long!
  15. Thats cool do you know how much space one of these things would take up?
  16. What I was trying to say is that most of the work on the rides is done in the factory. All they got to do is throw the FEW peices together and hook them up.
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