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Everything posted by Bwb.32

  1. If you can't read them then post them so someone who can read blueprints can give us an answer on that. Don't worry about legal action I already poked holes in your boat on that. They can't come after you for reposting something that was leaked already.
  2. Exactly, they apparently just want to be special now and be the only ones to know, especially since I just poked holes right through their "but legal action" boat hahaha
  3. Legally there's not a lot of reprecussion to be had, especially since your not the one who leaked them, you simply downloaded a PDF from a forums site lol, and then posted shared what was there to others. Can't legally attack someone who can without a shrill bit of doubt claim lack of knowledge of them being non public domain as they didn't receive them personally in a PM for did the post say it wasn't public domain.
  4. Add me to the list too please haha this is a giant chain
  5. then why repost? just kinda spammy at that point.
  6. please check pervious posts before posting, this info has been posted a couple pages back.
  7. that makes a lot of logistical sense, im sure theyd still keep a minor barebones amount of people working on the MCT track and anything else going on, but getting the hershey track out seems to be their mission critical focus as of now. I speak only from expierence working in a logistics production facility, but im sure the MCT track, if it is for KI, will pick major production focus back up when it is needed to be as the construction on site furthers.
  8. possible they just didnt remove the primer tag, the track may not be final coated yet, so ther tag would remain, or its just not needed to be removed as if its the known final color, you would assume it isnt primer anymore.
  9. In any case it probably didnt matter in this case as it was an *finger quotes* announced coaster. possibilty is the official label stickers got slapped on after the video by hershey showing the ride was released.
  10. I second this, totally willing to support it since hes providing us such a service!
  11. I figured this one might be worth mentioning too since it references FOF, credit again to: https://www.coaster101.com/2019/04/06/examining-the-easter-eggs-of-carowinds-blue-ridge-junction/
  12. Heres a clearer pic of the teaser/easter egg for those interest curtousy of this site: https://www.coaster101.com/2019/04/06/examining-the-easter-eggs-of-carowinds-blue-ridge-junction/
  13. Any chance you can get a link to the timestaped section of the video?
  14. might message the og poster on insta and see about getting a better full pic? (also talked with emotionalrollercoasters on insta and she said it was real but *shrugs shoulders*) in any case anyone got any idea of the meaning of the numbers on that poster/sticker?
  15. its looks very well done, almost makes me want to say its real but i still am skeptical, maybe clearer pictures will help dispute this. Edit: The instagram of the person posting this does seem pretty legit as just an ethusiast as they havent posted anything trolly before, this could be real.
  16. I definitely like the idea of a yellow and black color or go with either orange or brown track and silver supports.
  17. The wait was due to options being explored, They spent multiple years contacting nad getting proposals for potential fixing of the ride from companies like GCI, RMC, and such, that was realesed in the sattement on the descion to remove by the park, it simply also came down to the factors of not wantign to dump more money into it, and the fact that at that specific time with the ride closed the park was doing well enough that a new attraction wasnt needed to take the place of SOB's land so it sat, while the options were explored coming tot he descions to tear it down as the only viable option.
  18. Found this kinda interesting, the new tombstone for whatever is happening on 10/28/18 is very similar to the ones found in the Banshee graveyard
  19. I'm also going to meantion that "an ill fated demise" would match too seeing as It's been a maintenance nightmare lately, starting last season it was continually down as something was happening with the drop mechanics, leading to failed drops, or not dropping at all, over the course of winterfest last season, there was a long costly repair done by intamin to resolve this issue, but unfortunately this season it has continued to be a problem, so my best guess, it that KI sees that this may be too costly to fix, compared to simply removing the ride.
  20. All the colors match, red, yellow, black, white, gray, pruple, even where there's the single purple flower in the grey, purple meets grey on the ride tower, and orange is in yellow, because yellow meets orange on the tower, my only way to find green is that the actually grave covering on the ground is substantially lime green like, but it's very very much matching up color wise
  21. Lol typo, I meant "who knows what they're cooking up" I'm just thinking out loud, it seems odd that a these things are piling onto the rumors of Firehawk's removal, and SOB return
  22. No no, like the tombstones of rides and people who left in 1979, we're all newly and specifically marked this year, sure theyve marked tombstones before, but, this was a new thing, a planned thing, to mark every single ride or person gone in 1979 with the symbol, what we could be seeing here is an overarching story around the parks "cryptids" as they're called, similar to the story aspects were seeing at other parks in the chain!
  23. Okay so this may be nothing but it's something I noticed, all the other tombstones around are flat on the front with nothing too special, just the text of the ride or person. But as you can see SOB's name engraving is on an inlay, that is like it's inside, not flat like the rest of the tombstones. Personally as a woodworking kid, that inlay looks suspiciously removable. Like it's meant to be removed, and if memory serves me, this inlay to the tombstone is new. I clearly remember years past that it was just flat with SOB on it like the rest of the tombstones, kinda odd that it looks removable, appears to be new that it might be removable, and is right behind the new gravestone. Might I also mention it seems super off that they're going to all this scale for an appearant ride removal, like the barrel filled with an oil like substance pumping it onto the statue all day long, plus lighting, and all the Outpost 5 symbols popping up everywhere this year, and on the tombstones of rides that closed in 1979. Who knows what they're looking up.
  24. It would be very very unlikely for it to be knocked out, the whole building still is able to function as a multi-million dollar facility with, H-VAC systems, plumbing, water affects, lighting systems and rigs, most likely we'll see them use the building for something, the new head of KI did state in an interview around the time of mystics opening that he wants to utilize facilities that are doing nothing for the park currently besides sitting in the future.
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