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Everything posted by Bwb.32

  1. THE DUDE DOING A LITTLE JIGGY HAHAHA, im pretty sure i know him? i see him at concerts in Indy all the time. EDIT: at least someone who looks really similar
  2. probably will go live at 9:00-9:30, give it enough time to fix the kinks, and let everyone get in the stream
  3. OOOO spicy, the fact that it timeout error-ed would, as an HTML guy, probably mean its a site page that has been created and is on the server but is user/ip locked at the moment, then again, take that with grain of salt it could just be bad code
  4. you are correct sir! As pictured thats a truck crane which im sure they will use to get a start on the lower to the ground construction, I.E. see amusement insiders updates on Yukon, This truck crane will be used to build the tower crane we saw delivered earlier, they will most likely have a third tower crane on the way for the very tall portions as the current tower crane doesn't seem like its capable, unless its a modular and they havent sent the rest of the tower pieces to reach that height as they arent needed just yet
  5. same here man! its been a great time, i love this community, and now i plan i actually being active a lot more throughout the year!
  6. heck yeah! anyone else think they're bringing over a piece of track to the park for the announcement?
  7. at this point just them paying a couple actors to look like military dudes directing people away from the wall would suffice for keeping the feeling going
  8. i have a feeling in thew next couple days or so well be getting a "statement video" from the park teasing when they're going to be ready to reveal their next project sequence X or such
  9. yeah!, im sitting on the page enjoying the show of the number going up real fast!
  10. honestly valid 100 is easy for us to do alone, gotta make sure everybody sees it
  11. Ooooooo comments are showing further teases at the theme! Connections to FOF EDIT: 23 years ago today is the opening of FOF, give a few days but still!
  12. This confirms Chad's involvement haha
  13. lol super inTRIMidator
  14. heres that proof go to the thrid one on the post!
  15. Honestly I could personally see them converting the fourth train so they will always have the ability to have one being rebuilt and maintenanced while running 3 consistently, simply because it would make sense for the traffic it's going to get now, I actually remember when it ran 3 trains and it was very sensible, you would clear the inside show area within the time of the video.
  16. Guess we get to wait for all the letters to know what it's spelling now
  17. Nice pic too bad the text is garbled when you zoom, also close ups? Full pic please!
  18. hate to be a bummer but they could just reuse the site they had set up behind TR:TR, the stuff would be way easy to set up again
  19. i get what you're saying here and fully agree that that video technically didn't break any park rule, the person is not operating the drone within park property, i can be see they took off from a location off park property which does not break park rules, and the drone itself is not operating on park property as it is in airspace above said park. Kings Island doesn't own the airspace so its not their property which means it didn't break their park guidelines. there is no reason that video should not be available for viewing on this site as such. even if the park dislikes that it was shot in not park property airspace showcasing the park property their is absolutely nothing they can do about it, and they're is as such no reason it shouldn't be allowed on this website just as the aerial photos from planes are allowed. *boom lawyered*
  20. Nah, most likely not a steel drum, or drum of any sort that the bolts would've come in. Speaking as a mechincal engineer, bolts like that would come in a crates, with cardboard/foam insolation between each bolt to prevent shifting/ rubbing as any damage to the bolt would be catastrophic. If they just loaded a bunch of bolts into a steel drum they'd all bust around and get damaged. Bolts like that can't be treated the same as a box of screws, gotta be careful with them. (Sorry for the rant, just felt like clearing it up lol)
  21. just a thought here if that is the hershy track on site, then those supports behind it are definitely for it too, and they're a much more white grey than the dark ones we were talking about, so i'm still on board with the dark grey ones being either primer or finished for KI
  22. id much prefer chance track on Vortex, plus a new restraints system
  23. i say yall do what ya please and well appreciate anything you can get for us in any amount of time
  24. also high possibility is that the grey primed pieces we saw were taken inside to be painted and held inside until theyre ready for that stuff to seen, also possibily hiding in the back
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