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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Don Helbig was kind enough to take the staff of KIC on an exclusive tour of the Diamondback site today. Enjoy! More in the KICentral photo gallery!
  2. The place where the trees are down is almost exactly where the final helix for Diamondback will be before it hits the splashdown.
  3. The reason why I'm not sending out broadtexts for the Diamondback updates is because Don sends them to me almost every day. The last thing we want to do is burn up the list. I typically only do it for major installments, like topping it off.
  4. So if we update during the day, would you like me to delay sending texts until about 3:00?
  5. The latest from Don Helbig: More in the KICentral Photo Gallery!
  6. News article about KI's last weekend... http://rodeo.cincinnati.com/getlocal/gpsto...&sid=138140
  7. No, KIC is supported by the staff itself and sponsored by Cox Ohio Publishing. If you're concerned with admission, why not get a season pass? It'll pay itself off in two visits. Plus, if you ever wondered what the crowds looked like with a park with low admission, visit Stricker's Grove on one of their public days. It ain't pretty...
  8. The Freedom Concert is for a charity. If you don't like it, don't go. It's that simple. From the terms of service you agreed to when you registered on these forums: We are about what happens at Kings Island, not your political views.
  9. I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but standing on the midway that's now closed, I was underwhelmed by the height of Diamondback. I guess you really have nothing to compare it to from there. It wasn't until I saw just how massive this thing was from Kings Island Dr. that I was really impressed with its size. This is going to be a winner!
  10. In April of 2009, Kings Island will unveil its tallest and fastest roller coaster. Diamondback will stand 230', features 10 vertical drops, an incredible new open air train design and a both scenic and thrill splashdown effect! This new installment is a guaranteed winner among thrill seekers visiting Kings Island. Construction is already well underway and today the lift hill was topped off with the coaster standing at its full 230'! KICentral was the only fan site on hand to witness this momentous occasion. Visit the KICentral Photo Gallery for the latest Diamondback construction photos! With only ONE WEEKEND LEFT, it's almost time to put the final nail in the coffin for both Halloween Haunt and the entire 2008 season! Kings Island is open October 31st through November 2nd before returning the demons to their graves and laying the park to rest until 2009! Make sure you get in one last visit before the 2008 season is officially over! While you're there, make sure you purchase your 2009 season pass! By purchasing a 2009 season pass you can visit Kings Island on any public operating day during the season, and with all of the exciting things happening at Kings Island in 2009, it will certainly be the place to be once again next year! Don't forget that 2009 season pass holders will be among the first to have the opportunity to ride Diamondback before it's open to the public! Purchase a Season Pass with a Gold Upgrade before November 2nd and enjoy FREE parking during the entire 2009 season - a $39.99 value! Do you want the latest information sent directly to your cell phone? Sign up for KICentral's official mobile club and receive text alerts with the latest news and information about Kings Island! Signing up is fast and free! Click here for more information about KICentral's official mobile club! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? It doesn't matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  11. Clifford and Casper topped her off today! KICentral was on hand to cover this historic occasion!! More in the KICentral Photo Gallery!!
  12. Q & A was updated in the Diamondback blog. http://kiDiamondback.com/public/latest/blog/
  13. Plus the metal teeth that prevent the train to rollback on the hill if the chain stops. Anti-Rollbacks. First used my John Miller.....I think? The patten is held by John A Miller.
  14. Not necessarily. I'd say Phantom's Revenge at Kennywood is the best steel I've ever ridden... totally beats out Millennium and Dragster.
  15. Here's the deal. The lift hill was intended to be topped off between 9am and noon today, however it was determined that the wind was just too great so they'll do it early tomorrow. On that same token, if you guys thought I was lying about The Beast entrance changing forever... the prophecy is being fulfilled. Latest D'Back Construction Photos (10-29-08)
  16. Yeah, but professional wrestlers can also get away with leather work boots and speedos.
  17. The ACE stone is alive and well. It was removed because it said Paramount on it. Due to national security issues, I am unable to release information pertaining to the current whereabouts of the stone. I can however give a current photo from today to prove of its continuing existence.
  18. I haven't heard anything about that, but they have done for for several years. Wouldn't be surprised to see it back.
  19. You'll notice the scareactors thinning out a lot as the season presses on. I agree, there were some mazes this year that seemed understaffed.
  20. 2009 Auditions November 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 Vary by date and location Various Locations Kings Island is seeking trained, taleted and versatile actors, singers, dancers, variety artists, characters, character cohorts, musicians, technicians and costumers for our 2009 entertainment season. We strongly encourage participation from all cultural backgrounds! We will be casting for a wide range of exciting opportunities for our upcoming 2009 season. Please note that you will only be required to audition once at the location of your choice. Audtions will be held at the following locations: Wednesday, November 12 Ball State University - Irving Gym - Room 8 5:00pm - Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Percussionists must bring their own drum set). 7:00pm - Dancers Thursday, November 6 & 13 Kings Island 5:00pm - Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Drum set provided). 7:30pm - Dancers Friday, November 7 & 14 Kings Island 5:00pm - Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Drum set provided). 7:30pm - Dancers Saturday, November 8 & 15 Kings Island 10:00am - Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Drum set provided). 2:00pm - Dancers Sunday, November 9 & 16 Kings Island 10:00am - Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Drum set provided). 2:00pm - Dancers
  21. Are you talking about the one that's one the building near Red Beard's Revenge? There's no way that's the same one. That's not anywhere near the size of the one that was on the tower. I'm guessing they took down the one on the tower so they could do the cool lighting effects without the banner being out of place.
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