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Outdoor Man

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Everything posted by Outdoor Man

  1. And not everyone reads that other thread. I'm happy it was posted as a new topic. I'm surprised you call the customer service "bleh". I've never visited the Cedar Point Chick-fil-A location, but I'm always impressed by how polite and friendly Chick-fil-A employees are at other locations. Someone can correct me, but the Customer Service at the park location may be drastically different from a stand alone store because the employees are employees of said park and not necessarily of Chic-Fil-A, or one of their franchisors and therefore not specifically to the CFA handbook. I didn't go to the KI location often this past year, but don't recall CFA terminology of "my pleasure" and "how can I serve you?"
  2. and before another response is out there to my "response." I'm not going to further engage; opinions on this board are unlikely to be swayed on either side. I just find it amusing that people fight Chic-Fil-A's existence like it's a strip club.
  3. I don't care. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I am just seeking to find out if it is because they hold a different opinion on a particular subject to you or not. Simple solution, spend money at another kiosk (as I'm sure you do). I personally think that the whole Haunt event is a touch overboard with things that are, quite frankly, grotesque. Solution, I don't go- I still enjoy the park on other days. To say "good riddance" because they hold a different opinion is a bit shallow. Just saying that, and I don't care who I offend- but it seems that the whole crowd that screams "tolerance" and "inclusion" are some of the most intolerant.
  4. Thank you for the clarity. What is your rub with Chic-Fil-A? Please don't say that since you take issue with the fact their management holds a view different than yours that they are inherently a company deserving of bad "fortune."
  5. Having a closed kiosk isn't rare for the park(s)- however, Chic-Fil-A did have a rather marquee location that made it maddening to be closed on what is typically a busy day. Hope they keep Chic-Fil-A, as it is a location that generally has better food that the average location... maybe move it to a less traveled location (if there is such a thing). While we're at it... How about doubling, or even tripling the concession offerings withing Soak City. Hate the typical 30-45 minute food line waits.
  6. edited post. Has the property gone into receivership now?
  7. 'Terp: site resurrector of forgotten threads.
  8. Wow, holy archive-digging batman. I'm have never been thrilled with the Peanuts theming because, though classics, they were mostly personalities from the 1950-1960's with no new material. It will be interesting to see if the new movie boots some interest in them- it was actually a good movie. I hope that CF can capitalize on the success of the movie somewhat and will bring in a new Peanuts era.
  9. I've been through that area few times, and there's a giant Walmart just up the road. Is there really enough population to support both? Is there enough of a population to support a mega park?, oh, wait...
  10. Spent almost 2 full days at the Trade Show. In retrospect we should have stayed another full day. Was there on business... and Day #1 was way overwhelming with just the sheer size of the event. We had 6 'confirmed' meetings but only were able to get 3.5 of them to meet. Oddly enough, the larger the organization, the easier it was to get them to agree to meet. Was able to observe several "public" announcements for new rides and some real interesting ride concepts and interactive 4-D experiences. Will write and post more pictures later.
  11. Boardwalk still my favorite resort.
  12. the IAAPA Vendor Pamphlet was as big as our (home) kitchen table.
  13. As far as trip reports go... I don't have time to get into a real long narrative. Registered to attend IAAPA as a visiting vendor a few weeks ago and went (with a fellow KIC'er, who can identify himself here if he so chooses) with the intention to drum up business as a "co-op" organization. Monday (November 16) hopped on Frontier Flight 1166 (CVG-MCO). VERY nervous for flight time-wise, we had a very high-level meeting at an Orlando based operator with little time for delay or error- but managed to have 10-15 minutes to take in 5-Guys before. Meeting met all expectations I had for it. Won't likely lead to anything but served as a great "dress rehearsal" before a senior level audience. That was all the "business" for Monday; headed to our "Priceline" arranged hotel in Lake Buena Vista to part ways for the rest of the day. The Schrute's will be going back to Disney December 20-26 and 'Dwight' went to scope the resorts (currently booked at Coronado Spings, but never stayed there). Also, got to catch the Bengals game at the ESPN Club.
  14. T/R, one of two coming tonight. Two words, 'sensory overload.'
  15. Coming soon (please note, not a one-word post). Suggestions from the crowd at large?
  16. Rather than accost guests as they arrive to have pictures taken with the parking lot in the background, they should have them turn around for a fountain/tower picture. THEN hand the the card and go Disney on guests and disperse through the park and add photos to their "account" with other iconic KI backdrops: Racer in Coney Mall, Vortex, Banshee. They'd sell more this way easily.
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