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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. I guess this is so people staying at PKI can post their trip reports on PKIC! Excatly we couldn't live with out PKIC!
  2. If you ran Son of Beast backwards I am sure there would be alot of broken necks.
  3. I do can see PKI keeping that for awhile cause who else is competing?
  4. I get more and more excited about IJST when more things arrive.
  5. How can they stop you from snapping them.
  6. I'd imagine he walked around the park with a camera and took pictures, another employee benefit. No need to be sarcastic.
  7. Just cause they are big and tall doesnt mean they are all that fun! Like TTD will be nothing in 3 years but however The Beast, Son of Beast and most of PKI's rollercoasters will keep their value over alot more than Cedar Point's does. And Wicked Twister sucks by the way!
  8. Does the park have any track up yet? I really doubt it will be ready for opening day.
  9. I dont think so but I am not 100 percent sure.
  10. Yea PKI is but im not too sure about Cedar Point.
  11. They should run a train down there and see if it stalls!
  12. Wasn't the job fair last weekend??
  13. I think that it is broken or something cuase it never works or maybe they want people to think the park is open
  14. We werent looking at anythign just the overall view of the park the park hasn't changed much from 01.
  15. I been there before but normaly it has some kind of water mark so you cant see the image as well What is that land clearing back on The Racers.
  16. I still say it the removing of The Vortex or PKI is getting a giga.
  17. They should have themed uniforms but doing on that cost money.
  18. I have been to many different parks and it is really a hard descion. Thier are so many parks out thier I love to go to I just can't settle on one.
  19. Yea it would ruin the tower but like a flying swing thing would be sweet on the tower.
  20. We dont have to worry but in 4 billion years and even before that I gaurtee that planet Earth wont even exsit.
  21. Im not sure where it came from but I hear it alot on different movies and TV shows.
  22. Yea its not going any where since it is so popular with the kids. DO you think the kids that ride that care about capcity they dont know any different.
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