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Everything posted by LuckyluvsKI

  1. Marathoning even with reserving could happen it just wouldn't be as quick or immediately after like before. You might be able to check in to line again once you've gone into the actual queue like disney. Example once they scan your bang for your fast pass line and you enter, you probably still have a ten min wait ish. In that time you can sign up for another pass since the app knows you've used one. a reservation like system would likely operate similar as in once your checked into that secondary line to ride you should be able to re enter the virtual queue to sort of expedite the new system. If they are limiting capacity the lines for rides besides Orion probably won't be terribly long. Even if they open under 25% most of the people will probably be enthusiasts etc as people are still choosing home instead of out. Places that have been open a week haven't been swarmed except beaches, but places that have opened at 25\50% people have come but not in mass crowds. Knotts opened their chicken place and market and you reserve a time slot if you desire to walk up order and I didn't see droves of people but I think it was early and the first day in the video I watched. Even the videos of downtown la with some things open there's not many people out at all. regardless of where we're at with the virus the idiocracy of the govt were under is going to push this country back into opening, the states that are trying phased opening are going to surrender to the a**hat domestic terrorists because there has already been two shootings regarding mask wearing in two totally different states. It's why dewine backpeddled, masks don't hurt anyone but omg you'd think it was razor's you're requesting they wear. I get some can't asthmatics etc have a hard enough time breathing without adding a mask to the mix. But I thinking mid June probably July for the country just saying f it and it is what it'll be. Yes the ideal situation would be to continue stay at home longer etc but it's obvious by the broken support system for those now unemployed they won't make it at this rate and homelessness etc will rise without opening up. Err live in a very broken system from healthcare to leadership and everyone will just have to choose their risk to life ratio on their own.
  2. Increase in traffic doesn’t necessarily mean going out. You can’t hurt anyone by driving virus wise, so the uptik is probably people going for drives just to get out of the house. Farmland is prettier than nothing if stores reported how many are actually showing up to shop for food etc would give better picture but at least where I’m at there’s been a pretty good size staying home. Especially since they’ve had uptiks in speeding 100+mph. it’s hard to tell with out precise data.
  3. Ok so it works quite similar to how disney does their dorms very cool. Thank you for that info working theme parks is fun, there’s always those days but hope you have s favorite ride or activity you can enjoy after a hard day makes it better good luck!!
  4. Are you allowed to answer about the dorms? Im curious what those are like? Do they charge rent out of your check or a jump rental fee etc? I live just far enough that a commute isn’t really feasible but i May be too old for dorm life LOLOL
  5. What is this air conditioning in the bathrooms you speak of at Kings Island??? XD LOL every time i used them in the summer might as well have come off a water ride!! ha ha ><
  6. Good ol traction park XD that was a really great episode. It’s one of my faves
  7. Alright i give up lol i had a nice really lengthy and good reply to a couple of you guys but when i hit submit it was all gone Oh well much love to you both disco and the other one i had in my reply. I only was teasing about the loving parks things it’s clear you do as well as most else here i too work in an industry that never closes( obviously they are now) bigger than cf so i know much about profit/losses but it’ll be what it’ll be. If it opens yay if not oh well but every day is vastly different than the last so who really knows what’ll happen.
  8. Do you actually even like amusement parks disco? I mean you seem happy to argue as much against any pleasure or chance of opening seesh!? :p if it’s how you cope then i feel for ya. (Really i mean no ill towards ya you just seem to focus on the not rather than the possible- if they open cool if they don’t cool) i guess i focus on hope and reality versus what the super ideal in a perfect world scenario. Everybody’s going to lose money no matter who they are, i don’t watch sports so they wouldn’t get my ppv $$. But I’ll gladly sit on a spaced out bench waiting my turn to hop on mystic lol most of these business money coming in is better than nothing. But again it’ll be whatever it’ll be. Reality there aren’t enough replacement jobs or lasting support to all stay home for 18+ months till a good properly tested working vaccine. Unless the numbers of the poor who die they’ll outnumber that of the virus doesn’t matter? We can sacrifice within reason to protect the weaker members of society but not at the cost of the working class base. let’s hope rolling restarts within our own state shows promise keeping travelers from coming in from hot spots is the key. The latest from china the second wave has 90% been people returning from outside not new infections. (Supposedly i should add because we don’t have good relations to get factual info from them all the time)
  9. Large sporting events you’re on top of each other same as concerts. You don’t have to be on top of each other at an amusement park. Especially if they limit numbers. The technology already exists for virtual queues for dinning and rides and can be implemented at other parks. You can stay away from others easier at a theme park actually than in a crowded stadium. So actually i could see a park opening before football or baseball etc. you can’t get herd immunity either without exposure so you need controlled openings. Way more lives depends on it that don’t have the privilege to wait it out for a vaccine etc. especially in a place where their govt bails our corporations not the people. it’ll be what it’ll be it’s still only April. Even a July opening would be ok because there are people who have the privilege to wait out their fear and will stay home.
