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Everything posted by dragsterfan420

  1. Obvious reason? Your making it sound like its disrespectful to have it on that day when it isn't. Its like saying to a little kid that he can't have his birthday party because it falls on 9-11. Also your post has been reported. Listen I was not saying because it's Pride Night. In my opinion the park shouldn't even be open that day. And my birthday happens to fall on 9/11. So no, I'm not against a party on that day. Their was no reason to report me. It's not like I was bashing Pride Night or calling people names? I wasn't being a bigot. The "obvious reason" was because it's September 11th, not Pride Night. Even if I did say "obvious reason" and was referring to Pride Night I would be entitled to my opinion just as you are entitled to yours.
  2. Invertigo, or as I still call it, Face/Off, is a pretty fun coaster. I only will ride it thought in the morning or late at night when their is no line because otherwise it just takes forever. This was one of my first boomerangs and inverted coasters and it's force full loop and cobra roll make it great. Plus you get to watch the expressions of people across from you.
  3. Those trains on Vortex would be amazing. It would make the ride actually enjoyable to ride.
  4. No offense to anyone, but I don't think they should be having this event on September 11th for obvious reasons.
  5. Dang... Seven rides, nine hours... That really sucks, Zach. Hope you had a good time nonetheless.
  6. Nick is definitely not coming back. If someone told me Vortex was sinking I could not believe. And I don't think SoB will be turned down.
  7. One year ago I saw someone throw something big off the tower. I have no idea what it was because I was really far away.
  8. Thank you. You've been a big help by posting all of that. All of what you mentioned will be the "law" of the trip.
  9. ^LOL. You forgot something Terpy some roller coasters go upside down after they go up and down.
  10. My friend knows I'm a coaster nut, probably like many of your friends/family do. He's taking a road trip up to the Atlanta Georgia area and is going to SFoG. He asked me what the best day to go is, best rides, etc. Not knowing to much about SFoG, because only going there a few times, I decided to post the questions here and get some real insight about the park. So my questions are the basic general questions like: What are the must do rides?(I know Goliath/Mindbender/Batman) What are good show's(if any)? Where's the best place for a family of 5 to eat?(best value) What is the best day to go out of August 7th, 8th, or 9th? And any other thing you guys can tell me about SFoG would really help. Thanks in advance.
  11. I think any new flat ride would be a good addition to KI. As long they don't take out any other ride to make room. (Reminiscent of King Cobra...)
  12. I like this calender A LOT better. It's easier to navigate. Good choice KI.
  13. Uhm....ok..... I just think that Diamondback will ever be able to beat Millennium in my opinion. Millennium doesn't have 5+ airtime hills but it's not meant to. It meant to just be about height, speed, and positive G-forces. Still, as of now I'm only speculating. Who knows? After I ride Diamondback it might be my favorite coaster forever. For now, though, I'm stickin' with Millie.
  14. 1.Diamondback 2.Anything at Indiana Beach 3.X 4.Ring Racer 5.Ravine Flyer II
  15. ^Lol. Really? After all the times I've been there I've never see it.
  16. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. If you like the DB pics that means you like 75% of my pics! I took alot. Yeah, it really wasn't I was moping around for a good hour. Then I didn't care after riding The Beast. Thanks for the comment and thanks for the info about Flickr. I'm now going to join Flickr. Thank you. I'm sure you do take good pictures. It just takes practice like anything else you do.
  17. I retract my statement that the bugs were may flies. You all were right they are muffle heads.
  18. I've been noticing alot of talk about caribiners on here, including about the one that the keys fell off of. In my opinion these are the best carabiners: They lock and can be bought at home depot for a few dollars. I use it to attach my camera bag to my waist, as a safety precaution, in case the velcro strap on the bags lets loose
  19. That's hilarious. And it would be a cool sight to see; only if they promised to rebuild it.
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