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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. It may be a little hard to find, but isn't against forum policies. ...anyone have this stuff?
  2. I put the photos up a little later than I usually do. A lot of times the people viewing the page have already loaded it so they don't see the latest post.
  3. Just in case you thought KIC didn't still have the hookup... More in the KICentral photo gallery
  4. No way man, I didn't even start with KIC until I was in college. You have plenty of fun ahead of you. Maybe even the flexibility to do more with KI. 34 visits as of now, by the way.
  5. Might be a question worth asking, in regards to the splashdown area. The renderings and promotional artwork show a detailed splashdown made to look like a natural pond. Will the final result hold true to the renderings, landscaping the splashdown with large boulders around the shore and the occasional rock jutting up from the middle... or was this effect just for the artwork used to promote the ride? I'm really hoping they give special care to landscaping the splashdown area. A natural looking pond with boulders and lush foliage nearby will look a thousand times better than a swimming pool with a rather bare lawn surrounding it. That's certainly a question that's worth asking. I encourage you to do so.
  6. Questions that are submitted to the blog will be answered in the blog, not necessarily individually. Additionally, some questions have been asked several times, so you may see the answer to your same question in the blog with someone else's name on it.
  7. These photos are definitely worth a look. Cin Weekly Halloween Haunt Photo Gallery
  8. But DB may cause other lines to be somewhat shorter, which should help your chances, especially if Racer is running both sides. Or it could attract a lot more people to the park... ESPECIALLY early in the season, who would only ride D-Back once and then be in other lines.
  9. What's your overall impression of Haunt 2008?
  10. When Helbig set his record, the park policy was that you had to exit the ride and get back in line so he didn't get any marathon rides at all. If you want to truly break his record, you'll have to do it his way.
  11. It ruined it when I clicked the link and it took about a second to load but the header was "Rick Roll'd".
  12. More photos from Don Helbig. Lift hill's going up... More in the KICentral Photo Gallery
  13. Oldest and dumbest trick in the book...
  14. More images added courtesy of Don Helbig. Click here to see the entire Oct 13th update.
  15. Latest from the desk of Don Helbig: More in the KICentral Photo Gallery
  16. More photos courtesy of Don Helbig More in the KICentral photo gallery!
  17. Parks closed so they are working away at it once again! Word from under the Black Hat is that the much of the lift hill will be finished by Friday! photos courtesy of Don Helbig More in the KICentral Photo Gallery
  18. You may have noticed that huge grill they have outside of Outter Hanks. They're selling full turkey legs that they cook over an open fire. They have them on and off during the season further down the mall. I tried one last night and they were really good. Has anyone else tried them? Definitely worth checking out!
  19. Ryan, do you care to explain how talking about Diamondback's design is 'off-topic' and people messing up BEAST1979's name for an entire page isn't? I had a lot of cleaning up to do... but it's finished now.
  20. The foul-mouth wish was played by a lady named Katie. You may remember her as Doris from the first year of School of Rock. To read an archived interview with her about School of Rock, click here.
  21. Mr. Cowpie's Scared Silly Show at Howl-O-Fest 2008 photos courtesy of Don Helbig
  22. This is an interesting one. Don Helbig sent me this phone. It's of the site that we now know of as the Diamondback construction site from exactly one year ago today.
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