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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Festhaus did sell German food when it first opened. I doubt we'll see Cedar Fair ride that failboat.
  2. Very cool! Thanks for keeping us updated.
  3. Kings Island EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY! FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING TEAM Kings Island is hiring for its Flexible Scheduling Team. Choose your own shifts and try out different jobs in the park! Flexible Scheduling Team Associates assist in many areas such as Food & Beverage, Games, Merchandise and Admissions during busy and difficult-to-staff days. It’s a great way to try something new and pick your own schedule, all while earning a paycheck! Shifts are currently available on Fridays in May (5/2, 5/9, 5/16, and 5/23), as well as the first few weeks of daily operation (May 26 through June 6) and other dates throughout the season, including our fall Halloween Haunt. Work as little or as much as you like and get a behind-the-scenes look at Kings Island! Interested? Come out to our open interview sessions at the Kings Island Human Resources Office on the following dates and times: Friday, April 25: 3pm – 5pm Saturday, April 26: 10am – 5pm Sunday, April 27: 10am – 5pm Monday, April 28: 10am – noon Tuesday, April 29: 10am – noon Wednesday, April 30: 10am – noon Questions? Read on for more information, or contact Kings Island Human Resources at (513) 754-5748. What is it? The Flexible Scheduling Team (FST) allows individuals to choose their own schedule and work as few or as many hours as they like. How does it work? Individuals who are selected for a FST position receive a list of dates and times that are available for them to work. They submit their request to our office and we respond confirming their request. Associates choose the hours that work best for them. Work as many or as few days a week as you like and as are needed by our departments. What will I do if selected? FST associates fill in where needed throughout the park in our Admissions, Food & Beverage, Games, and Merchandise Departments. Associates generally know which department they will work in when they sign up for a shift, but may be asked to assist in other areas as well. (Remember, this is the FLEXIBLE Scheduling Team – we’re there to help!) How much will I get paid? The pay rate is $7.00 per hour. Why should I do this? It offers flexible hours to people who only want to work a few days a week Try different departments in the park. Build your work history and demonstrate reliability. Meet new friends and earn money in a fun environment!
  4. Let's continue this here: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12870
  5. Announcement: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12870
  6. Thirty-three years ago, on October 25, 1975, Evel Knievel made history when he successfully jumped over 14 Greyhound buses at Kings Island. The jump was the last big jump of the legendary stuntman’s career, and one of his most notable. In fact, the jump at Kings Island set a new audience viewing record for ABC’s Wide World of Sports, with a 22.3 rating and 52 percent share – a record that still stands today. Motorcycle daredevil ‘Kaptain’ Robbie Knievel, the son of Evel Knievel, will attempt to surpass his father’s famous jump with a death-defying, spectacular jump over 24 Coke Zero trucks May 24, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at Kings Island. The jump at Kings Island is expected to be the last big jump of Knievel’s 37-year daredevil riding career. “This jump will forever link Kings Island and the Knievel family,” said Greg Scheid, Kings Island’s vice president and general manager. “This special event reflects our commitment to providing our guests with one-of-a-kind thrills with fantastic family entertainment. What a way for our park to jump into the 2008 season!” The event will be included free with park admission or season pass. Knievel has completed more than 250 jumps in his career. The ‘Kaptain’ is best known for his live television performances including the Building-to-Building Jump in Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon Jump, and has thrilled millions of fans around the world. During the summer of 2005, he had his own television show on A&E called Knievel’s Wild Ride. In 2006, he opened a new business called Knievel’s Custom Cycles, based in Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey. In 2007, he was inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame in Sturgis, South Dakota. Kings Island is proud to salute our active members of the military with a new military discount program! Active members of the US military can receive up to six tickets at a special reduced rate at Kings Island's front gate when presenting an active military photo ID. Check out VisitKingsIsland.com for details! Do you want the latest information sent directly to your cell phone? Sign up for KICentral's official mobile club and receive text alerts with the latest news and information about Kings Island! Signing up is fast and free! Click here for more information about KICentral's official mobile club! You still don't have your 2008 Kings Island season pass? What are you waiting for! Purchase a 2008 season pass and get an entire summer of fun for one low price. If that's not enough, you can upgrade to a Gold Season Pass and get an exclusive parking area, special meal deals, double rides on some of your favorite attractions and much more. Still not enough? Purchase a Platinum Pass and get FREE admission and FREE parking to all Cedar Fair parks, such as Kings Island, Cedar Point, Geauga Lake's Wildwater Kingdom, Knott's Berry Farm and more! Click here for more information and to purchase a Kings Island, Kings Island Gold, or Cedar Fair Platinum Season Pass! Is a season pass not right for you? Avoid the long lines and pay only a fraction of the regular gate admission buy purchasing your single day admission tickets on the park's official web site, VisitKingsIsland.com. Remember these deals are ONLY available through the web site, so purchase online and print at home for the best value and fastest way to experience Kings Island! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? It doesn't matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  7. I have an odd feeling that it'll be back.
