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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. So yeah... Delirium_Guy has been bugging me for about two years now to come visit him down in Orlando and experience the many parks that the area has to offer. I'm actually flying down there Wednesday and will be there through the following Tuesday. Here's the fun part - I'm gone for 6 days, but will be flying on two of them, so that leaves only four days of play. We intend to breeze through Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, Busch Gardens Tampa, Islands of Adventure, Universal Studios and Sea World. That's right - 8 parks in 4 days. I intend to show my love to all my beautiful KIC peepz in the house, so if you want to follow my hectic Orlando adventure you can follow me on Twitter at twitter.com/ryansuhr. I'll probably be uploading periodic photos to Facebook for those of you who have friended me on there too. Cheers, Ryan
  2. Don't forget that Flight of Fear was named by Paramount. I don't see them up and changing the name...
  3. Now that Fall is in full swing, the 2009 season at Kings Island is sadly drawing to a close. This weekend, October 30th through November 1st, will be your last opportunity to experience the over 50 rides and attractions that Kings Island has to offer including Diamondback, the new 230' steel monster, which debuted this year. To close out the season, Kings Island is offering some special admission discounts that create a great opportunity to invite friends and family to enjoy the park for themselves one last time for the season. Purchase your tickets from Kings Island's Official Site and you can get a 4-pack of tickets for $79, or $99 for a 4-pack of tickets for all day Saturday or Sunday. Additionally, 2009 season pass holders (and those who have not used their one free visit with the 2010 pass) can bring a friend for the super low price of $9.99 on November 1st - the last day of the season. See a first hand account of the history of Kings Island as WCET's Nate Byrum takes you through the very unique history of Kings Island in his documentary Riding History to the Limits. From its rare beginnings of being one of only a few parks that have actually been created by moving another park to the illustrious heights of Diamondback, this documentary will take you on a roller coaster ride of information that you've never seen before! Do you want the latest information sent directly to your cell phone? Sign up for KICentral's official mobile club and receive text alerts with the latest news and information about Kings Island! Signing up is fast and free! Click here for more information about KICentral's official mobile club! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? It doesn't matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park!
  4. Please refrain from double posting. You can edit your previous post if you want to add more thoughts.
  5. The 20 tickets that have already been exhausted were the last 20 riders. There will not be additional riders.
  6. Nah, this was probably in 2003. I think it was right around the time KIC started... maybe the year after.
  7. They more or less did that 4 or 5 years ago on the last day of the season. They sent all of the passholders an email inviting them to present the coupon and bring up to 10 friends for free. In the fine print it said that the pass holder did not have to be present and that there wasn't really a limit of 10. That day was pretty packed, needless to say...
  8. Gotta love it when the park is offering non-passholding patrons a good deal on tickets and they get accused of trying to squeeze money out of people. The truth is simply that it is what it is. They're in the business of bringing people into the park. Sometimes they offer special pricing or package deals to do so. In an hour or so, I will be attending Haunt with about 20 coworkers... all of whom bought tickets because they found out they could get a good deal on them. Otherwise, they may not have gone at all.
  9. They said they'd make a decision after the season's out, but that still doesn't mean any kind of announcement's coming soon. It's very unlikely you'll hear anything until AT LEAST the start of the new year.
  10. From Kings Island's Facebook 4-Pack online ticket deals now available! Buy 4 or more tickets for Friday Halloween Haunt nights (October 23, 30) for just $19.75 per person or 4 or more tickets for Saturday Halloween Haunt nights (October 24 and 31; includes all day park admission... 11am - 1am) for just $24.75 per person! This exclusive online deal is available only at www.visitkingsisland.com.
  11. Season pass holders will be able to bring a friend for the low price of $9.99 on November 1st at Kings Island.
  12. One would think that anything to do with KI has been covered at one point on KIC. However, do you ever have a caricature done of yourself or someone in your family? Never have, but wouldn't object to it. Have your name made out of wood at the wood shop? Haven't done this either, but I intended to get one done for a friend as a gift, but never got around to it... Do you ever play games in the arcade? During the regular season Dane and I have been known to get into some fierce games of air hockey. I used to play them a lot more when I was younger, but I don't even own a video game system anymore. Have an antique photo done? We had about 10 KICers and friends together the evening before Ride Warriors last year. We highly considered it. I think that would be a fun group photo. Ride the Zephyr? All the time. That's all I can think of for now!
  13. I've been poking around on YouTube, as you can see... Check out "Superstars" which was a show featured at Kings Island in 1991. pt1 pt2 pt3 Another reason why YouTube should be taught in schools. This time it's Kings Island's "Broadway on Ice" which was featured in 1991. pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 Here is a video that someone uploaded of "Escapade" at Kings Island. Thanks to CoastersRZ for finding this. I love the shows they have now, but hopefully they'll be able to something this elaborate in the future! pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 Here is a blurb from the "Holiday Illuminations" show at Kings Island in 2005. For those of you who missed it, you really missed out.... Excerpt from "Santa's Christmas List" from Winterfest 1992 From "Snowdrift Inn" that was performed at Winterfest 1992
  14. Thursday is High School and College Night at Halloween Haunt. Get in for just $20.00 when you show your student ID at the front gate ticket window.
  15. I couldn't tell from the photo -- had they started dismantling Chang's track?
  16. I wouldn't hold your breath for an announcement before Veterans Day. They said they'd make a decision in the offseason, and no - that doesn't mean November 2nd (for those of you looking for instant gratification). There will be some sort of announcement about Son of Beast, but if I were a betting man, I'd say that annoucement will be coming later than sooner.
  17. Makes me wonder who from KI would be called to testify.
  18. and they are gonna have to prove beyond a shadow of doubt Absolutely NOT. The burden of proof is on the plaintiff in a civil case to prove her case by a preponderance of the evidence, meaning it is more probable than not that things occurred as the plaintiff alleged. Even for a criminal case, the standard is not beyond a shadow of a doubt (someone has been watching too much tv law). The criminal law standard is beyond a reasonable doubt. So a civil case would be like being 51% certain, right?
  19. and they are gonna have to prove beyond a shadow of doubt Civil court is a reasonable doubt. Criminal court is beyond a reasonable doubt.
  20. I understand the others, but Twistin' to the 60s? Ferreal?
  21. See? Y'all attacked me for putting up a positive review of it and many people who saw it ultimately liked it like I did.
  22. If I had to choose: Do: Slaughter House Massacre Manor Hot Blooded Skip: Urgent Scare Tombstone Terror-Tory Cemetery
  23. Excellent PTR and wonderful photos!
  24. I was on the fence. Planned on going but wasn't sure once the weather rolled in. Then again, I'm the type that can have fun at KI -- rain, snow, sleet, title wave... doesn't matter. I think the vast majority of people who would have gone Thursday would have been absolutely miserable since almost no rides would have opened, outdoor Haunts would likely have to have been closed and you'd be soaking wet within 10 minutes of arriving.
  25. Maybe his parents were big Kings Island show fans and have the full Kings Island collection of shows 1972-present on bootlegged Bluray disc. You wouldn't know otherwise. Just sayin'.
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