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Outdoor Man

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Everything posted by Outdoor Man

  1. Dogs that bite repeatedly are put down. nice analogy.
  2. no 'peeing' match intended... an after tram from the main gate to the SC area after it closes would be nice.
  3. i think Paramount should make a reprise visit to film an action movie where the coaster is systematically destroyed by Tom Cruise and the IMF for the upcoming Mission Impossible V. Really, think about it. if the coaster is going to come down, it should do so in a "blaze of glory"- = publicity for KI = $$$'s at the gates.
  4. have they removed the actual ride itself? I don't recall exactly, but didn't they build the building around the ride- meaning they would have to modify said building to remove? I would love to see something "created" to take over the space that no other park has. just about all CF parks have WindSeeker. variations of delerium exist across the map. Firehawk is a "production" coaster. Kings Island isn't Disney; but one of the great things about those parks are- you can't find their rides anywhere else. and if there are variations, the theming makes it unique. I know, that's a tired conversation.
  5. that strategy falls short with a 3 & 6 year old.
  6. i understand where the tram between parks comes from. if you park at SC then go to the main park till close- you can't take the train back to SC and get to your car at 10pm.
  7. I don't remember where I heard it- but the -then- Top Gun roller coaster was being measured for removal when GWL was built for a possible north entrance. i don't remember where I heard that- look at my posts from 5-6 years ago and I might have put that, i'm not going to look. I does sit back by itself and they don't go out of their way to make it look nice. I'm not lending credibility to the original post of this thread- but I think that it does fall in line with what has to be brewing. Whether or not those conversations took place or not is irrelevant... any park-going patron knows that something is going to happen to SOB sooner or later and that its removal will likely be coupled with some broader project in the area. Back in May, while in AZ, I watched from afar as a CF entourage looked over SOB in plain view of anyone walking by making hand gestures. then as they walked by I overheard "we have several months before that announcement will be made." They could have been referring to announcing that they were going to fix pot holes in the parking lot for all I know- but if I were a betting man I would bank on an announcement regarding AZ coming- and it will probably include information on the future of a certain 200 foot wooden structure.
  8. to put in perspective- I think the main drive of the SC expansion was to bring the waterpark into the broader brand alignment of the other CF Soak City properties (naming and color schemes). as someone who has kids and has spent a deal of time in the kiddie pool section i have to say the BEST off-season project was the addition of the new sidewalks behind the kiddie pool area! doesn't take much to please me there.
  9. that look on his face is: "snap the picture already..." They're a multi-billion $$ company with access to untold photos, and no disrespect to Don, but- is that the best they could come up with? something themed for a kids ride with a middle-aged man in the picture?
  10. hmmm... skyine goid star blue ash price hill... gotta go with price hill chili
  11. no the park wouldn't have been at fault, but I'd bet a dollar to a donut that they would be the ones to get sued... and in 2013 new seat belts and lap restraints would be installed on the train with air bags and side impact protection.
  12. After riding it last night, I can say there was definently no "pot hole" or whatever you felt on the lift hill. Vortex was riding as smooth and fast as the last time I rode it (maybe 3-5 years ago) It may be a specific train issue & not a track issue. Issues like this should be mentioned to ride ops. If there are enough "complaints" it will help maintenance with troubleshooting. or perhaps the lift chain motor had a "hiccup"
  13. agreed. teachers tend to be pack-rats. My wife still has a "R2D2 Robot" that her mother (who was a teacher) used that pre-dates her birth by a decade. My wife hasn't taught in 6 years.. but we still have the lousy space eater. I'm guessing your pogs are right where they've been since that day.
  14. maybe I'm the Neanderthal of the group- but when deciding to go to KI- I don't check anything but my wallet to make sure I have our passes prior to going. If it's september I'll check the schedule- but outside of that, nothing. To my original point, they seem to be having an "off" year.
  15. I'd like to take a flash pole of how many people check the facebook page before going. Besides there was one mention of it on Saturday- and I had to page down three times to find it. STILL, point being- they've had a rather unusual time this year with reliability issues.
  16. Its really unfortunate; but I was a Season pass holder every year from 1989-1999, and now from 2006-2012. Not trying to knock them, but the park really seems to be having an "off" year. I am not sure I can recall a time where they've had this much trouble keeping marquee attractions open. I am a pass holder that will get more than my money's worth throughout the operating season- spent mostly in the kids area, so I'm not too bad off. BUT- thinking of the non-cincinnati park goer- who doesn't event know what KI Central is- I would be pretty upset if I dropped $75+ for a day at the park and had soooo many of their flagship attractions closed. People have said in the thread that "its common knowledge here that DB was closed"--- how many members are on here? maybe 5000? active, maybe 1000? how many attend KI on an average day? So a VERY small percentage of the daily attendance is in the "know" that is on here.
  17. I personally like the LIfeGuard's making the list- because above all you want the lowest paid person in the room responsible for resuscitating you back to life if you almost drown.
  18. and this could be a PERFECT opportunity for Kings Island to roll out their new "Museum of Idle'd Attractions" exhibit for the 2012 operating season...
  19. I personally don't understand all of the "routine" maintenance issues... the sales man at Sears said it should have worked just fine... So, is this where the "Diamondback is sinking" rumors start? Haven't seen in the posts, but does the breakdown of CP's WindSeeker mean that KI's will be down also?
  20. No lines, and a bug-free guarantee! Win-win!
  21. this new style consists of metal gates (of the temporary nature) tables and a few guards. Went last night and it was hard to tell if this was intended to be permanent or temporary.
  22. return of the tables probably means some lone idiot was caught with a foul object inside.
  23. That'd be a pretty cool PR stunt. I'll never forget the implosion of Riverfront Stadium. ... only if it can be for a "Paramount Movie"
  24. This is the second report on these forums of suits discussing SOB in public. I'm encouraged by the fact that the tight lips we've see the past couple of season have, if these reports are to be believed, loosened and that visible (or at least audible) progress is being made toward a decision. Based on Dwight_Schrute's post, I would expect an announcement in August or September. I don't think anything else can be drawn from those snippets of conversation. to be fair. they were walking away from SOB when I heard that and though I was curious as ... was trying not to be obvious. they weren't being quiet or secretive, so anyone around them would have easily heard the conversation(s)- likely all of it.
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