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Everything posted by faeriewench

  1. ^ you added that reply as i was just modifying my post to inclue Jungle Larry and the aquariums
  2. Uh, not true... A very good group of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins by the names of Striker, Misty, Cocoa, and Breeze and a sealion named Skipper for several years all called Cedar Point home. Saddly each of those 4 are no longer with us... And they had a nice aquarium next door and it was there I learned penguins literaly stink. And there was Jungle Larry's Safari, even though it was outdsoor vendor it was still in CP. Worlds of Fun (?) and Knott's Berry Farm housed dolphins however they were rented out. The guy who rented those dolphins out had his full facility destroyed in hurricane Katrina (hence the disppearance of the dolphins Clovis and Echo at HersheyPark) and now has all his dolphins living in the Bahamas.
  3. Natalie Gibson (also in Dead Awakening)...but there was also Bridgette (sp? Karen?) as well in those summer shows. But the girl in HH show is Natalie
  4. yes i am out there with hauntguy

  5. kent!!!! i got no homework!

  6. OH OH OH Tassels!! i saw his tricycle too!! And yesterday while I was at KI I saw another veteran of Asylum That was pretty Karen! im gonna get you hehehehehe
  7. uhh after reading that its done wow i can feel fear fest already XD edit: *gulp*
  8. A Fear Fest attraction was attempted last year in Paramount Story ^ i4got - "2. Faeriewenh, she so fun to chase. You better keep a eye out for the monkeyman." yay monekyman. just dont accuse me of homework not being done
  9. hehe sorry Uncle Henry DeliriumFan - lets wait for an official announcment heh
  10. Josh? lol He seemed pumped up for FF when I saw him a couple weeks ago
  11. Jon or Josh? lol I've not seen Jon either. EDITED: I saw Josh though, lol.
  12. hahaha not quite. But close.
  13. So this means Mike won't be going after my shoe laces this year? *thinks about i4got* nevermind. YAY UNDERTAKER!
  14. i'm back agian tooooo! but like hauntguy i choose to keep my mouth shut. ha ha ha ha
  15. That thread was deleted I believe. You'll know what they'll have when KI posts a 2007 public release announcement.
  16. hope to see you there undertaker!! haha and like hauntguy has said, good luck to all that'll be attending rehire or the other auditions! just show them how insane you can be
  17. ^ I just got off the phone with Undertaker just a little while ago lol he said he'll be there on the 27th
  18. I thought Eiffel Tower stuff was bad now I change my mind. :b Even though this was not a question asked just one heck of a ridiculous action but couldnt think of a better place to put it. Park guest and soft ice cream. Weather is 90+ degrees out with humidity added as a extra bonus. Get an ice cream, go back to table then come running up a couple mins later "my ice cream melted!!"
  19. heh I always get a kick out of the Eiffel Tower questions. especially when they are standing right underneith it then when you finally get them to realize where they are at then they ask where the elevator is. where's the restroom at? and agian...its either right in front or behind them
  20. lol then thats what happened to mine minus photoshop. just a few mins prior taking that pic i had just dumped unclehenry and captian nemo after riding Firehawk and went up to kevin. the pic is still funny. tell ripley's believe it or not we got a bent Eiffel Tower in ohio
  21. I more convinced into believing my pic of the Eiffel Tower turned out to be some sort of error or the lens probably since that is an actual pic taken from a camera phone and Kevin was standing next to me when I took it and he thought it was really amusing lol there were a couple pics i took that day where they kind of came out weird looking too
  22. Wasn't too sure on where to put this but Just for fun But yeah I really do not know what happened in this pic but it looks extremely concaved or bent. I'm pretty sure this might get a couple laughs. http://usera.imagecave.com/faeriewench/0526071518.jpg I showed the pic to Kevin from the Entertainment Dpt and even he had to do a double take and turn around and look up the tower saying "how'd you get it to do that?" i guess it was either camera (or tower johnny playing tricks ) or the fact the heat got to me so i was seeing things *shrug* Edit: yea if it needs to be moved go ahead lol since like i said wasnt too sure
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