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Thrill_Biscuit last won the day on April 24 2017

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    Symmes Township, Ohio
  • Interests
    Music, Amusement Parks, My Girlfriend, Tammy, Art, Video Production and Travel

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  1. I've seen a couple of items on FB about some kind of horseplay in the parking lot by some rapscallions. I've seen or heard no media news on it yet.
  2. I'm back. Much love, all! :)

  3. The age-old argument for a set of restrooms in that area could see some fresh light.
  4. I have a feeling that it is going to be Skylab, which is an Enterprise like Witches Wheel... which is … going away from Cedar Point.... and is made of iron... hmmm :(
  5. The "fly" commercials when X-Flight came to town. Did I say X-Flight? I meant "Firehawk." "Experience the feel of flying." The experience turned out to be more "feel like you're constantly about to be tossed headlong out of a rubber water bladder!"
  6. It turned out being 2h 50 mins for us that day. The FL line was out onto the midway. A lot... I mean a lot... of give-ups walked out of the line ahead of us (probably 1-day guests not wanting so much of their precious park time standing in lines), shortening the wait a little bit. Boy did they miss out. That coaster is the greatest roller coaster I've EVER ridden. Ever.
  7. I went for a swim at my community's pool last Wednesday, and a group of people who look uncannily like the Gravity cast were chilling out by the pool. (Few people I've encountered have "Phil's" "Carmine Ragusa" hair!) My girlfriend and I wanted to ask them if they were, but decided to just leave them alone and be happy with the notion that a Cirque cast might be our neighbors. Can't wait to see the laser bit again.
  8. The cool thing about MS Paint is how we can quickly overlay track ideas onto map images and submit them without losing pace with the conversation. Even I can't keep up sometimes, given the passion this community has for coaster innovations Sometimes I'll pull out PowerPoint, draw up a nice, 3D-looking thing, and by the time I post it, we've moved on to other areas; in those cases, Paint is your friend! @Hawaiian Coasters 325 your designs are pretty awesome, esp. the tunnel elements.
  9. Island Club. You can literally watch the fireworks and the Eiffel Tower light show from the walkway in front of our apartment. You'd think it was comfortable walking distance, but there are no sidewalks on Columbia Road, and trying to traverse the thick, wooded buffer between our complex and Western Row Road would prompt "Gimli" from "Lord of the Rings" to ask "What madness drove them in there?"
  10. Magnificent! I saw the 5:00 show on Saturday. One of the bicycle acrobats wiped out, got right back up and completed the show! It was the first ever Cirque for one of my girl's friends, and she was "blown away." I don't care too much for some of the bathroom humor in the warm up audio, but I guess it's harmless enough
  11. Sorry for the double post. Malem filled me in on the situation It's just fun to try the old hand at doing visuals again.. it's been awhile. Can't wait to see the final product. -Tb
  12. The tower has gotten something of a new attitude in the intervening years, as well... well, at night anyway.
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