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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Yeah... that was abruptly point out to me about 3 seconds after I posted it. lol
  2. How can they have a Glow in the Park parade? If people want to see the lights, doesn't that require a Dark Knight? Now I'm the one running for the door.
  3. There's entertainment everywhere at Kings Island in 2008 and the trend of world-class shows will continue this Saturday, June 7th, as we see the debut of a totally new spectacle, and the return of a an old favorite from last year! Hey ladies, it's Girl's Night Out! Join the ladies of country music in the Festhaus as they perform this boot tappin' fun filled celebration of women in American country music. These girls know how to party! Girl's Night Out is presented in the Festhaus June 7 - August 17 (Except Tuesdays) 5:00 6:00 7:30 8:30 June 21 - August 17 (Thursday Schedule) 1:00 3:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 August 18 - September 1 12:00 1:00 3:00 4:00 Endless Summer on Ice is back for another summer of family fun! It's a new cast, some new steps, but the same great show! Join the cast as they celebrate the fun and awe of a youthful summer. School's Out, so let's start the fun! You know what that means, right? Summer camp! Enjoy hiking through the woods, roasting marsh mellows, and enjoying nature... but keep an eye out for those bears! You are at Camp Jellystone, you know! What's summer fun without a visit to the beach? Have fun basking in the sun and playing in the sand, but be on the lookout for sharks! Pay homage to this great nation by celebrating summer's greatest holiday, Independence Day! Not long after the last firework has burst and the red, white, and blue are put away for the year, it's time to go back to school. Don't fret! Going back to school means just one thing: having a back to school dance! Endless Summer on Ice is presented in the Kings Island Theatre June 7 - August 17 (Off Wednesdays) 2:00 4:30 6:30 *8:00 (Saturdays Only) Click here to see preview photos of Endless Summer on Ice and click here to see preview photos of Girl's Night Out! Visit Kings Island Sunday, June 29, and see the stars of The Young and Restless during the Joyce Becker Soap Opera Festival. Enjoy two Question & Answer sessions with actors Christian LeBlanc, Greg Rikaart, Daniel Goddard and actress Emily O'Brien. The event is FREE with park admission! It’s Reds Day at Kings Island Monday, June 16, as park visitors will have an opportunity to see current and future Cincinnati Reds stars, along with the Reds Crew, Mr. Redlegs and Gapper. This special event kicks of the new joint partnership between Kings Island and the Reds and includes two live Reds shows in the International Showplace Theatre (1:00pm and 3:00pm). Admission to the two shows is free, on a first-come, first-served basis. A list of players scheduled to attend will be announced at a later date. Reds season ticket holders can buy discount tickets to Reds Day at Kings Island. The partnership between Kings Island and the Reds also includes the Double Play ticket package, Kings Island Day at Great American Ball Park later this season, and discounted tickets for each other’s season pass and season ticket holders. Click here for more detailed information about activities for that day, special discounts for Reds season ticket holders and more! Thinking about a Father's Day outing? Why not Kings Island? Kings Island is having a special discount for season passholders to bring a friend for a special price. Click here for details! Kings Island has partnered with the Great Wolf Lodge and the Warren County Convention and Visitors Bureau to give away 30 prizes in 30 days! Between June 16 and July 15th, 2008, a special prize package will be awarded that includes a family four pack of two-day tickets to Kings Island, a three day two night stay at the Great Wolf Lodge and a gas card. To win one of these 30 amazing prizes visit www.ohioslargestplayground.com/win. The mystery construction continues at Swan Lake in Rivertown and of course, KICentral brings you the best possible perspective... a bird's eye view! Whatever this thing is, it's going to be spectacular! Click here to see aerial photos of the mystery construction at Swan Lake! G’Day Mate! Kings Island’s Aussie-themed waterpark is now open for business! Come and have some wet and wild fun in one of the nation’s most popular waterparks! Boomerang Bay is FREE with park admission! If anyone mentions Kings Island and 1975 in the same sentence, one can’t help but think of Evel Knievel’s attempt to jump 14 Greyhound buses on his motorcycle in the parking lot at Kings Island. Of course, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and there was a man named Knievel at Kings Island that day. It wasn’t the late Evel Knievel but his legendary son, Kaptain Robbie Knievel, who made history in front of thousands of spectators by jumping 