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Everything posted by dragsterfan420

  1. I'll take that bet. You lose. YOU have that picture! And your pictures are awesome! Thanks for sharing! Thanks Terpy. At least someone likes my pics. Maybe I should rephrase my statement. I bet nobody, BUT ME, has that picture.
  2. Here's some I took on a trip back in July this summer, if you need/want any of these pics I'll be glad to give 'em to you but only by permission, enjoy. : A very vivid view of the Diamondback entrance sign. From the top of the Eiffel Tower. Overview DB lift. First drop. I bet nobody has this picture. Wallpaper anyone? My favorite picture I have ever taken from the Eiffel Tower at night. A nice shot of DB at night. Silhouette. That's all for now.
  3. 7-1 for the win. Good leg room plus great airtime on the first drop.
  4. The funniest rumors I've heard from KI are: Last year some guy saw all the track next to Firehawk that was for DB, and said that Firehawk was simply being re-tracked. Another one is from this year that a guy said Diamondback's track is from King Cobra, hence the snake theme and also that Cedar Fair is going to take out Vortex, The Beast, and Son of Beast.
  5. Another awesome picture of one of KI's trains. Thanks.
  6. ^Agreed. I miss the German feeling Oktoberfest area.
  7. Their is a piece of the track called switch track. While the train is coming in the Rivertown station for the last time during that days operation their is an engineer standing on the left hand side of the track near the train house. Now I really don't know if he operate the switch manually or basically presses a button but when the last car of the aforementioned train passes over the switch the engineer switches the track to head towards the train house. Then as you mentioned the train heads backwards into the train house. This system operates kind of like roller coaster transfer track. Here's a picture.
  8. Thanks for stating the obvious. I was asking because I can't walk "into the train warehouse" and use "a camera".
  9. To start off, don't you loved how they used video of Mr.Freeze? And the making of the coaster, which was on NL, seemed pretty poorly made. That was a video of Mr.Freeze. You can see the "boosters" here: http://rcdb.com/281.htm?p=365 I guess so. I wouldn't say terrible but very bumpy and so forth.
  10. Agreed. Not one other launched B&M pretty much strikes down the "launched" idea. But their's still a chance it could be launched. We won't know until we get some more information.
  11. ^Agreed. This is so stupid. Train's ain't meant to run on vegetable oil. I wish they would have just kept it a steam engine. That is the most "environmentally" friendly engine design. Most companies that choose to go "green" find out that all the alternative things they are doing end up costing them more money in the long run. My friend bought a solar panel for his house 10 years ago and his parents complain that it still hasn't paid for itself, because of the original price and additional costs for maintenance etc. (Just for info I live in Miami where it's sunny for more than 75% of the year, at least). Additionally, I really hope that KI doesn't do this.
  12. Blue Streak does not offer the same ride experience it did even fifteen years ago. It now has rock hard "cushioning," seat dividers and individually ratcheting lap bars. To say it offers the same ride experience it did 45 years ago is comical. Did you ride it then? I didn't, but I sure wanted to. I'm just talking about the airtime Terpy. No I didn't ride it back then but I doubt it didn't airtime when it opened 'til today.
  13. Vortex: First to have six inversions. Flight of Fear: First LIM-launched coaster. Reptar: First kids inverted coaster. Racer: Tallest/fastest. What is Racer "Tallest/Faster" for?
  14. How could you say Blue Streak is awful? It has consistently delivered the same ride experience for 45 years. Thier is airtime over EVERY single hill on the ride. Having said that, I voted for Blue Streak, but here's how I would rate the coasters: 1.Blue Streak 2.Red Racer 3.Blue Racer
  15. Still to this day, day or night The Beast still gives me thrill even though how trimmed it is. Also, FoF, Adventure Express, SoB, Flight Deck, Millennium Force, Magnum, XL-200, Dragster, Mean Streak, Blue Streak, and the Dania Beach Hurricane.
  16. You are correct. GWL is on the sight of the old KI campground. I loved camping there, becuase when you wake up in the morning you go to the park and then can enjoy a nice fire and sleeping under the stars.
  17. ^Agreed. After a long day at the park taking the tram to your car really helped. Especially if you had to park back near the highway.
  18. Thanks for those pictures of the train! How did you happen to get them?
  19. Guess you haven't been on it lately.The lift hill and the brake run to the station are just covered with spider webs and little spiders. 'Tis true. One night while I was up there this summer I decided I'd make Flight Deck my last ride of the night. After a few rides of just enjoying the ride I started observing everything. Their are tons of spiders on FD. On the lift, station, break run, and on the supports all over. I'm agreeing that the name should be change to Spider, just confirming the spiders all over.
  20. No, the Timberliners aren't heavier than conventional roller coaster trains. The benefits of the Timberliners are amazing including, yes, a launched wooden coaster.
  21. I wish they would bring the water back around The Beast. It made waiting in line that much better.
  22. During the course of my life I intend on saving money for retirement as most people do. But with that money I want to travel the world, or at least North America, visiting amusement parks and riding roller coasters. Hopefully to get my coaster count over 300, at least.
  23. Just to help, I checked the park hours for August 17th(if that's the correct month you were talking about) and the park hours are: 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. I don't anything about Mel's but if Terpy's recommending it go for it. And do definately ride Kumba. It is tied with Montu as my favorite ride in the park. Crown Colony is my favorite place, and in my opinion, the best place to eat in the park for families/groups. Here's some info on Crown Colony including what they serve and a picture(all courtesy of BGTGuide): The Crown Colony features the Crown Colony House, which serves lunch and dinner. Snacks can be found at the stall near the Skyride station. The Crown Colony Restaurant >>First Floor (Cafe) The first floor is like many of the other restaurants at the park, serving your basic items. Items include pizza, shrimp salad, and chicken fingers. One advantage over some of the other restaurants is the indoor dining, which is great for those hot days. Items: Pizza (pepperoni, cheese, and supreme), Explorer Club sandwich, roast beef sandwich, shrimp and tuna salad, and various drinks. >>Upper Floor The upper floor is a complete, full-service restaurant that serves more elegant entrees than the cafe. Items include filet mignon, salmon, and fried chicken. The view is also amazing. Items: Chicken fettuccini, filet mignon, salmon, Mahi Mahi, Salads (chicken and albacore), fried fish, fried chicken, desserts, and various drinks. Crown Colony Snacks If you are in need of a quick bite to eat, the area snack stall has drinks, popcorn, cotton candy, and more. Items: Fountain drinks (Pepsi products), bottled drinks (water, fruit drinks), popcorn, and cotton candy. Don't mistake the first floor for the great resturant everyone's talking about iut's the second floor you want to go to. On another note. While the rides/major attractions could be done(with no lines) in half a day, I would recommend getting there at or close to opening time because to really enjoy the park and take in the whole experience it basically takes the whole. Also the park is beautiful and a whole different experience at night. Unfortunately, you won't be able to experience that due to the parks earlier closing time. You MUST ride every coaster their, including Cheetah Chase granted the lines aren't too long. All of BGA coaster's are top notch. Like I said also ride Rhino Rally. If you are a fan of shows BGA has some pretty good ones; Katonga, Critter Castaways, Darren Romeo Magic Show too name a few. Of course go see the animals. Not one of their exhibits have ever disappointed me. Any other information you need I'd be glad to help you out.
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