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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, the time has finally come to put Kings Island to bed for the season. 2010 has been one of the most eventful seasons in Kings Island history, but all good things must come to an end. Not only did we see fantastic additions such as Planet Snoopy and Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular, but we also saw the addition of some great new shows such as "Signed, Sealed, Delivered!," "Snoopy Rocks! On Ice!" and the revitalization of "Don't Stop the Music." The season didn't come without some calculated risks, such as making Halloween Haunt 'bloodier than ever' with the addition of the hugely popular Half-Pint Brawlers. As much as Kings Island did on the entertainment front, they did equally as much to serve the community. Guests were invited to purchase a pink duck and chuck it into the fountain - which raised over $185,000 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation to fight breast cancer. We also saw the coaster enthusiasts' dream charity event as Coasting For Kids raised money at Kings Island by allowing participants to marathon-ride The Racer to raise money for Give the Kids the World camp in Kissimmee, FL. While the first day in November is generally a sad day for all of us, let's not forget that if the park didn't close for the season there wouldn't be an opening day either. So the time has come to set your watches now because Kings Island will make its amazing returning on April 30, 2011, with the addition of the 301' WindSeeker! A special thank you goes out to all of the KICentral members, Kings Island employees, friends and family that make 2010 a great year. Here's to many more! Best Regards, Ryan
  2. When the staff of KIC met with Jerry Couch in 2007, he had planned to turn Americana into a Christian boys' day camp. He said that most of the rides would be removed (including the Screachin' Eagle) and the open field that used to be the lake would become soccer fields.
  3. It was announced tonight that the wildly popular Half Pint Brawlers will be returning to Halloween Haunt at Kings Island in 2011. They will begin their show the last weekened of September (first weekend of Haunt).
  4. The defending 2010 Kelly Cup champion Cincinnati Cyclones will be available to meet fans, sign autographs and pose for photographs at Kings Island from noon to 1:00pm Sunday, October 31 in the Festhaus. The meet and greet and autograph session is included free with park admission.
  5. KI doesn't look too much better. From what I can see, it looks like DB is spilling out onto the midway. http://www.visitkingsisland.com/public/fun/webcams/index.cfm
  6. I can kind of see where you're coming from. I was at the park for several hours tonight and got hungry, but nothing at the park sounded good so I didn't eat. You must admit, however, that the selection has greatly improved over the past several years. For a long time it was pretty much burgers or LaRosa's. My apprehension with having a nice table service restaurant is that you may be paying amusement park prices for the food plus a premium for the service. They could potentially price themselves out of their own market.
  7. Nah, I wouldn't say that. Not in this instance. I don't agree with raptorguy's post at all. I think it's way over-the-top to say that Haunt is "satanic." Some people love to use these forums as a venue to complain. Raptorguy typically doesn't. He's clearly passionate about the way he feels. Context makes a world of difference in my eyes.
  8. Cfreak, Did you need a glass of water after that rant? Be honest. Lol Please remember that everyone is entitled to their opinions. We must respect everyone's opinions, whether we agree with them or not...
  9. I'm surprised no one's really mentioned the $10 payout. Some of those "Stacker" games in the arcades have prizes worth over $100. I'm guessing that they'll have to go...
  10. Let's hope that some parent doesn't try to sell their 7 year old on the idea of going to Kings Island next year and accidentally stumble across this video and accidentally show it to their kids. Their kids may pick up the F word from it. You know? "Frickin'" Darn, now I have to wash my mouth out with soap.
  11. There was no shooting in the parking lot. There was, however, a nice little riot during the event. The next weekend was canceled because, "The DJ was unable to make their flight." The weekend after that, the event quietly disappeared. I think they actually did two of the five scheded events. Does anyone remember what it was called? Off the top of my head, I can't... The news reports told different. I'm still waiting for all of these news reports about a "shooting" in KI's parking lot. The shooting at Dominion was during a private event too, so I don't think they were doing Xtended Play that night, but that could be wrong.
  12. You think they'll get a nice sit down restaurant with: 1 - High quality 2 - Good choices 3 - Reasonable prices I think you only get 2 of the 3...
  13. ^ Ah, that's it... Here are some photos from the first one (not the riot one): http://www.KICentral.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=26
  14. I'm willing to guess that they'll do a fantastic job of incorporating the name "Cheetah Hunt" into the experience and it will make a lot of sense. Just think of some of the simple Disney ride names: Mission Space Test Track Spaceship Earth Haunted Mansion Could you imagine calling them anything else?
  15. Absolutely amazing. This is the type of expansion I would expect from DC. Plus a very classy video to announce it. We'll have to do the walking tour next time I come down. Now I'm excited.
  16. There was no shooting in the parking lot. There was, however, a nice little riot during the event. The next weekend was canceled because, "The DJ was unable to make their flight." The weekend after that, the event quietly disappeared. I think they actually did two of the five scheded events. Does anyone remember what it was called? Off the top of my head, I can't...
  17. Here is an article about how Kings Island retains its employees year after year, despite the very low unemployment rate. Of course, this article isn't current. It's from 1999. Now several thousand apply to Kings Island and only a few thousand get hired. Oh, how times have changed. http://www.enquirer.com/editions/1999/07/14/fin_kings_island_jobs.html
  18. +1. This thing's been loaded with explosives since the original post, and I seriously fail to see the value in this thread except to stir up religious debates. Hasn't quite crossed the threshold of religion vs. Haunt entirely. Everyone's entitled to their opinions and as long as everyone can express them respectfully then the discussion can continue.
  19. Oh, no... no way... they actually scheduled it like that a few years ago and people were complaining on here because they'd loose an hour of their coaster riding time. Just remember - you are absolutely entitled to have everything molded to your own personal interests at Kings Island. The good of the one outweighs the good of the many.
  20. You know, it really bothers me, the people who are saying this. There could have been problems. There still might be problems. Had Cedar Fair not handled this event so well, problems of some sort would have been inevitable. For nothing, indeed? There could also have been major problems at Knievel... or Wallenda... or the Hanity concert... or the 4th of July. Of course, the same is true for any US Bank Arena event, Riverbend concert, Maifest, Oktoberfest, etc etc etc The fact of the matter is, we're a few weeks into this and there hasn't been any major issues. In fact, it's been incredibly popular. Someone in this thread said that a few people are waiting for something bad to happen so they can say, "I told you so." I think that's the unfortunate truth.
  21. That wasn't the real Satan. It was a guy in a costume. The real Satan is very busy this time of year.
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