24 Coke Zero trucks in Kings Island’s parking lot! Thousands of fans watch in awe, excitement and sympathetic fear as Kaptain Robbie Knievel attempted to outdo his father by jumping the largest gap of his career that spanned a distance of over 200ft! This incredible spectacle featured sky jumpers, amazing pyrotechnics, live acts, and of course a record breaking motorcycle jump. Click here to see photos of Robbie Knievel’s jump as well as other events from May 24th 2008 at Kings Island! If photos aren't enough, to see a video tribute to the historical Robbie Knievel jump at Kings Island! The Knievel jump may have already had its place in history but there’s still a lot of fun left this summer! Go to Kings Island’s official site, VisitKingsIsland.com for details! Is a season pass not right for you? Avoid the long lines and pay only a fraction of the regular gate admission by purchasing your single day admission tickets on the park's official web site, VisitKingsIsland.com. Remember these deals are ONLY available through the web site, so purchase online and print at home for the best value and fastest way to experience Kings Island! It may still be Spring but Kings Island has sparked the unofficial start of summer by beginning daily operations! Kings Island and Boomerang Bay are now open daily, so take a well-deserved day off or stop by after work and enjoy a full summer of fun at Kings Island! Do you want the latest information sent directly to your cell phone? Sign up for KICentral's official mobile club and receive text alerts with the latest news and information about Kings Island! Signing up is fast and free! Click here for more information about KICentral's official mobile club! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? It doesn't matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  4. This topic is going no where... and fast. Closing...
  5. I am trying my best to keep this on the positive side but you know as well as I do that I can get very nasty about what was done and how so please keep those kind of comments to yourself. I felt I was being extremely nice about this. You were. That wasn't the issue. You just kind of mentioned in your first post that the issue was resolved but you still weren't happy. I just didn't want the fine folks of KIC to get the wrong impression about Don Helbig.
  6. I thought it was really nice of Don Helbig to let you use an electric wheelchair rental for free for the rest of the season when he didn't have to. It was also nice of Don Helbig to arrange to have your chair fixed when he didn't have to. Don't you think it's a little cavalier to blame Don Helbig for it taking 6 weeks to fix your chair? They probably had to order parts, which could have taken weeks to get in. I'm not questioning your credibility or anything, I'm just saying that in hindsight, he did do a lot for you.
  7. Yeah, I don't undertand what happened? I tried searching for the post but could not find it. As I remember, she was in one of the Halloween Haunt attractions and her chair got stuck somehow. Some park employees tried to free it and broke something on the chair. That would make it the park's responsibility to pay for since it's representatives (employees) were the ones who caused the damage. It is ridiculous that the park would take 8 months to repair the damage. I wonder if management or KI's insurance company tried to get out of paying. The employees had nothing to do with the damage to the wheelchair. Many MANY people went above and beyond to help out in this situation that didn't have to.
  8. Update: Showcase Cinema De Lux to Open June 27th in Florence, KY. (Would replace Erlanger location) http://news.communitypress.com/apps/pbcs.d...48/1092/RSS0802
  9. Uhhh... because they enjoy it like everyone else...?
  10. Boomerang Bay parking is good for anyone: Gold Pass, Platinum, Regular Pass, and people who paid to park. It's kind of a haul to get to the main gate from there, but if you have a season pass (which is already processed) you can enter through the Boomerang Bay gate.
  11. They had probably had their boarding pass stamped earlier in the day and it was their turn to ride. It's like anyone else, they have to wait the same amount of time. As King Maple said, there are a lot of different types of disabilities and even more reasons why it's impossible for some people to wait in line in a conventional way. You should be thankful that you CAN wait in line.
  12. Who are you kidding? The word gullible isn't even in the dictionary. The almighty Train Tour was at Beast Bash in 05, I think.
  13. Did you really pay for your Gold Pass upgrade? From the issue date until now it's almost always been a free upgrade.
  14. Does that quote feel really half-assed to anyone else? It just feels like they're saying this is your only option, so too bad. Actually I don't like it for the exact opposite reason. Makes me think of where else I could spend my discretionary dollar.
