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Everything posted by Bwb.32

  1. You are correct in it being relatively inexpensive, the actual ride system, in which is the cars is only in the range of $15-20,000, (depending on how many cars they buy) and the land clearing, concrete restructuring/ new pouring (if they end up using some of Dino's path) would only be another $30-70,000, overall really not bad, of they can keep it under 100,000 overall for the ride that's a major gain, esspecialy in the attendance gain they'll get!
  2. For the love of God yes, that's what I need to see, someone who gets the idea, I rode it, I beat the **** out of my kidneys and endured that so I could say I expierenced something that ambitious, sure it was all helixes, but man were those some hellatious helixs, I agreed compleltley though, people don't want "SOB" back, they want that overhanging domanince in the park, I remeber all the years you'd go to the park and even driving in from the highway it dominated the skyline, it popped up out of the sky over everything else and make you go, "what in the hell is that thing, I wanna ride it" getting next to it in Action Zone made you feel like an ant, the loop was the craziest idea every, so yeah, when I say I want SOB back, I say I want a powerful ride, that makes you feel like nothing compared to it, that does some of the most ambitious, rarely, or never before seen things, I want something in spirit that gives me that feeling that the ride has power over me, and there's nothing I can do about it.
  3. The enthusiast fanbase right now
  4. That's valid! Had that poster been worded better we may have avoided a huge uproar, perhaps instead of "next season" they should've said "in due time" or something of the sort, leaving it as an ambiguous time period.
  5. I mean when they do stuff like say "we are temporarily sold out of southern yellow pine until our shipment arrives next season" you're gonna turn some heads, you're gonna make people think an SOB revivial, that ride made southern yellow pine infamous with it. It just added fuel to the fire with the 2 other little SOB mentions in those posters.
  6. Ya know, y'all might just walk back there to see our wonderful crate, shaking, rattling, and ready to be released, imagine if they did that to you guys, and redid the whole original SOB announcement
  7. BACK ON TOPIC WE GO! So I have source from someone who was at the park saying the rid of booth lights in Son of Beasts station are back on at night, sadly no photo confirmation :-(, it can be seen while on Banshee and possibly from the Banshee platform, if anyone would be able or willing to go check this out and get some photo evidence it would be greatly appreciated!!! :-)
  8. Oh by the way! That was me that sent that over to Brendon on Amusement insiders! I'm bwb.32 on insta haha!
  9. Okay, so there was a teaser found out at Cedar Point, (see the first image) well it has some pretty clear references to an outpost 5, saying that the remnants of an out post 5 were found, and that work is in progress to bring the outposts 5 back to functionality. Well, where have we seen outpost 5 before? Son of Beast of course! (See second photo of SOB station) in the line of the story, Adventure Express is headqauters persay to this mining operation, its where all the outposts are linked too. This website archived some of the onboarding riders messages, find the website here https://t.co/hJaRZJziUP , track three on the website, a sound file of the Adventure Express boarding message, that onboarding message has an exact qoute from the teaser found at Cedar Point. This is, very clearly a blunt way of telling us of the return of SOB.
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