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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I'm almost willing to go as far as saying that the surcharge is what hurts that venue. It's a nice venue with a great viewing area, but the tickets (which are normally semi-reasonably priced) become ridiculous after the surcharge.
  2. That's one thing that I don't like about KI's food department. I try to eat better, and I've been overall successful, but I need to eat things that aren't so great for you at KI because they really don't offer much else.
  3. Here's your opportunity to win front row seats to the Midwest's premiere Independence Day firework show. Cincinnati.com and Kings Island are giving you a chance to win VIP treatment for our July 4th firework extravaganza. You and nine guests will enjoy the breathtaking Rozzi Famous Fireworks from the top of the Eiffel Tower! Click Here to Enter
  4. Give me a few days so I can get my computer working at 100% again and I'll create a tutorial with screen shots and whatnot. I'll post it in the forums.
  5. You have to have the URL of the photo. Scroll over the images at the top of the post window and find the one that says "insert picture". Click that, and enter the URL in the box that appears. It will put the necessary coding in the post.
  6. I'm just saying that no where in the press release would Kings Island have said that they were doing this to boost attendance. It kind of make the park look bad unnecessarily. It's kind of like a reporter covering a car accident and saying that it was a result of drugs and alcohole even if the police report didn't say that.
  7. Since it's open now, I was curious as to what you guys thought about Flashback: Totally 80s. Please don't vote in the poll until you've seen the show... I shouldn't have to say that.
  8. Beech Bend is Great! It has awesome atmosphere, a nice selection of Flats, and the Rumbler! If you're not Stark Raving Mad for a crazy awesome park, then Beech Bend is not for you. But The Kentucky Rumbler is great enough for Me! I'll hand you that the people who worked at Beech Bend were very nice. Much nicer than Holiday World, despite the Golden Ticket. You have to admit that the park could easily be converted from an amusement park to a Zamerla showroom, though.
  9. Run down a list of owners. Has the Coney Island Group owned it since then?
  10. They undoubtedly did it to boost attendance. I'm saying that the comment had to have been ammended by the journalist because the park would never say that.
  11. I'm fine with people using this thread to post their own construction photos.
  12. The two-for-one deal is something they've done on and off for quite a while. I doubt that they're doing it to "boost attendance" necessarily, as the article states. Something like that would certainly have not been in the press release, that was probably assumed by the journalist.
  13. There's more to come at KI this year. I talked to Don a few days ago and he mentioned that after the 4th of July, they'll start working on the next thing, but wouldn't tell me what it is. Keep posted.
  14. Kings Island asked me to remind everyone that they have no plans of reopening the 50ft observation deck.
  15. I was asked by the park to once again remind you that they have no plans of reopening the 50ft platform.
  16. [letting loose] Holiday World isn't a very good deal. Yeah, you get free drinks, but you actually paid for them in the price of admission. The park should cost about $20 to get into, but costs as much as KI with very little to offer beyond the Voyage. Beech Bend has excellent Barbeque sauce. The park's a dump, but the BBQ is great. That's all I really have to say. Never been to Dollywood, but I've never heard anything bad about it. Only extremely positive things. [/letting loose]
  17. Believe it or not, the cast of Endless Summer on Ice was given a choice of a few days and elected to have Wednesdays off. That was last year. I'm not sure if they simply used the same schedule again this year or if they chose to have it off again.
  18. Unfortunately no. I actually went up there for a side project for the park and just shot a few to share with the KIC community. I was up there for literally 2 minutes or less.
  19. There were quarters, dimes, pennies, and the occasional half-dollar. My only guess is that all nickels were instantly enchanted into the dividend.
  20. I didn't dare ask. My guess is that either maintanance did it or the people who installed the lighting system put it up there.
  21. If you remember the 80s (and I'm sorry, a lot of us don't -- I remember little things) then you'll really appreciate the show. If you don't remember the 80s, you'll still enjoy the show. It's a win-win.
  22. The wiring for those lights just kind of lays on the ground on that deck. It's also kind of dirty up there. I saw a bunch of coins, sunglasses, etc on the deck which clearly had been dropped from the upper decks. If they were ever to reopen it, it would take some work.
  23. It was closed simply because staffing is very difficult for it. Wouldn't you rather have a 300ft deck open and a 50ft deck closed and send the 4 extra people to help out on the major rides? To my knowledge, there are no current plans to permanently reopen the 50ft deck.
  24. I know some of you guys skip over the front page headlines because they get a little news-y for those who visit often, but we have one that you won't want to miss. KICentral was given a rare glimpse at the 50ft observation deck on the Eiffel Tower! It's been closed since the 80s, but at least you get to take a look at it. http://www.KICentral.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=238
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