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Outdoor Man

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Everything posted by Outdoor Man

  1. I'm sure if there isn't a retrofit of the attraction happening it will be open. I wouldn't count on any seasonal theming inserted to any extent. It could complement the verse of the song 'Most Wonderful Time of the Year' that's says 'there'll be scary ghost stories and tales of the glories of Christmases long, long ago...' I never understood what that meant anyway.
  2. kind of surprised that they wouldn't be open during the day some of December to get school groups.
  3. Lot of good suggestions listed. I side with the theming experience every time. A few of my "suggestions": Panda Express as well as a Country Music Review in the German Themed Festhaus is always a big irritation. The music loop last year was nothing short of.... i'd rather listen to someone drag their finger nails across a chalk board. Food service employees seem to need basic expectations placed on them. 2016 was not a banner year. Clean up and remodel restrooms. they're in pretty gross shape. Part of this isn't their fault; may I call out the gentlemen reading here specifically. Not to get too graphic, but if you have such horrible aim that you can't pee into the bowl without leaving your mark all over the seat... they have an entire bank of urinals just for you.
  4. I'm guessing that's the Kissimmee park? It was torn up pretty good when I was down there last month.
  5. Didn't CF have a Trademark on the name "Amusement Dark" for a while (if not still)? I sort of thought that's where Action Zone was headed, but apparently not.
  6. Most of the ride additions were good. But it didn't seem that they had an overall plan in mind as to how each new addition "fit" into it's area. Action Zone was actually as close to congruent theming that Paramount had... in that there was no theming to fit in to. But lets be honest; other than being iconic to the skyline of the park- Son of Beast was a terrible coaster. A terrible ride experience in addition to a thoughtless approach to design. The roughest part of a wooden coaster are curves; for the most part that was all the coaster was. Curves are rough at 35 mph... SOB was 70+ (wasn't it?). Being a movie production company with access to thousands of theming titles- they could have really had an iconic park but didn't seem like they wanted to dive into it.
  7. hmmm. My ride tally winner is probably The Beast. Been riding since 1993 and I'm pretty sure that I'm up close to the 50-55 mark. 23 years... an average of 2-3 times per year. Sounds about right. Would love to have more to the tally but....
  8. very much agreed, Ouimet was an upgrade to DK. But I feel like his main concern has been shareholders. Always having record breaking attendance and profits, which is great. But yet coasters and rides that require TLC, i.e. Racers / Beast need paint and stain. Diamondback seats needing cleaned or replaced, animitronics needing replaced or repaired on BLSC. Water affects no longer working on The Beast or BLSC. Lights needing replaced all over. Food concession operations needing major overhaul. There are probably much more to add to this list. Granted Cedar Fair is not Disney, and I do not expect Disney like themeing, but at the very least have some pride in the parks. Doesn't some of that fall on the local General Manager though? ie- light bulbs needing replaced all over the place. "Holiday" lights from Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular (that hasn't happened in what... 4 seasons)... still wrapped around the trees. I mean, really, couldn't they have designated a crew of teens to go rip those down a few years ago?
  9. Not terp, but I believe that if you modify 'anything' you can no longer grandfather code to it. Moving to a new location strikes me as a scenario that fits that. That said, I doubt that any of the original structure is salvageable to rebuild after sitting/rotting for 9 years. Let my fact-checking begin.
  10. that sounds good on paper... but even as a preview marketing tool- what you're proposing would be a major money loser. It was announced this season as a boost to sell season passes.
  11. Unfortunately petitions don't place patrons in the park to make it profitable. View the Yelp, Google, Facebook, etc... pages; there were always comments about "no, short, etc... lines." The same were true the last 2 years GL was in operation. Look at the YouTube videos from the last seasons: Dominator coaster trains not even half full. Less than 10 people riding their topspin ride. 3 people on Head Spin. Empty midways. The park(s) simply weren't supported by the local population- or there wasn't enough local population to support it. Any owner will only let an asset bleed cash for so long before pulling the plug. Did Six over-build and cast the seeds we're seeing mature now?; probably. Different discussion though.
