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Everything posted by Kayla_Uzlik

  1. I'm taking the fire spinner"s classes and the girl told me that the contract ended
  2. They did actually drum but they just had some backtracking to make it sound more full
  3. I'm friends with last year's fire breather and his wife, the new show "Drums of the Dead" will include them, and two other familiar drummers! According to them it's supposed to be bigger and better than Blood Drums
  4. I found a pin with the jack-in-the-box from haunt on it! I was so hyped about it. I've also bought many Squishmallow friends while at the park. They're just so snuggly and I just can't help myself! lol
  5. Every show is amazing this year! I got to sing into mic on Monday at Of the Charts because Flor saw me singing along. Can't wait to see how the shows grow as the season goes
  6. But can we just touch up on how unexpected it was when Ariane got straight up CHUCKED INTO THE AIR?! I keep on forgetting about this when I'm in the theater watching the show and it startles me every time lol
  7. I always try to do what ever I can to make a ride ops job easier. If I'm riding alone I put down the restraint next to me and when they're checking mine I always put my arms up and get out of their way the best i can (leaning back and sucking in my stomach) and I always make sure that I say thank you to them once they're done. I try to talk to them some times but that's not always the easiest.
  8. Yeah, the two purple dudes. I would say their names but I don't remember how to spell them lol. 2 more days! Can't wait!
  9. I think that I remember seeing those lights being used during Haunt last season
  10. I just saw on someone's insta story that they added more beast prints on the pavement! Idk how long they've been there now but they weren't there when I was on Saturday! I love how they're still adding new stuff almost a month into the season
  11. It's honestly so adorable. I'm really into photography and taking photos during shows and this is such a great one to practice with. Charlie Brown's rap is so iconic lol
  12. My first KI memory is when I was on the train with my mom and I had to be around 6 or so. It was getting cold and my mom tried to force me to put on my Curious George jacket and I said "no! I'm not cold!" and then she said "you have goosebumps, you're cold" and forced it on me
  13. Ariane, Jet, Keith, and Jeremy are coming back! Phil's going to be in the Kings Dominion. Every one else in the show is new. Can't wait to meet them! One week left!
  14. My mom always tells me the story of her riding the eagles while she was pregnant with me and how those were my first ride because it was all that she could ride lol. Woodstock Gliders should be ok since they're basically the same thing! y'all could also hit up the shows at the park! they're a fun time
  15. All of y'all's stories are making me want a job at the park even more! Hopefully next season I'll be lucky enough!
  16. I'm personally really excited for Gravity. I loved escaping into space last year and I can't wait to see what new acts will be coming and what old acts will be coming back. I'm hoping to see some new types of aliens! it seemed like every color had their own treats (ex: the blues had a lot of water like movements). A girl astronaut would be rad!
  17. I haven't really tried to go on rides but according to my parents, most of the people are doing the mazes so the ride lines are shorter.
  18. This company follows me on my account that I use for putting my photos and videos of the park"s shows on and every few months they comment on some of my photos and try to DM me, trying to convince me to buy their product. I don't want to block because technically they're not doing anything wrong but it's defiantly annoying
  19. On the topic on Blood Drums, I've been in contact with last year's fire dancer's wife and she said that they're going to Blood Drums again this year which makes me really excited! His fire breathing was amazing!
  20. I would love to see Gravity, Forever Country, and Off the Charts again! Hoping for something other than a dog show at the show place. I would love a show like Luminosity from Cedar Point! I saw it back in 2016 and the energy was amazing
  21. Has anyone found the bars or tumbling music yet?
  22. thank you! I'm glad that you like them!
  23. Jet's is jetveseli and the rest are keithbmx pink_pong_yeah philibert.h.f jeremy.roy.99 vincentbellemare brie_88 jamesbartonpro and addisbrothers
  24. Has anyone else had amazing experiences with the employees this year? When I got on the train on June 1st there where this group of girls who where starting drama with me and the other person that I was with and was trying to pick a fight. We told a near by employee about it and he got a supervisor and we talked about what happened then he sent us out on our way. We went to go ride Beast and after we got off a Security guard stopped us and talked to us about it and started to walk us to our next ride, just encase we ran into the girls again. Well, we did run into them and the security guard talked to them and sent us on our way. right before we got our seats for the next ride we where told that our problem was dealt with and when we where getting our restraints checked we where told the same thing. the whole issue got taken care of in 30 minutes or less. The person that I with had a breakdown on the same day as well and so many employees stopped to ask if everything was ok and if there was anything that they could do. The employees this year are simply amazing!
  25. I live over an hour away from the park and my parents won't let me work there because of it so if these are open by the time that i get out of High School, i would finally be able to work there which makes me very happy. I've been wanting to work at the park for the longest time.
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