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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Thanks for all of the feedback. I made this as more of a test of what can be done rather than trying to reinvent the wheel with another Knievel video. Hopefully I can sharpen my skills and make more elaborate KIC videos in the future.
  2. I think the price goes up to the $34.99-ballpark area... I'm not 100% positive on that, though.
  3. They didn't open it at all? According to VisitKingsIsland.com, it opened daily on May 24th and doesn't have an operating calendar to say otherwise. I wonder what's up with that...
  4. Actually, the scrolling marquis at the entrance to the park always display this info. Off the top of my head, yesterday's message was something like, "Park Open 10am-8pm. Boomerang Bay 11am-7pm. No fireworks display tonight. Modified ride operation."
  5. I created this for two reasons. I must admit that it was mainly to toy around more with After Effects, which is a video editing program that I just required. Secondly, I've had people request that I cut a video of just jump footage, so here it is. This is a stripped down video that's just shy of 1 minute. Let me know what you think.
  6. I'd be interested in seeing statistics on that. I'm a little surprised you didn't have access to that data back when you were serving food at the park.
  7. I guess it's one of those deals where you just had to be there.... I've heard similar situations about NASCAR. I'm not a fan.. I think it's boring. However anyone who's a NASCAR fan will tell you that as soon as you go to one race and experience the excitement for yourself, you'll be hooked. Relevantly, seeing an animation of a guy jumping a motorcycle over 24 Coke Zero trucks may seem a little simplistic, but there was nothing like standing there in the seconds before the jump knowing that a man was risking his life right before your very eyes.
  8. No, in general. Seemed like under Paramount it was Golden Ticket this and Golden Ticket that. I personally think that it's refreshing. Many people travel long distances to go to parks as a result of the Golden Ticket awards. It's a great marketing tool, but not exactly scientific data.
  9. A lot of that has to do with the park's agreement with the credit card companies. PO Boxes are funny in some instances. You'll noticed that even a lot of eBay auctions refuse to ship to PO boxes. I'm glad that the Discover worked though. I'd say it's worth giving Visa a call to see what happened. They may be able to give you a better explanation.
  10. The Golden Ticket thing is really political. I wouldn't doubt that KI would be recognized for being a clean park some time in the near future, but going from zero to hero rarely happens with that voting group.
  11. I think he was talking about Miss Gibson. She'll be in Flashback: Totally 80s! this year. I wonder if they'll need any particular cars for that show... Oh come on... if they were going to use a Chevette hatchback, they'd have told us already.
  12. The first year that the former Happy Days Diner was open, it was very similar in pricing yet it included drinks in the meals. After the first year, the prices were the same but did not include a drink. That basically bumped the price of the meal up from $10 to $14. By the way, I saw Indiana Jones yesterday and got a medium popcorn and a medium drink for $10. Makes KI's prices seem a little better.
  13. All I did was splice the thing together. The big hand should go out to the many people who were VERY patient in filming the event. Mainly Gabe, Robbie and Bill... it really wouldn't have been possible without them.
  14. I considered it, but then I realized that everyone would just pick all of them. lol
  15. I found out that some German newspaper is using our video for this jump. Pretty cool. Below is a link to the English translation of the article, so some parts don't make much sense. http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?d...TrUrl=Translate
  16. This looks like a trip report... so I'm going to put it with the other trip reports. I'm glad you can still make it up to KI for things like this.
  17. It was great seeing you at the park on Saturday! You'd better give me a call sometime soon!!
  18. I have to disagree with the pain thing. Tomb Raider would KILL my collar bone but the Crypt doesn't do that. I like The Crypt's ride program better, but must admit that it needs something.... anything... in the ride area itself.
  19. I'm not 100% positive, but I'm pretty sure the new slides (from the Boomerang Bay expansion) are temp controlled.
  20. Check out KICentral's video tribute to Robbie Knievel's jump at Kings Island! **Please not that KICentral has permission to post this footage.
  21. If you have a handicap sticker then you can park in the handicap lot, which is immediately to the right of the Preferred Parking area when facing the park.
  22. I think he was talking about Miss Gibson. She'll be in Flashback: Totally 80s! this year.
  23. He's not kidding. Bill really enjoyed the 70s section and he'd get caught up shoot video or photos of something and would part with the group and the running joke was that we lost Bill to the 70s again.
  24. Natalie Gibson from Dead Awakening and Twistin' to the 60s.
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