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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Well the season starts saturday for me.
  2. I think they got the trill ride part down also. You just need to give them time to expand. Its not a year around park so money is probaly a issue here.
  3. I hope that too. Paramount has always done a great job building and making new inovated rides. I just want to see what new idea is gonna be done with the sign.
  4. I want to see a sign of a sign. Anyway it should only take a few days to add the sign so lets hope we see a sign of a sign
  5. 9 more hours left to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I would say dropzone because of its low hourly capcity and the thousands wanting to ride it
  7. Realy I dont even want to see a 4D a Kings Island but if they put one in I guess I could be happy with it. Why PKI won't get a B&M. B&M is one the largest rollercoaster manufactors out there and they all so have the highest price tag for what you get. Any PKI can't not afford to put in a mega ride after a mega ride because it's is not open year around. I guess it is open six or 7 monthes of the year compared to universal and six flags magic mountain 12 months a year.
  8. I think he was trying to say that their isn't any other park with the layout that The Vortex has. IMO The Vortex is one of the more smooth arrows out there.
  9. LMAO that video is great. Is that you going step one etc. How long did that take to make
  10. Its is most 2 coasters. The Racers should be consided to coasters because its two different tracks. That is all that is needed for two rollercoasters
  11. LOL I doubt you would be able to notice 4000 people missing. What is your math grade? LMAO
  12. Wow someone besides my friend from 97.3. He has won 7 total things in the past few months. Anyway hopefully I will be attending the dry run day. I doubt I will be able to meet anyone though. 4*4000 is defentily 16,000
  13. Does anyone have pictures of those tanks?
  14. Well if you figure that a full capcity is around 50,000 (I called guest services)you can see that most of the rides will probaly be walks on or 5-10 minute waits
  15. Should the new members post in here who refered them or what?
  16. That sounds great and all but I think they should wait until the park starts to attract alot of out of town people. IMO PKI is still a local park.
  17. Well It all depends but cost and quickness i would say the air lauch the hyroldic launch is very expesive. But for realibitly I would say the LIMs are the best way to lauch a coaster
  18. PKI does have a sigunature coaster what do you think The Beast and Son of Beast no other park can say that they are the worlds best wooden coaster park
  19. 4.5 sounds right to me for the main fact that really Deluirum doest really take much steel or anything to make.
  20. I heard that Son of Beast is getting some more supports like The Beast's supports on the turn after the first drop. If The Racers are getting painted are they gonna make them the original red white and blue colors are the all white again?
  21. There is no way deluirum cost 8 million Id say 2 or 3 at the most since it is a very simpl ride easy to build and desgin and a easy clone
  22. I saw you chef you were great. Did they tell you what to say or did you get to say what you wanted to. I didnt reconize anyone else
  23. So is this going to go into depth of how the ride works and eveything
  24. O okay I know what your talking about. I just called them something different.
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