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Everything posted by fyrfyter

  1. My guess is the track itself will be between 1300-2000’ in length. I used a 10’ wide track, even though that could be too wide. With terrain, this shouldn’t be a big deal, since I doubt the ride will be flat.
  2. But we can’t verify that. Apple isn’t exactly forthcoming about info like that. The other stuff I already knew. But if they throttle the processor on older batteries, there isn’t any reason why they couldn’t slow charging on older batteries.
  3. This is Cincinnati- nothing is guaranteed as the weather goes. We dropped 50 degrees in a week. They wait too long and they will be waiting for spring and opening in May. With a month of concrete cure time, someone has to be doing the math. It’s not a purely simple project. The rail still has to be anchored to the concrete and they will need a garage and fueling area. Depending upon the fuel tank, above vs below ground, they are subject to all Ohio Fire Code/BUSTRs regulations. It’s not a coaster project, but it’s not something minor either.
  4. I doubt it. No concrete forms and no rebar. Makes me wonder if they are waiting until spring.
  5. The only other thought is, almost full batteries always charge slower and do older devices that aren’t great in Apple Battery Health charge slower?
  6. This still doesn’t seem right. I seem to remember series 6 & series 7 being able to charge at 2.1a. It was the standard charging rate, when the first FastCharge/QuickCharge devices were working at 2.4a. 1.5a is way too low. It was many series ago when that was standard. 1.5a won’t maintain any device today. Did a search for this. Even the Apple articles indicate 6 & 7 devices not having specific name branded charging options, but able to charge at 2.1a.
  7. My iPhone Xs has fast charge and can charge quicker than that, so this isn’t correct. I ha e for years used an iPad charger to charge my iPhone faster.
  8. They have coaster channels?!?!?! I’ve been spending my time watching Baba Sen give a cosmic massage...
  9. Electro-mechanical says older style pinball machines. I doubt this is anything to get excited about. I’m guessing they just have a warehouse area filled with older games that need to go.
  10. Definitely needs a bridge, so overpass/underpass or some short tunnel would be cool.
  11. Park with the most unused structures, minus the month of October...
  12. They’re removing a lot of stuff right now to put antique autos in...
  13. I don’t consider that to be true at all. The entire perimeter has service roads around it, that wind back into the park. If you can fit service roads, there is room for pathways. You can always expand beyond your current area without any major changes necessary other than adding the pathways, utilities and rides.
  14. I’d consider that as ok, if they would at least finish the unfinished areas (X Base) and maybe add 1 more.
  15. At last check KI had the space, just unlikely to use it in the next [emoji817] years...
  16. Park with most Beast related coasters (we’ve had 3, 2 are left and I fully expect another one in the future)
  17. Along with park least likely to expand...
  18. Best Golden Ticket Kids Park in the USA Park most likely to have termite problems
  19. This thread was already merged once with a similar thread. I wonder if they can even do it again? It’s that or just close the other one.
  20. For some unknown reason, Google Earth in iOS isn’t displaying the latest aerial imagery. It’s defaulting to early 2000s. Same with desktop, although it has imagery from 2017. iOS 12 is likely the last update Air 2 will get, due to age.
  21. It’s not on either Google Maps or Google Earth on any modern device. The only way to see it is rolling back in Google Earth.
  22. Sort of. The supports were dark grey and the track was red.
  23. They told local media this morning it was in fact a coaster.
  24. I would find this to be a fair assessment, however, how much attendance decline is because people opted to go elsewhere? When the economy dumps again are all those people going to come flocking back? There’s something to be said about riding the level line through good and bad times.
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