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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Did they ever get their credit card machine working? That has 100% deterred me from eating there since almost the beginning of Haunt. I'm a debit card guy...
  2. Two stories: I was at Fearfest last year with this girl that I was kind of seeing. You know, that awkward stage in which you don't know if you should refer to them as your girlfriend or not. Anyway, we were about to go through Death Row (or Asylum or whatever it was that year) and I was totally bragging about how I knew the maze frontward and backward since I had been in it several times during construction and been through it with the lights on when it was completed, all of which was true. I lead the group in and somehow get turned around in the very first room and crash into someone and I hear, "Ryan, what are you doing???" I had completely turned around and crashed into the maze's manager, who followed behind our group. Yeah, that girl quit talking to me. lol Another was at this year's Haunt's media preview we were doing Tombstone Terror-tory and at the point when the train "broke down" I turned to our staff and joked, "The train isn't supposed to break down like this. Now we have to walk a REAL haunted trail and see REAL ghosts." This little girl, maybe 5 years old, in front of us turns around and very loudly corrects me and says, "Don't listen to him! That's not true! There are no real ghosts!"
  3. The latest from Don Helbig: Click here to see the latest Diamondback construction photos!
  4. Now is the absolute best time to purchase your 2009 season pass. Buy your 2009 season pass now and get the lowest price of the season! You can also upgrade to a Gold Season Pass and get exclusive VIP benefits such as free parking for the 2009 season, a $39.99 value! Purchase a 2009 season pass before November 2nd and you can enjoy one FREE admission into Kings Island in 2008! Do you already have a 2008 season pass? Renew your season pass online and get a special renewal discount! A 2009 season pass gives you access to Kings Island during every day that the park is open to the public, and with the addition of Diamondback Kings Island will be the place to be in 2009! The the 2008 season coming to a close, there are only two weekends left to experience Halloween Haunt and Howl-O-Fest! With only four more operating days, it is nearly your last chance to experience the largest Halloween-inspired attraction in the Midwest, Kings Island's Halloween Haunt! Experience this bone-chilling event before the demons, ghouls and undead return to their graves on Friday and Saturday nights from 7pm to 1am through November 1st! Halloween Haunt is FREE with park admission and FREE to season pass holders. If demons and ghouls aren't your thing then check out Kings Island's all new family-friendly Halloween celebration Howl-O-Fest! Halloween may only be one day a year, but at Kings Island, Halloween is celebrated ever weekend in October! Filled with trick-or-treating, a costume parade, a kids only dance party, free games, pumpkin decorating and much much more, Howl-O-Fest is certain to create lasting memories for parents and kids alike. Howl-O-Fest is also FREE with park admission and FREE to season pass holders. It runs Saturdays and Sundays 12pm to 5pm. Click here for purchase specially discounted tickets through Kings Island's official web site! In April of 2009 Kings Island will unleash its tallest, fastest and meanest coaster! Standing an amazing 230' and plummeting through ten vertical drops, Diamondback is a guaranteed winner for thrill seekers! You can track Diamondback's construction through KICentral's photo gallery and see this steel beast as it comes to life over the next several months. Click here to see the Diamondback Construction Gallery! Do you want the latest information sent directly to your cell phone? Sign up for KICentral's official mobile club and receive text alerts with the latest news and information about Kings Island! Signing up is fast and free! Click here for more information about KICentral's official mobile club! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? It doesn't matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  5. Why? It's definitely better to call a CF park home than a Six Flags park. Cedar Fair is adding things to parks in terms of capital improvements, entertainment options, special events, etc. Two Six Flags parks have closed major areas, they've opted to replace many live shows with DVDs, and the overall state of the company is nothing short of unstable.
  6. Although the Black Hat can sometimes gather information from the future, it can't pull pictures from the future. It just doesn't work that way. Once that hammerhead is built, or erected as Cory likes to say, I'm sure Don Helbig will send us photos. The Black Hat is in the business of stealing secrets from the rich and reselling them to the poor... for a reasonable price. Not taking photos.
  7. Another big reason why CF chose to end the Winterfest program was that it shifted efforts away from a very successful Halloween Haunt (then Fearfest). Winterfest isn't coming back in '09. It's not even being discussed for a future return.
  8. I'm willing to say that they're doing that so they can hopefully transition into a system of renewing your pass online and using it for multiple years.
  9. ^ Don't forget that there are supports out behind the Crypt now.
  10. Looks like Mr. Trip Report himself did it again!
  11. A lot of the work done this week will be prep-related.
  12. I'd say it's a good possibility. The D-Back updates roll in quickly and there's plenty to discuss.
  13. I closed the "Rumored Coaster for 2009" thread and linked to the D-Back info thread. I wonder if this one will be just as long when I close this thread and link to the photo updates and video of its opening.
  14. You know what really gets me? That right there is not the tallest support! I think we can all agree the animation does this ride no justice. Maybe CoastersRZ can shed a little more light on this, but I think the tallest support will be on the midway, the one with the planter on it right now.
  15. The station will slope slightly downhill... or it'll have kicker wheels. It can be done. Millennium Force has a similar setup.
  16. Word from under the Black Hat is that the official name of the Paramount Story is once again Tower Gardens.
  17. That video cracks me up every time. Absolutely adorable.
  18. Contrary to popular belief, nobody was ever killed or seriously injured while riding The Bat.
  19. No, the lift hill will not be 100% complete by 7pm tonight. My post: From Don Helbig's Diamondback blog:
  20. No way man, I didn't even start with KIC until I was in college. You have plenty of fun ahead of you. Maybe even the flexibility to do more with KI. 34 visits as of now, by the way. We're tied at 34.... We may have to try to beat you now...LOL!!!!! Well, that's all relative. Last time I swiped in, it said 32. That doesn't count KIC Day and Haunt's Media night, where I didn't have to swipe in. I also didn't count the days that I went up there to take pictures and do KIC biz when the park was closed. So yeah, you may end up beating me, but it'll be a tainted victory.
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