  12. It has to be an announcement worthy of selling 2017 Season Passes, an announcement featuring aesthetics won't get my Visa swiped. I have a short list of things I'm hoping for (some maybe beyond 2017/never): Better "International" Street environment. Bring back the instrumental/classic music with choreographed fountains... Some sort of themed dark ride in the Tomb Raider building. Move the "soccer" game out of Rivertown... I don't believe soccer was a sport in the new world during that period. More SR&R / Scrambler lighting treatment to other Coney rides (Monster, Zephyr, etc...) Refurbish the Carousel Electronic order kiosks for food service... The food service employee demeanor has been Zootopia DMV worthy for a few years now. Retheme of Boo Blasters... not a fan of the whole skeleton/Demonic theming. An "out-of-the-box" Soak City attraction Water coaster: a la Journey to Atlantis Power wash the sidewalks in Soak City more often to get layer of mildew (and stink) off. Return of Winterfest... a South lot entrance/exit. It wasn't packed last weekend but took an HOUR to get out of the parking lot. Fewer "music review" shows I think Mystic Timbers will be a nice tweener roller coaster with good theming that looks to tie in well with the Rivertown persona. It alone was a decent announcement. However, CF looks to have concurrent announcements at several parks on or near the same day/time. My guess is that each are getting the same or similar announcement. I can't imagine that it will be a ride or aesthetics- I'm going with an event.
  13. Ok, so I'm a bit off topic. But what really BUGS me is that horrible 5-song rotation plying in the park this year. I would rather listen to someone drag their fingernails across a chalk board than to some of these. Every time I hear a Sam Smith song I want to throw rocks at the speakers. Oh, and the 'work ethic' of a lot employees it seems this year...
  14. Will come down to cost of maintenance and perceived ROI. Recirculating water and other intangible costs associated probably make this ride more costly to maintain than others.
  15. A lot of the songs aren't "upbeat" and you can almost tell what time of the day it is by what's playing,
  16. Walking through the park earlier tonight I caught myself thinking that Kings Island is just another amusement park stocked with once-a-thrill roller coaster thrills. Job positions that actually require maturity have done pretty well; First Aid as well as Security (and unfortunately this year our family has had to use both). Food Service and Ride Ops... this year has been atrocious. I can't recall a year where their guest experience has been this bad. It's not that the individuals in these positions are rude; an overwhelming majority of them come across as lazy. Walking through the gates used to be much more grand years ago. International Street didn't play pop music... and i have to be honest, the music roll they have this year makes me want to lunge towards the speakers. The park used to be masterfully themed. And over the years it has just dipped into... who cares. There's remnants of theming but its not connected to anything. International Street has almost nothing international I-Street buildings are lined with lights that are half lit. German Festhaus serves chinese fast food and has American pop music reviews October Fest features a Viking ship and Mexican burritos Tower Gardens is a designated smoking area Rivertown is about as close as it gets to theming. There are a bunch of empty buildings 350'ish days out of the year It's a great park, don't get me wrong. Anything that attracts 3 million+ annually in Ohio is doing something right. But, it could be much more than it is. I love when organizations go out of their way to "create" a unique experience. You take the theming away and the Seven Dwarfs mine ride is just a different version of... Flying Ace (or whatever its called). But add the theming to it... and you have 2+ hour waits for repeat rides visit after visit. I think Banshee is one of the better themed rides they have built in recent memory... beyond that, i'd love it if they put some water under the tracks, insert a tunnel or two, and throw some fog in the field. I stand in the minority here, but I hope KI never gets a $25M "giga" that will just pull line patrons from Diamonback, etc... Build a smaller, slower, shorter coaster and theme the smack out of it and create an experience that won't lose it's line after the next thrill is built (a la Tomb Raider... RIP).
  17. From what I've read, which is sketchy at best, the Orlando attack seems to have been lone wolf despite pledging allegiance/inspired by ISIS. His parents said he became angry after seeing two males kissing in Miami 2 weeks ago... As a person, how do you reconcile this. It's not a crime of passion where a person seeks to exact revenge over an instance that happened to them personally. But, act in a murderous rage against people you have no connection to. I can't reconcile this in my head.
  18. Honestly, I think what we don't need is thousands of people who weren't there suddenly becoming experts on what happened and what steps should have been taken. I also don't think we need our over-reactive society to force litigation over this so that in a few years after millions of dollars in legal fees are spent we wonder why the zoo is so expensive. Anyone with young kids knows that under an even watchful eye kids disappear in seconds. Parks, airports, Kings Island... only to find out they were right behind us. This is a 40 year exception to the rule. While I don't reasonably expect a 4 year old to understand cause and effect, I also wouldn't believe that a 4 year old of mine would try to go into an animal enclosure. Just unfortunate on all fronts.
  19. WLWT released this video. This wasn't from wlwt's site but is same video.
  20. One thing that would significantly speed the lines up... get someone who knows how to use a computer run the registers. It bothers me how often the lines are bunched up at the register... and not the food.
  21. If you're wondering why they would in canada... never been to Canada sans 4th of July time frame but certain it's not celebrated quite like their brethren south of the border. It's a 'continuation' of Canada Day. Not sure exactly, though. What that is.
  22. Who else went to that IAAPA Convention??? Never been but I hear the location in Dayton is twice the size- is that right?
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