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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. -Next Saturday, May 10th, there will be an early ride time for Gold Pass holders at 9:30am on Delirium and Invertigo. -Bring a Friend Days at Kings Island are May 11th and June 15th for Gold Pass holders. The special discount price for friends is $9.99 those days.
  2. Since a lot of people have made comments about the food quality at KI this year, I was wondering how you have feel the food quality this year compares to the past few years at Kings Island.
  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again... you haven't ridden The Crypt unless you've ridden it in the back row. FAR more intense than the front.. I have no idea why. Jukebox Cafe was an improvement over last year. Not as good as the first year, but an improvement over last year.
  4. Does it really matter how many posts you have? You should be more concerned about the quality of your posts than the quantity. Haven't you heard the ancient Chinese proverb that says, "Those who die with the most posts win"?
  5. Granted the weather was terrible, but I went Friday and it didn't seem so bad. Plus, I think it's a great thing that kids are seeing the math and science involved with KI. There's actually a lot you can learn from the place.
  6. Things have always been rumored about Wings... name changes, tearing it down, renovating, etc. I know a strong rumor for a long time was that they were going to theme it to Nickelodeon in 06.
  7. Yep, but you can't deny Kings Island's very unique past.
  8. BoddaH1994

    The Crypt

    Has anyone noticed that the back row is a far more intense ride than the front? I rode it for the first time last Saturday in the back row and thought it was amazing. Then I rode it in the front row yesterday and thought they had dumbed down the program only to be blown away twice in the back row laster that day.
  9. I know this isn't exactly late breaking news or anything, but I thought I'd mention that the front gate area surrounding the turnstyles has been painted with a fresh new coat of blue paint. That's a welcomed change from that old greenish color we've seen for years. It looks really nice.
  10. Now, they will hold the large plush animals if you win them at the locker rental area near the front gate for a small fee. I'm not certain if they'll hold other things, but I'm guessing they would.
  11. You don't. He is talking hypothetically.
  12. I think they have days where friends get discounts, but I'm not entirely certain about that.
  13. You need to change the battery on your watch, sir. That was me who rode The Crypt... and we got off about 10 minutes before the park closed and rode The Beast. Should have joined us.
  14. I can honestly say that I've ridden many rides late into the night with some of the enthusiast events and I've ridden them WAY too early doing TV filmings. However, I've never actually spent the night in the park. That'd be a heck of a camp out. lol
  15. I always thought this was a stretch when Six Flags did it, but they talk about it like it's successful.
  16. Explain to me how the "Parot Head" thing was coined at Timberwolf. I wasn't aware of that. BTW - I've seen two shows at the Timberwolf. I saw an educational bird show there many years ago when my class took at trip to KI to do the monorail and all that jazz. I also went to Weird Al last year, just so I could say that I saw a concert there but ended up having a really good time, I must admit.
  17. Gotta admit... I kinda expected something more out of the video. lol
  18. According to who? According to their Q4 conference call, year end conference call, I think Tony's blog mentioned it and so on and so on and so on. They made it no secret.
  19. Ha... maybe it's best if you don't ride some of those rides... you seem to bring bad luck with you.
  20. I really just don't think Cedar Fair is as arrogant as people like to say they are. They do what works. To be honest, I thought the Halloweekends was really weak at Cedar Point last year, but hey... it drew record crowds. I think people expect more out of Kings Island so they get more. I also don't think that saying that the Haunt is "thrown together" is a fair analysis of the event. Granted, sometimes you can recognize some of their props from local Halloween stores, but it would be very difficult to get covering that much area with that many decorations in such a short amount of time down to a science that's both cost effective, timely, and of mind-blowing quality. I think a lot of it has to do with the "fun by day" portion of it as well. Things such as the electric chair guy had to be covered up, while comical things like skeletons playing cornhole were acceptable for anyone.
  21. This has been mentioned in another thread. We believe that they are simply moving dirt from behind SOB to the Swan Lake area.
  22. Tell that to a certain family in Louisville.... As true as that statement is Terp, this is a fill story. 9 on Your Side is full of them: Just something to fill in the gaps between major stories. Thus, called a "fluff" story. Its also a moral booster to KI (probably done because KI asked) to reassure visitors, and to get as many who faced concerns about safety back to the park. It's not a fluff story. A fluff story would be like an, "oh god, we have an empty 5 minute segment that we need to fill!" thing. Channel 9 made very special arrangements with both Kings Island and the state of Ohio to do this story long in advance. They also spent many many hours in the park to get the shots they wanted. They wouldn't do that for a quick shoot.
  23. Yeah, but at that point we'd be less worried about the Eiffel Tower and more worried about how the Seventh Seal was broken and 1/3 of all the oceans boiled and 1/3 of all of the ships in the oceans were destroyed.
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