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Everything posted by PatchesC

  1. Before it even starts here's a tip: type your season pass Q-codes in your keyboard enough times for it to be recognized on mobile phones quicker. I'm down to only needing to enter the first 2 digit/letters for it to recognize.
  2. Isn't there usually close to that for full park hours? Maybe they're all there to get training time in so hours can be extended later
  3. I'd almost do it IF we had a room all season, and I got to ride a coster each morning, and if my work would give me the time off lol
  4. Just had 2 missed calls from Cedar Point. Returned call and they asked if I'd applied for a job, said no, so they said probably my reservation. Forward me to reservations and they can't find a reason or any notes. Have Express Hotel under passholder rate for July 9th, and Hotel Breakers for July 10th-16th. So not really sure what the heck it would be. Got me nervous though
  5. We're 2hrs away, had to burn vacation days at work either way because they mandated everyone 7 days after we came back from covid shutdown in May.
  6. Yeah we're already there for First Rider, so it's more a matter of do we go the 2nd with short hours and head somewhere else for 4th, or eat the extra hotel cost and hope for a 4th reservation.
  7. 4th of July Fireworks will be done https://www.visitkingsisland.com/play/events/4th-of-july-spectacular
  8. There WILL be July 4th fireworks https://www.visitkingsisland.com/play/events/4th-of-july-spectacular
  9. Looks to be inside the security area, so no rescreening (as long as they didn't more the bag checks up that is)
  10. So will July 2nd or July 4th be fully booked first? I'd almost pick 4th just because of the hours.
  11. I've had the hours link for mine the whole time, but still no mobile order option. Seems sporadic what's showing for people.
  12. Still pending, I've been carrying my family's season passes in my pocket for a week
  13. I'm an hour south in Seymour, perfect spot to hit multiple amusement parks at least. People here are barely wearing masks and are more worried about "protests" and rumors of "thousands" of people lately. (Small town paranoia)
  14. I ordered this off of Amazon that seems to work well for antifog. I've only had to apply it twice a week and doesn't leave the blurry film on it I've had with antifog wipes. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07PBCZ7C6?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
  15. Here's a few thoughts on this. KI will have a full week of Passholder previews, so they may be able to correlate what percentage the have already spent the money to come are willing to go under the current requirements. The fact that Cedar Fair follows many IAAPA recommendations for safety and operations already, the mask requirement isn't that surprising because it was strongly recommended from them. The fact is Ohio required masks for a few specific sectors: salon customers, nursing home visitors, ect. It makes me question if it's a CF decision, or a government decision but either way doesn't matter at this point to me.
  16. Can you disclose if there will be additional breaks or fans so you can cool off more often?
  17. Twitter showed 1:37 Indiana time, but they may have sent emails first. I've noticed a lag in when ppl post KI emails I receive mine about 15-20 minutes after 9am, so I assume mass emails aren't being sent all at the same time and it's maybe alphabetical?
  18. CP is currently using the "test" text for mobile order menu item testing on the App, it seems a logical choice.
  19. I'm guess Bat is the ride favorite lol
  20. Looks like a good haunt prop location for later if it's hollow
  21. I just had the truck emblem pop in my head, now convinced they are doing subliminal messages
  22. I've had go to quiter spots when I need to get away. Mine is mainly trigger by too many noises at once for extended periods and being put in unfamiliar situations outside routine, so KI has always been a "find comfort spots to hide" and follow my usual path, and know the park routines. Also skipping extremely long lines unless they had an easy exit in case I'm getting panicked in the queue. It's gotten better than when I first started to visit, but I'll admit the general changes from entry steps to the unknown of how exactly they're going to do the ride spacing has gotten things a little higher, but figure I'll read what I can and just see how they are doing spacing from the exit areas if I can before getting in line. Hopefully it'll calm down once there's more info and familiarity. Quite spots for me were: Path off to The Beast, WindSeeker path, back side of Eiffel Tower, little area to Racers entrance, Bat, down by the Petting Zoo, Congo Falls exit, Viking Fury entry area.
  23. I've tried a few different things, but my problem is mainly needing things for my hands, anything to edible style is a bad idea for me because neither are meant to be swallowed which I still have a habit of with normal gum. Ironically patches have me horrible side effects I've got a fidgit cube for flights so about 5 hours then I'll be heading out the gate.
  24. It'll largely depend on where they plan to place it, there's some of a gap between security and the turnstiles, but unless they've extended the area I doubt they would be able to distance that many people. It could mean temp checks again (I'm really hoping not). The usual me or husband goes to smoke while the other hangs with the kid, plays games, ride something, ect. would be out because now we don't know if one of us will be stopped from reentry and only 1 cell phone. We'd all be going to the smoking area together to avoid that issue. Then it is a bit of a deterent to go back in after you've already hoofed it to the designated area. Most likely place they are going to find people smoking IN the parks just based on previous experiences with bans: bathrooms and Boo Blasters (because it's a dark ride). It didn't stop the ones who broke the rules in the first place. Look up how many complaints there are about people still smoking inside Disney. Hell we had people light up on Pirates of the Caribbean and CMs didn't bat an eye when others said something at deboarding.
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