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Everything posted by YoungStud

  1. I'm going to assume you are bringing up the point that we have not considered Banshee may be for other parks. And well we actually have. All other parks have been ruled out because there is no construction and no belief for others to get a new coaster/ overhaul. Especially something as drastic as your suggestion. I mean why would Mantis need an overhaul? its been rumored for years that mantis would be converted to a floorless. And what point are you trying to make with this?
  2. It looks to be the closest 300' drop we are ever going to have.
  3. The new invert hopefully will have Gatekeeper type restraints...
  4. They would not speak to a coaster enthusiast but a hot girl, definitely.
  5. Its funny how everyone dogs intamin but most everyone loves the intamins more than the three b&m's at the park...
  6. YoungStud

    KI 7/17

    Wife and I got to the park about 5. Walked on flight deck. First time riding in a couple years, it was decent. Walked on congo falls. First time in years, fun ride. Does not hold a candlestick though to the deceased perilous plunge. Four cycle wait for Invertiblow. Some one was bleeding and it temporary went down to clean it up. Pretty good ride, I will take it over most recent forceless b&m inverts. Walked on drop zone. Wife's favorite ride. Two cycle wait for Delirium. Great as always. Walked on front row for Adventure Express. Walked on 2nd row of blue racer. Some dude in the red train gave me the finger so we had words after the ride. Flight of Fear was down, 15min wait for Firehawk. Andrea is the best ride attendant in the park! One cycle wait for WindSeeker but took 25min somehow????? Skipped Vortex. 10 minute wait for front row of backyard stunt coaster. I still don't understand why it has the foot/ankle restraint???? Three train wait for beast, great as always. Diamondback, longest wait of the day. 40min wait, great ride today, lots of airtime. Would love some ejector air to go along with the gorgeous floater. I think if they removed the trim on the hill before the on ride photo op that it would give some awesome ejector. Left park at 8:30.
  7. God I hope not. I used to love Hooters Wings, until I ate Wings elsewhere. Too much Breading and too little Sauce. The theming makes them my favorite.
  8. umm, I stated that I wish six flags would have bought ki and got flamed. How is that trolling?
  9. Not a chance. Not even KD or carowinds. To much of a risk to gamble on weather.
  10. Lets look at this way. Which park would you go to? Park A: B&M flyer, B&M floorless, B&M Hyper. (What CP could have got in the 2000's) Park B: Intamin Giga, Intamin Accelerator(420'&120mph), Intamin Blitz coaster. (What CP received in the 2000's)
  11. Every game matters in college, NFL in September, not so much...
  12. 80% of enthusiasts creeps me out.
  13. If the enthusiasts that vote are like they are here they just jump on the bandwagon of whatever ride it is.
  14. Son of Beast was a top 31 wooden coaster in the world in 2005... http://www.goldenticketawards.com/issuearchive/2005gta/2005gta.pdf
  15. Its funny that all the roller coaster specials that come on cable usually showcase MF or TTD. Those rides are recognized around the world. I cannot think of a b&m that is world renouned.Just because a ride is known all over the world doesn't mean it is the greatest roller coaster on the planet. Son of Beast, for instance.Unless you're an RCCA fanboy, too. SOB opened to rave reviews, weren't you in your diapers when it opened???
  16. Bro, There was a recent trip report where a kic'er said he was in line with a family from England and they came across to ride TTD. Also a family that travels past KI to go to CP cause of MF and TTD. Word of mouth....
  17. Does it shake toward the back of the train like Diamondback does?
  18. I like some will smith.
  19. broskie, no, it is how cp would be now without all the media attention it got from intamin's innovative rides such as MF and TTD. Not that the park sucked beforehand.
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