  10. I plan to go out and resume depending what opens. Why? Because l nothing in life is promised and if it isn’t a virus it’ll be something else as death is inevitable for all we just try to feel like we can control it. And only you can decide for yourself what you want to fear. I also am a reasonable adult in that i have done the so far 5 week at home order and if i felt like i had anything I’d stay home. You never be able to fully escape from it unless you have a fully stocked bunker and never go out. Asymptomatic people can’t be blamed if you have no idea without adequate testing is not really in your control except to participating in the social distancing that we have done. like it’s been said before you have a higher chance dying in your way to the theme park than at the theme park do you stop driving? Life is unpredictable, live while you can.
  11. But now you’re forcing ride ops to handle more germs. When in reality you touch the lockers and can easily just go wash your hands or squirt sanitizer. People need to quit passing the buck into others. ride ops will have enough to do check restraints get a squirt of sanitizer repeat. They don’t need the extra exposure of bag handling when there are restrooms practically next door(ki speaking) to where ride lockers are. Lockers for Banshee, mystic ( maybe Orion/FOF lockers got bathrooms addedIn that area LOLOL) are close enough you can take care of yourself in that regard. Plus before closure many added multiple handling and sanitizing stations in places so if we do our part we can increase the safety of the park ourselves. And maybe they’ll add wipe down lockers points to the custodial list every hr or so. But many of the fears of cleaning touching etc found through out these pages can be dealt with by your own self by being more proactive about your own hygiene habits. Some of this spread is because we became lax in these areas, lord knows I’ve touched things and probably gave myself something without thinking because until now getting the flu or cold or whatever wasn’t a big deal since we have cures and vaccines. But if we as a society tighten up on our hygiene we can have some of our joys back within reason. I’m not afraid to touch a restraint someone else did because I’ll either wash or sanitizer after and not touch my face lol i don’t know why people think they can’t get value of it doesn’t open up by mid June. Value is relative. We didn’t get our passes till Memorial Day last year and that could have been our one day (tornadoes missed us but many had touched within a mile of us in places). We probably went maybe ten times or so over the summer and thrice to haunt and twice to winterfest. I feel i got great value. My little went from riding a fee kiddie rides to conquering The Beastie and wanting for more! Her water confidence also grew over the summer at ki. This year we added dining as not having it made it less value of the visit having to shell out 30$+for a single family meal lol. i can’t believe how much food went up, i can i just don’t want to like it lol. At least it’s not to 20$ disney prices yet. But anywho try to stay positive guys, it’ll be what it’ll be. We may get June or maybe July but they’ll want whatever revenue they can get and i also think they could cut a few rides etc to save expenses or be able to operate with less people. If they announced it ahead of time like this weekend only coasters will be running and Planet Snoopy. Or this day Coney Island and River town and Action Zone. They could actually operate like they do when they start to limit for end of season. It would be a way to manage crowds and expectations. I’m sure they are working all the different strategies to best play out what ever the reopening of things look like. Be realistic but reality we only lost three weekends( counting those in April) so far there’s plenty of time yet to come
  12. Thanks i didnt know that was an option cool
  13. Wish there was an option to continue paying. That’s nice and all of them don’t get me wrong just really was OK being done in July instead of who knows when now.
  14. Nothing beats stick figure Jesus if he can be rebuilt so can a delayed ki season right lol
  15. I volunteer as tribute!!! I'm now curious to see how wearing gloves and a mask would work on The Bat! Masks that tie or have the connectors on the back of head aren’t going to budge if they are well fitting; which they should be otherwise you’re not keeping germs out. I’ve seen many on motorcycles wearing some type of masks. Not just ones for riding motorcycles but medical type. glasses stay on with the holders that tighten around your head so i don’t see wearing masks an issue on rides. I’m game for them less likely to catch a bug in your mouth that way Lol
  16. WindSeeker and Sling Shot in the dry side Orion if we’re counting yet to open. And most of the wedgie giving slides in the water park lol I’ve ridden the Intertube slides at least once but my knees can’t take all those steps to get to the tall slides and i don’t like standing at heights either. I’ve ridden many of the kiddies rides from Hannah Barbara Nickelodeon and i couldn’t tell you what’s new after the first two installations to now Planet Snoopy so there’s probably some kid rides that weren’t there that are now that i can’t ride.
