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Everything posted by YoungStud

  1. If it's an invert plan on the elements consisting of: loop, zero g, cobra roll, two corkscrews.
  2. The newest b&m invert I have ridden is silver bullet. That ride was a real snoozer. Forceless...
  3. How does the problems in this post equate to a better experience?
  4. There would be steel pieces coming out of the clermont factory by now. It will take a while to produce a mile of track.
  5. Its weird, when I go to cp rides like magnum and mf the ride ops are hustling to check restraints. On diamonback this season I have not seen one instance of urgency.
  6. I would sit down first and have a buddy help with the seat belt if applicable and push down on your restraint.
  7. I originally posted about my trip report without calling anyone out. Park employees jumped on and started making excuses. I don't embrace excuses I care about solutions.
  8. The taller the pieces the longer it takes to cure.
  9. How do you report line jumpers? I was yelling at the criminals last night in the Diamondback que. The only associates are in the station or at the entrance. Wish they had emergency phones spread out in the que.
  10. I'm sorry but stacking everytime besides three times in a two span is unacceptable.
  11. There are no associates in the que. I had to try to police the line jumping the best I could. In two hrs of waiting a train was easing out onto the lift 3 times before the train running the course was stacked. And each of those times the train was already into the final helic. When I boarded the associates were not hustling to check the easiest restraint to check in the world with any urgency.
  12. To make the best day for guests of the park I would concentrate more on capacity on busy days...
  13. I am saying what's the use of three train operation when the employees cannot keep up.
  14. There were four employees checking restraints. That should speed things up but there was no sense or urgency.
  15. Got to the park about 6, thinking the crowd would thin out by then. Wrong!!! I qued up for diamondstack. Line was out into the midway. If the crew could hit interval it would have been a hour tops. I was in line for two hours. What is the use of a mcbr if your consistently not sending a train out till the train on the course is already stacked. I would rather not have the mcbr and run two trains ala goliath at SFoG. Maybe its the belonging bins slowing it down. That would make sense. I would be in favor of a no loose articles policy in lines of high thrill rides it would speed up the waits.
  16. I don't see anyone fitting big sexy's description.
  17. We already have a maverick type: stunt track.
  18. El toro at 218' would be in todays time what The Beast was...
  19. If intamin won't build a 200' woodie, that says something...
  20. A 308' invert would be intense going into a loop followed by a zero g roll.
  21. The only time I have greyed out on a coaster was millennium force after the pull out from the first drop. And that was at night after a case of beer.
  22. Mf still has the longest line at cp. More than just enthusiass love it.
  23. Why all the hatin on SOB? Like The Beast it was meant to be a thrilling out of control ride. It was what it was. Who rides The Beast for its airtime?
  24. Because speculating over an unverifiable claim that Intamin track was seen barreling down I-71 was old and busted and this is the new hotness. Don't know if its relevant but I saw some green coaster track the other day round Wilmington.
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