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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Rides have never really been the center of attention at the KICentral events... they weren't last year and they obviously aren't this year. We thought about the ERTs logistically and Invertigo is a low capacity ride that many people have to skip because of the lines so having it as a morning ERT sounded appropriate. Having had The Beast ruled out as a night ERT, we needed to pick a ride that was the most reliable and had the highest capacity. The night rides are the ones where you really want to get as many rides in as possible. I think people will be pleasantly surprised with how good of a night ride The Racer offers.
  2. Of course you can. All we ask is that they register on the forums of KICentral. It only takes a second and registering on KIC is 100% FREE! Also please note that a ticket to KICentral: The Second Coming is also an admission ticket to the park so if you have any friends or relatives that would want to go, this is a great opportunity.
  3. Tickets will only be available through Kings Island's web site. Members of the KICentral Mobile Club will have the first opportunity to purchase tickets and they will go on sale to everyone else later tonight.
  4. "Ride Sally Ride" is certainly a clue in favor of Mustang, but the CF folks certainly read these forums and may have intentionally put that clue there to mislead. Only time will tell. I will point out that the other clues, "slippery when wet" "steep incline ahead" etc are the only other clues we really have and they have nothing to do with that particular name. So again... anything is possible.
  5. This is not a mirage this is real, this is here, this is now… back by popular demand it’s KICentral.com: The Second Coming! Last year’s event caused an overwhelming response by KICentral members and we are proud to bring you the opportunity to experience the park in a way that very few people have! This incredible day will be held on Saturday, August 16th, 2008 and will host some very special activities including: One Hour ERT on Invertigo – Wake up with a shakeup as Kings Island and KICentral.com invite you to start the morning the way it should be started… not with a fresh cup of coffee, but sitting across from your friends as they scream in terror while flying through three inversions in two directions at speeds reaching 55mph! Scavenger Hunt – So you’re a Kings Island expert? Prove it! KICentral scavenger hunt is back and better than ever! The clues could lead you anywhere in the park… if you can figure out the answers. Compete against some of the best Kings Island experts to win some awesome prizes! Q&A With the Members of the Cast of Flashback: Totally 80s! -- Taking us back to the day when leg warmers were all the rage, Deloreans could take you back in time and mullets were still socially acceptable, Flashback: Totally 80s is a celebration of everything 80s! Watch the show and meet the cast. They’ll be on hand to answer your questions… who knows? You may be able to one day say that you asked the next Carmen Electra what their favorite ride was at Kings Island!? Backstage Tour of Son of Beast – The Beast’s rebel son was temperamental last year and prevented the scheduled Son of Beast tour, so KICentral strikes back in 2008! Grab your camera and be a part of the first official tour of Son of Beast since the removal of the loop and see this wooden monster from a perspective rarely seen by the public. Q&A With a Kings Island Full Timer – Ride Sally Ride your way into the Nickelodeon Ampetheatre as a Kings Island full timers will be on hand for a no-holds-barred question and answer session. Dinner in the Picnic Grove – Eat like a king at the KICentral all you can eat buffet! Food items offered for the day will include hamburgers, Montgomery Inn Pork BBQ Sandwiches, Potato Salad, Macaroni & Cheese, rolls, and ice cream for desert! Unlimited Drinks All Day – Enjoy your day with an ice cold Coca-Cola… or two or three. Include with the price of KICentral: The Second Coming will be an unlimited drink wristband which allows for FREE fountain drinks all day long! Night ERT on The Racer – End the day with a throwback to the 1970s on The Racer! This classic coaster was designed by the legendary John Allen and was credited with ushering in the second Golden Age of the roller coaster. Space is limited for this event. Please recall that last year’s event SOLD OUT so purchase your tickets early. Members of the KICentral Mobile Club will be able to purchase tickets July 22nd at 5pm and tickets will go on sale to the general public at midnight. Click here for more information about KICentral: The Second Coming! CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS TO KICentral: THE SECOND COMING! Mystery construction continues at Kings Island for what will be the most exciting addition in the history of the park! Click here to see flyover photos of a mysterious red track that seems to be popping up in vital locations! Regards, Ryan
  6. You could really make a similar argument about any workplace. Supervisors and managers need to hire people who are trustworthy.