  17. You know unemployment doesn’t last forever right!? Not to mention most had good jobs so they’d like to have them back as a salaried pays way more than unemployment. Unemployment has limits and isn’t long term sustaining. the distancing is to slow the spread to help the healthcare keep above water not to stop it. Everyone’s going to be exposed eventually it’s just hoping to be at a reasonable rate so that those who need more care to beat it have the option available instead of everyone getting it now and not enough beds etc. stuff will open slowly and this will keep some people home reducing crowds naturally out of fear etc. I think by mid April we’ll hopefully have enough substantial data to know what kind of summer there will be.
  18. If they started closed till June it would push any spike and that spike would be drastically reduced to late October nov when most things would slow down again. By waiting they could save summer so to speak and go from there is mainly to give the time needed to produce the tests care etc needed to test that spike. The longer the wait now the smaller the spike and the smaller the scale of deaths decreased dramatically. Even just going to mid May is quite the substantial reduction that could deem safe to Re open with special measures. i could actually see smaller parks like ki and Dollywood etc opening up before disney and the like because the ratio of local even border state local Vs crosscountry wide and international draw is smaller than places like disney and universal. Yes international people come to our smaller parks but not at the mass they do at disney. I’ve never seen 10k+ Brazilians at once at ki but I have seen that many plus at disney at once. ( picked only because I literally saw the herds of them when I worked there) and we knew the numbers because I worked front gate) source for the graph is NY times: not sure if I should link don’t want people getting in a tizzy over the title but the interactive graphing from the epidemic experts is where I based my opinion on.
  19. Well cashiers aren’t robots yet they have been taking extras away and they have someone putting them back on the shelves. This was at Kroger with no self checks. But it is easy to add a check limit same as alcohol age check etc. it’s really how much or well the person running the registers takes control over the limits. i don’t understand it either because this isn’t like a tornado or a weather event that might destroy structures. I can see Dayton being jumpy and a little ptsd from not having recovered yet from the Memorial Day tornadoes there are still homes with damage not yet fixed but livable. Unless I guess they’re thinking what if the utility workers all get sick I dunno but yes the water still runs and the tp well still be made slow down people. worst case if you run out just hop in the shower after. Water still cleans too
  20. They actually aren’t hard to make 100% Cotton flannel fold accordion sew the edges you can choose to add a pocket to insert filters s as preferred or leave them as they are as elastic or string (shoe laces work well) to tie. Boom mask. It’s actually what many of us have been asked to sew and donate for nurses etc because it’ll be a bit before demand falls or production meets the new demand. They also can be washed and resanitized so a couple to rotate and you’ve got something. link to free pattern https://www.craftpassion.com/face-mask-sewing-pattern/
  21. I’d totally drive 45 mins for drive through blue ki dippn dots LOLOL
  22. Omg parks aren’t going to be closed forever. One domino effect it would collapse an entire industry and a big tourism chunk. Not to mention then the explosion of unemployed vs jobs avail if that happened. Most will likely do the suggested 8 weeks then do rolling restarts. Possibly with locals first then allow border states etc. I don’t expect disney to go all out right off The Bat. They will probably do a soft opening like AP and locals and the reservations that weren’t canceled. Then start to refill again. i think they could offer a choice but I’d be unhappy if they paused my plan as I have it set to end a certain month for a reason. But giving others who have different circumstances sure. And if you call I’m sure they will work with people because this is such a unprecedented event.
  23. Cool I haven’t been to cp since 2006 so I hope this event can happen if not next year we were planning to go platinum anyways
  24. Wonder what will happen to the just for fun event at cp? the one with the 20.20 ride wristband. I’m not too worried if canceled I’m sure they’ll refund or whatever. I think it’s right at the cusp of mid May I can’t remember.
  25. But was it there during that period? When was the first case recorded? If it came by traveler into the country after the fact, heat and fires may not been interactive with the virus enough to claim yes or no.
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