  8. I mean... we don't know what it is. Could it be something about 09? It's possible. Could it be something about 08? I'm sure that's possible too. I wouldn't put everything down on it being the long awaited announcement that we've been talking about, but I guess it's possible. Again, I really don't know.
  9. "The only true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing." VERY VERY likely a press release. But again, I don't know for sure.
  10. Every bit of detail I have is in the original post. I really know nothing.
  11. The 'ol Blackberry just went off a few seconds ago. I look at it and it's a text from none other than Don Helbig asking me to inform you that there will be a major announcment coming from Kings Island today! I have no details at this time, but keep checking KICentral for the latest news and info!
  12. You DO know that Dominion and Kings Island are owned by the same people, right?
  13. You sure can. Go to VisitKingsIsland.com and you can purchase tickets there. Barring any special discounts, that's typically the cheapest way to get tickets.
  14. Yeah, I was getting riffed for complaining here too. I did email KI and amazingly got a response back that same day from Don. I really wish they would let gold/handicap parking just shoot to the right and go the 50 feet to the spots not 500 feet and create more havok. Here is his response. One thing that I can assure you is that every inquiry into the park will get a response. You may or may not like the response you get, but each one is a unique response, not some sort of template email. Same even went for The Racer when it was turned around. They got hundreds of emails a day about it, and many many responses were written and many phone calls were made. You did however do the right thing. If you really have an issue with the way things are done at Kings Island, contacting the park is the best way to do something about it. They do respect everyones' opinions and make logs of every phone call and email they get. You may be the only person who had a problem with the parking situation, but you also may be one of 1,000 which would make the park reevaluate the situation and hopefully come up with something better. It's a much better solution than some other people who choose to troll the forums and can't stand it when other people don't share their solution.
  15. I usually grab one or two every time I go. Usually someone ends up asking me or my friends a question and I just give them the map. Obviously many of us know our way around the park, so the only way we can use them is for show times.
  16. I was pleasantly surprised, like I said before. It's odd how things have worked out for the better. I was warned about two things with Cedar Fair when they took over: their entertainment sucks and they can't maintain wooden coasters. Well, the entertainment speaks for itself and I think the work done on Son of Beast and the Red Racer is nothing short of incredible. Say what you want, but that company has made a HUGE commitment to that park, and I think many things are becoming evident now. I really can't wait to see what the future holds for that place.
  17. BoddaH1994

    The Crypt

    I am NOT in a position to promise anything, and if you call Kings Island you won't get an official answer out of them either. Simply put, mechanical stuff breaks down and it's very unpredictable. The plan right now is to have The Crypt open, but I can only speak for myself in saying that I make NO guarantees of that.
  18. Ha... I was in Coney Mall and I saw some kid throw a napkin at a trash can and miss and kept walking away in a very cavalier way. I was right behind him and said, "100,000 trash cans in this park and you still throw it on the ground?" He laughed and said, "you're right" and got it and threw it away.
  19. Since many of you have made comments concerning the Red Racer, I thought I'd organize a poll as to how your ride experience was on that attraction. Whether you want it to go backward or forward is neither here nor there, this pertains to the ride experience you've had on it this year. My thoughts: I thought the ride was extremely smooth. I admit that was was kind of weird facing forward for the ride, but I do agree that the view of Coney Mall is incredible from the ride. I also like how it jets off to the right during the split. That actually does alter the ride experience. I'm very pleased with how it turned out.
  20. Ok -- I got an official answer to the parking thing: Gold Pass Parking is conveniently located in the center of the parking lot. There's good and not-so-good things associated with that. The best part of it is how you don't have to walk 50 miles to and from your car and it's easy to find. Unfortunately the spot where it is located is a high traffic area and the parking lot attendants route traffic the long way into the Gold Pass area in order to lesson the interaction of cars and foot traffic. It's a safety thing. I realize that it's inconvenient, but it is what it is, and definitely worth doing in the interest of safety. This routing is only done during the first few hours of the parking lot being open, then the Gold Pass detour opens immediately to the left of the South Tolls.
  21. Yep -- that's him. He also played Wendel in Santa's Toy Factory. Josh will only be performing in County Line for the first few weeks that its open until the official cast member is freed up. However one should not fret, Mr Hobbs will be back in Hot Island Rhythms.
  22. On a similar note, did you guys notice that the photo booth for Flight of Fear, which was converted into an on ride video booth, is... now an on ride photo booth again?
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