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SmartCat7162 last won the day on March 19

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  1. Should of put this is the other post, so sorry. But as much as this excites me to see I really hope they do something with The Vortex plot of land before doing something with the Son of Beast station. However, since they do use The Vortex plot for the drone launches I could see them not putting anything in that spot.
  2. I did see they put red spot lights on it I feel like they would be turned off if this was not intentional. But since the spotlights are their I think it is safe to assume it is not a maintenance issue or the flame running out of propane or whatever it runs off of.
  3. A permit was recently filed for the renovation of the Soak City subway! Really excited to see what they do with it, I could see them turning it into an actual skyline or possibly a bar as well. A bar I feel is less likely since they built the coconut cove bar which seems to be a major investment in alcohol over there but never say never. I really hope that it is an original restaurant though.
  4. So is the flame actually out? Also it would be funny if they proceeded to just tear down the station after all this.
  5. That stand is called International Street Treats I believe. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/dining/international-street-treats
  6. Very true when I made a trip to Cedar Point this year I had free tickets so it did not make sense to stay at the hotel since it is so expensive and the real perk is buying a ticket bundle with the hotel stay and getting ERT. If I had been to Cedar Point before my trip this year I probably would have weighted to go till next year to ride TT2 since it is such a far drive from Cincy. But since it was my first time ever going I took the opportunity to go.
  7. You by any chance looking at the 2025 calendar?
  8. It’s not necessarily just because of 2024, it is all cause the ride was unable to be built in Mexico. But yes very last minute addition for sure.
  9. Also reading on Reddit the history of this ride is funny. It appears that at first it was meant for energylandia and then six flags Mexico picked it up and now it’s at Cedar Point. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. It said opening summer of 2025, so it won't open with the park. Especially since no footers or anything have been poured. It also looked like their was a tunnel in the video rendering.
  11. As someone who has worked with Dippin' Dots I can confirm they do require a special area since they are stored below 0 so they can not be kept in a regular freezer.
  12. I don’t see them bringing back the tasting card for haunt due to the fact they didn’t have them last year. But I totally think it is possible that they bring them back for grand carnivale, since food sales appeared to be down just by looking at the food stands. Hopefully they bring it to food and wine next year especially after how the event appeared to be a flop. I don’t know much about Ohio liquor laws so I don’t know if it would be possible to do a card, but I know they can do the tasting flights of wine like they did this year. I do wonder why they did get rid of the tasting cards instead of just raising the price of them.
  13. Food is looking good lots of variety, I am looking forward to hear what everyone thinks about it since I will not be able to make it for haunt this year because of school.
  14. I could totally be wrong but someone from one of the buyouts posted a picture of the Son of Beast “cargo/package” and it appeared to have one of the lantern stickers on it. So it looks like they are using it as interactive lantern stop. Edit: Just saw the post about it in the Wolfpack building activity thread. My bad for the double post will double check next time.
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