  15. Your apprehensions will be allayed.
  16. Certainly.... there probably won't be a Beastbuzz or Beast Bash this year.
  17. I've noticed that most of the permanent food establishments offer free water, however the carts typically do not. There are of course a few exceptions.
  18. I use Pinnacle Studio 11 to actually compile the video. It only allows for two layers of video (doesn't do masks), and four layers of audio (one attached to each layer of video, a sound effects layer, and a music layer). It was fine for what I used to do, but I got tired of the same 'ol, same 'ol style of videos and wanted more, so that's where After Effects came into play.
  19. The newsletters are written in house by the KI staff. They pretty much write about whatever they feel as though is important. I think they ideally want to send it out weekly, and since there really isn't any "news" right now, they just promote the internal stuff. I would expect future installments to highlight things such as park news, the shows as they debut, and some familiar faces.
  20. There truly is nothing like a perfect day with perfect weather at KI.
  21. Almost all Cedar Fair parks are now outfitted with the old Paramount Parks' proprietary system, Gate Central. You should be able to scan in at almost all of them, definitely Cedar Point.
  22. Please pardon me while I disagree. While the Red Racer IS running well...it is nowhere near the way it was in the 70's...what with cushy soft seating, no seat dividers, no individual lap bars, no seat belts (different, and not in a good way), skid brakes, much more airtime than now and a final bunny hill that has been removed, brand new track, and the red, white and blue paint job...along with just refurbished rolling stock from the Coney Island Shooting Star (two trains) and two brand new trains (the other two trains)...the ride was substantially different (and, for the most part, far better than) it is now. It is certainly not back to the way it was in the 1970's. I actually just got a message from Kings Island's PR, Don Helbig, about what you just posted. Apparently the rumor that two of the trains from The Racer were originally from the Shooting Star at Coney Island is completely false. All four trains were brand new in 1972 when The Racer debuted with the park. The two trains from the Shooting Star were actually sitting in the station and on the transfer track of the ride until it was demolished after The Racer was open to the public. The whereabouts of the trains is unknown.
  23. How is Final Cut with special effects? After Effects is great for some things, but you have to render it out and put it in a different compiler if you want to logically cut a video. It does however have a good option of compiling in an Adobe Premier format.
  24. Teenageninja is right. The golf course on Waterpark Dr. became Nightmare Estates and existed for about five years. It was actually a lot of fun. Definitely a little more "R Rated" than most haunted houses. You'd walk in and there would be a casket with a dummy in it and a man would communicate with the crowd over a loud speaker, simulating that you're talking to the corpse's spirit. The man on the speaker was known as Bonehead and wouldn't hesitate to drop a few "F-Bombs" and harass the women in the crowd, but it was all in good fun. They had an expanded clown house, where the head clown, Bludzo, would find the ones in the groups who were afraid of clowns and victimize them, commonly by backing them into corners with his co-clowns. This was one of those mazes where if they found out your name, they'd spread it throughout the whole place. You eventually went outside and would enter an old school bus full of dummies and inherently one of them would be real. You'd walk over bridges (mainly over the old mini gold obsticles) and would end up in the woods outside of the place. Ultimately you were chased out of the maze of your typical chainsaw guys. The owner of the place, the guy called himself Bonehead, hosted it at that location for several years. Ultimately he could not come to terms with the owner of the location and they ceased the project. They were immediately approached by The Beach and asked to create a haunted house there and basically transferred Nightmare Estates down the street to become Nightmare at the Beach. Due to the rigorous operating schedule at The Beach, they only had 13 days to set up and be ready to open. Although the project was a success, it never saw a return after the initial year. Today, many of the performers from Nightmare Estates and Nightmare at the Beach both help operate and perform at the schoolhouse in Dent. That's another wonderful attraction that should be checked out if we can pull you away from Halloween Haunt for a night this year.
  25. Looks like they replaced the spot where S:TOP was with nothing. Are there any remnants of the ride left? It used to be immediately behind that SFKK sign that you uploaded a photo of. Cool trip report.
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