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Everything posted by Hueney020

  1. Thank you. I was hoping you would post some more photos of that angle. You really get to see how insane that hill is going to be. Absolutely love it.
  2. Unfortunately I don’t see that happening. The antique cars really bottlenecked that area if a new coaster was to use that ride house. Like others have said Cedar Fair likes to have big turnstile lines and that house would not work.
  3. Thank you. I couldn’t agree more. All this talk about i don’t know how much floater you are going to get. Who cares. I am not sure what type of feeling i am going to get but i know it’s going to be craziness. You are in those clamshell restraints on an overbanked/wave turn. I am not sure there is an element from B&M that you can even compare it to. I don’t understand all this floater airtime talk. If it doesn’t give you that does it make it not worthy. Like i said i am hoping for a new element that give me a crazy feeling. That to me makes it better and unique. But again hopefully this new element that B&M has not really done before gives some type of crazy feeling.
  4. I didn’t want to quote the entire post. I am not disagreeing with you. I was not saying myself would think Mystic Timbers would be better. I love Banshee and i love Diamondback. I think Orion is going to be the best coaster at KI for sure. I think it has potential to be top 10 and hope it is even higher than that. That being said Mystic Timbers has a lower height requirement and is a wood coaster which some prefer. Some GP don’t like tall scary rides even though i do believe that is why Orion is only 287 so it doesn’t look intimidating.
  5. I agree with how amazing this coaster is. I really do think it is going to blow away all the naysayers. The only ride i think it will have no affect on is Mystic Timbers.
  6. I have no idea. I am just relaying what midway mayhem was saying on youtube. They said it was going on white lightening. Everything reported so far has been very vague.
  7. Well it looks like Intamin has a new single rail coaster. Amusement insider posted something on twitter about it. Now we have competition with RMC’s single rail too now. Crazy world.
  8. No. The video states that they are retracking the coaster as is. No inversions or anything like that. So i would assume it is to make it smoother.
  9. Midway mayhem has a YouTube video out that has a little bit more information. The plan is to do inversions but right now it will be installed on white lightening at fun spot. So it will be interesting to see who takes the gamble on installing a ground up coaster with inversions from GCI.
  10. Yeah. I second this. I saw this on Twitter also. It came with a 10 second video but just of the track nothing about what they are going to do at fun spot.
  11. Let’s take a breath first. We don’t even know what it can do yet. Yes it looks like an RMC track but can it do inversions or anything special. I will say it definitely looks interesting and is exciting to see what it can do.
  12. Looks like they are removing the camera from Vortex right now or maybe looking at the track.
  13. Definitely disappointed that KI would not buy the flying bobs and tilt a whirl. I feel like those are two old school flat rides really missing at KI. Hopefully if they do not buy from Coney Island they will eventually buy them else where.
  14. Wow yeah those pictures are awesome. That wave turn/overbanked turn looks great already. That second picture is the best.
  15. Yeah i agree it looks a lot like an overbank.
  16. Lifting wave turn piece up right now.
  17. I agree with this. I think CGA is the one who painted there Drop Tower to look like a gaint redwood. KI could do the same if they were going to go with a dark forest or mystic beast section of the park. Congo falls would actually fit that theme. The only others would be Delirium and Invertigo needing a paint job or naming change.
  18. Not a fanboy lol. I prefer a giga over a RMC but do love their rides. I agree with you on the land would be better used for something besides a RMC.
  19. Care to elaborate more on why it is not King’s Island enough?? I am fine with KI not getting a RMC for their next coaster but it would be a real shame if they didn’t get one eventually. Now with Vortex gone I feel like they need to replace it with something along the same line.
  20. I don’t disagree with you. I get it but at the same time I doubt Zadra is having the same issues that Steve is having. If that is the case I would assume it is becuase of the ride being built from the ground up. Also you never know what your limits are until you try so now RMC knows the limit. As far as your referenced reddit page it never mentioned Twisted Timbers. Unless i missed it but it seems like RMC’s on the scale of Twisted Timbers are fine.
  21. Is it really RMC fault. I feel like Cedar Fair has a roll in that. They wanted the biggest and baddest RMC ever on an old structure instead of building a coaster from the ground up. Idk just saying. I will be honest it scares me when i am sitting waiting to get off the ride. The structure shakes so much it is crazy. I know it’s safe for now lol.
  22. That’s what i was thinking. I thought the phone policy was Cedar Fair. I know Zadra has lockers but do they have a metal detector?? Technically i have taken my phone on SteVe and put it in the pouch with no issues at all. If you are stupid enough to loose your phone on SteVe that’s your fault. I do not understand the metal detectors at all. I would love a RMC obviously I think that everyone agrees with that. Twisted timbers type would be fine if they don’t want to top Iron Gwazi. If not a RMC then a blitz coaster would be great just not a spike please. I don’t understand all the hype with the spike. The spike makes sense when it comes to something that is heavily themed like universal or Disney.
  23. Now this is were it would be nice to have the webcams. The lift hill is done and we can’t see anything else that is going on. Right now they could be doing the head chopper section but the great members of this site can’t take pictures of that which sucks.
  24. If you rewatch the POV of Orion I have circled the supports the train goes under hill. The angle of this picture makes it look like there is no space for the track underneath the hill. Definitely should be a crazy headchopper for sure.
  25. I think this would be a great addition to KD. Wing coasters are crowd pleasers with the GP and that is all that matters. Some of the comments I have seen on twitter are just disgusting it really gives all enthusiasts a bad name. It is very unfortunate and I feel like we keep saying how it’s KI enthusiasts but now you see some KD and I have even seen some Busch gardens enthusiasts complaining about the 2021 project. If i was potentially getting 2 coasters back to back I don’t care what it is there is no way I would be complaining what it could be when they have no idea what it is yet. Just like KD this is the first draft so KD could end up with something totally different.
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