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Posts posted by Benjamin22

  1. Just now, BoddaH1994 said:

    This sort of thing is what they look out for.  I'm sure it'll be corrected in the future.  

    What were the food options?

    In the bread station they had a variety of bagels and 2 or 3 kinds of small muffins. On the main buffet they offered green beans, a shrimp pasta, a salad station, eggs Benedict, French toast, a carving station turkey & roast beef, omelette station, fresh fruit & 2 kinds of breakfast potatoes. Later on I saw someone with bacon so I assume they put it up later. There was a small desert bar with a few kinds of cheesecake & brownies. They offered coffee and soft drinks.   

    • Like 1
  2. I went to the international restaurant Mother’s Day brunch and I’ve got to to say it was just ok. There’s was decent variety but I wish they had more pastries & a few more options available. My main problem with the brunch was the way it was arranged. They put the omelette station at the very end which resulted in the line coming to a stand still every time someone wanted an omelette. The main issue with this is that by the time I finally got done getting my omelette, my food was already cold. I’d suggest they next year they should try to move the omelette station some where else or have you order  an omelette from your waiter so that the line can keep moving. 

  3. There’s no way, and I mean NO WAY that this was a pitched layout. If it was a pitched layout the only parties involved would have likely been B&M & CedarFair’s design team, and both of those parties would almost certainly not allow a leak like that to occur. There’s really only 2 options I see here, the first one is that someone took the time to create this layout to troll people or a contractor hired by the park ended up leaking the layout.

    • Like 3
  4. Just now, upstop said:

    What if this coaster drops 300 feet, and remains close to the ground like i305.

    Then it’d be even shorter lol. On a serious note if the “leaked layout” is legit then it’d be a bunch of airtime’s and not a lot of sharp turns due to how straight the track seems to be.

    • Like 4
  5. 2 minutes ago, FirefighterENG44 said:

    As of today or since they stopped clearing over a week ago?

    I went earlier today and I noticed the line of trees were noticeably thinner then last week. I also noticed there was now several markers in the Firehawk area so I’d expect concrete pouring to occur very soon.

    • Like 5
  6. 1 hour ago, SonofBaconator said:

    For those who voted "fake" could you maybe elaborate on why? Just out of curiosity.

    Because I’m in denial that CedarFair isn’t building a 50 million dollar, 355 ft tall, 10,000 ft long giga coaster.

    In all seriousness I’m just being optimistic it isn’t really that short... I kind of was hoping the clearing was going to have been bigger when the park opened this previous Friday. At this point I think it’s probably real.

  7. 13 minutes ago, XBeastGirlX said:

    Drove through this town on my way to Cedar Point. You think Cedar Fair planted it there as a teaser? :P 


    The street named Orion is Right next to that street.

    • Like 6
    • Haha 1
  8. Just now, KevM86 said:

    To be fair, I would take Magnum over DB any day of the week. ( Double post sorry )

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

    I mean most people prefer Diamondback over magnum.. the point of his post is that CedarFair isn’t going to go out of their way to build mediocre coasters to protect Carowinds & Cedar Point because as you mentioned they don’t protected. If a park 4 hours away getting a giga coaster really threatened Cedar Points title of “Coaster capital of the world” then Kings Island wouldn’t be getting a giga in the first place.

    • Like 4
  9. 7 minutes ago, kirbias1 said:

    It's not just "the timeline" you speak of. It's the fact that management has said they want to invest more in the two aforementioned parks to keep CP what it's been, and to make Carowinds the thrill capital of the south. They have mentioned this on multiple occasions. Once again, I'll maintain what i've always said, KI will continue to receive very good additions from CF, they probably will not receive many record breaking attractions though. 

    Yeah but Yukon Striker broke all of Valravns records.... I think CedarFair will have their rides break records due to the fact it’s much easier to market them that way. 

    • Like 2
  10. I don’t know if a wooden rollercoaster would be the best for an entrance, all of the supports might be somewhat overwhelming. Even scaffolding steel supports would be somewhat overwhelming... if they do a from entrance coaster I’d want it to be a B&M which don’t have a ton of supports, look simplistic & look cool. Just my take on a front entrance coaster.  

    • Like 3
  11. 13 minutes ago, ohiocoasterfan said:

    Another thing that hasn’t been mentioned is the price of steel. In 2018 due to various factors (including tariffs) steel reached a record high point. The prices have since come back down. When planning the construction I would think this would have definitely factored into the length they were looking to go.caafd95c50af4e8e3a4afff9bd313b74.jpg

    I’m not sure it would though as CSF doesn’t do anything besides rollercoasters so I don’t think overall steel prices would have changed that much (If at all)

    • Like 3
  12. If the thing isn’t even 300 ft tall then I’m going to be pretty disappointed, if CedarFair went out of their way to give us a giga coaster that isn’t even 300 ft tall then that really makes me question their plans for Kings Island, and it certainly doesn’t scream “Going the extra mile” as Mr.Zimmerman talked about.

    • Like 3
  13. 3 minutes ago, silver2005 said:

    As I am aware, the Golden Ticket Awards are highly skewed by parks' influences and thus I take what it says with a grain of salt.  

    So you’re telling me The Beast isn’t the 5th best wooden coaster in the world???? 

    • Like 3
  14. 1 minute ago, kirbias1 said:

    Yes, but this seems to be closer to the beginning of the ride. KI's will be towards the end. I could see the same height, but not 50 feet higher. 

    I think he was referring to the coaster it’s self (How it’s 250 ft and made by B&M)

    • Like 3
  15. I’m sorry but if this giga coaster is suffering from “Budget constraints” a launch lift hill would make absolutely zero sense. As cool as it would be there’s a 1% chance they’d actually do it. 

    • Like 6
  16. 2 minutes ago, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

    A big example is how Top Thrill Dragster is the tallest in the park and how many people prefer Steel Vengeance, Maverick, and Millennium Force even though they are shorter in height. Just because it is not the tallest, doesn't mean it won't be the best. We might be in for a wonderful surprise. 

    I don’t think people care about the height that much at this point... I think we’re all mostly surprised at how short this coaster appears to be.

    • Like 8
  17. 1 minute ago, Turtlepower said:

    I get that the layout appears uninspiring, I do. But Leviathan was named 8th best steel coaster in the world at the Golden Ticket awards this past year, which ranks right in front of Maverick and Diamondback.

    There's really a lot we don't know about this yet.

    Yes but a lot of people here were expecting that we’d be getting a #1 coaster and not a #8.... I’m sure it’s going to be a great ride but this ride really feels like a step back from Fury... Cedar Fairs new coasters always are improvements but this doesn’t feel like that at all. 

    • Like 5
  18. 5 minutes ago, Sorner said:

    That would would make more sense with the talk about Firehawks removal decision being made mid-summer. However, the layout plans have the antique autos shown, so I doubt this is from prior to 2018. 

    To add onto that, I doubt they would have wanted to remove Firehawk in 2014, the ride was still relatively newer.

    • Like 3
  19. Just now, ohiocoasterfan said:

    I do find it odd that the moderators have let this board turn into a complete sh*t show and haven’t been removing things out of respect for the park I.e@anonpirate is still active, these leaked images are all over the place...

    I don’t know what the mods could have done in this situation. I doubt the park had contacted the forum or asked for the user to be banned because if they did that’d practically confirm the layout...

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