  7. Now when I was a manager at the park, I remember that the food cost of a souvenir cup worked out to be roughly 5 cents. (Not joking about that before anyone brings up a nickel comment.) That sounds about right! I seem to recall the costs for a small soft drink coming in somewhere around $.03 when I was still there back in 2001. That included the liquid, ice, and cup. I have not been to the park yet this year, but I heard earlier this year that CF was going to install digital menu boards at food locations, and that the retail price of food and drinks was to be adjusted regurlarly based upon the hourly alpha. Can anyone confirm if this is or is not happening? I for one would not be too happy if I paid say $3.00 for a drink at noon , but then had to pay $3.50 for the same drink at 7pm because the net had dropped. I kind of understand the concept behind it, but not sure how this would be executed without high guest complaints. Festhaus has digital boards, but I don't know of any price changes.
  8. Avatar, You're absolutely right to be upset. The wrist bands were supposed to be available at that location in Boomerang Bay. I'd highly recommend calling Kings Island at 1-800-288-0808 and telling them about what happened. They're not going to refund your drinks, but undoubtly it'll bring the issue to their attention.
  9. Ironic that the Christian girl admittingly broke the rules. FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!!! !
  10. Just sit back and wait. If the great irony of KIC takes place, he'll get his pass revoked. For example, I'd NEVER heard of anyone actually being ejected for line jumping and this kid that I knew of in real life came on here bragging that he line jumps all the time because the park doesn't enforce it. Two days later he gets banned from the park for a month for line jumping. I have a feeling that someone on this thread will have their pass revoked this year and no one will get in trouble on KIC for sending them their lulz.
  11. Some sings are there with info some signs are there to intentionally mislead....
  12. So... instead of having a great deal, they'd have a moderate deal because you don't want to follow the rules? Nah, I'd rather have the $6.99 ulimited drink wristbands and sit back and watch as you and others have your passes revoked.
  13. Interesting concept with the Kings Cobra. Kinda fits the "something old becomes new again" theme that Kings Island seems to have.
  14. If you are talking about the mall just off st rt 48 at I-71 it is called Rivers Crossing. It has a Kohl's at the present. From what I have heard there will be a Lowe's and Best Buy also. Look for other stores to be built there also. Here is link for it: http://www.daytondailynews.com/hp/content/...ssingfront.html Not sure about the Best Buy. I know the current growth plans for Best Buy include a store on Colerain Ave which opens in a few weeks and one in Newport, KY which is undetermined as to when it'll open.
  15. You're right. When it comes down to it, some will follow the rules and some will choose not to. I think it's rather obvious as to who the drinks are intended for even if it's not posted. You know who those who choose not to follow the rules will hurt the most? Yep, YOU particularly. Most of you spend more time than the average guest at Kings Island and those drinks really hurt the pocketbook. This great deal has more or less alleviated that and if it becomes an epidemic, I can see them getting rid of the program.
  16. There will be no PR hit. Baby formula is the number 1 product stolen from Kroger stores and they prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. You'd never see an Enquirer article saying "mom arrested for trying to feed her infant." Ultimately you choose to be a criminal or not. Whether you steal $30,000 by robbing a bank or $4 from Kings Island for a drink doesn't make one better than the other. Everyone who wants the unlimited drinks needs to purchase a wrist band, whether you think you're too special to follow the rules or not. You know about the consequences, so I wouldn't recommend it.
  17. Ok - That was fast... The Unlimited Drink Wristbands are for the season passholders who purchased the wristbands only. If a passholder is caught getting drinks for non-passholders or for passholders who did not purchase the drink wristband may have their season pass revoked for the violation. --Per Don Helbig, Public Relations Area Manager, Kings Island
  18. I'm waiting on official word from the park about sharing the drinks.
  19. I can assure you that "The Second Coming" is not directly related to the construction at Kings Island.
  20. No, in my opinion Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom is an absolute dump. It's not worth the drive down for you. Holiday World is ok with their one ride, but it's expensive to go for such a small offering and a MUCH longer drive.
  21. The important question is, did you like the video??
  22. Any time anyone responds to a KIC Mobile Alert, I get an email. At 8:00pm tonight, I will respond to all messages with the text that everyone else received.
  23. Since a lot of people missed the bus this time, this is how you can still get this exclusive message: 1. Join the KICentral Mobile Club 2. After having completely signed up for the club, send the message from your phone saying "The Second Coming" 3. The 2nd (and last) messages will be sent out at 8:00pm tonight.
  24. lol... there's always more to come...
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