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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I wouldn't mislead you, Adam. Sorry Ryan I didn't mean you. I meant Lion Sleeps Tonight. Hes all - were getting a tilt coaster! No were getting a dive machine! No were getting a jump 2 - heres a pic! (insert pic of topple tower). Like normally I'm not one to talk bad about PKIC members - but I have to say he doesnt have a clue what hes talking about. Like if Lion Sleeps Tonight said we were getting a HUSS ride - and KI took delivery of crates with the HUSS logo stamped on them - I STILL wouldn't believe it. What if a guy with a suit on sporting a hard hat that said "Huss" on it came up to you and said, "Sir, is this where we're installing the new ride? (pointing at the area behind The Beast) You know, the new ride for next year? Here, I have the contracts; do you know where I can get find Mr. Kinzel? I think he forgot to sign form 4B... " Then would you believe?
  2. Wow... who said we're getting a new ride next year?
  3. Please excuse Cedar Fair this one time. You have to keep in mind that this is a totally different company than it was just six months ago. It has doubled in size, which is a business feat that can't be taken lightly. I doubt PKI and PCW let that cat out of the bag since season passes were supposed to go on sale today, so it's not like they could have waited any longer. I stand by my statement. Anything is subject to change, but I wouldn't expect a great change from the press release which you got a few days ago.
  4. darn people... a web site dedicated to it? Maybe this will actually happen.. Keep up the good work.
  5. I just got a voicemail from the park saying that they hope to have more information about season passes early this coming week. Please note that any information about pricing or availability on this site or through any publication is subject to change. The park once again apologizes for the inconvenience..
  6. It's an excellent example of spin. Although more ride fatalities occur on stationary rides, you are still far more likely to be injured on a mobile attraction. The ridership is simply higher for stationaries.
  7. I just got word from the park that there may be a delay in the sale of season passes. They hope to have them on sale by the afternoon tomorrow, but will likely not be on sale in the morning. We'll keep you posted, and the park appologizes for the inconvenience.
  8. I just got word from the park that there may be a delay in the sale of season passes. They hope to have them on sale by the afternoon tomorrow, but will likely not be on sale in the morning. We'll keep you posted, and the park apologizes for the inconvenience.
  9. Unlikely -- Avatar is the exact same ride.. same dimensions and everything, just different carriage.
  10. You be shocked as to who in their 50s has given you more accurate information than anyone else. PKIC is already 2 years old, dude!!!
  11. No, we love the idea. Just keep us and everyone else posted on developments and ideas and we'll do what we can to help you get it rolling.
  12. This was all my fault. I added "ass" to the filter, which I found out filtered parts of words like "pass". Once I noticed that, I removed it, but the edited posts still remained. My bad.
  13. Thats a really good point... I dont think that KI lets you park overnight! I have a couple Ideas that may work if we are meeting at Kings Island to start our trip. First thought would be to contact the nice folks at Kings Island and explain that the trip would be focused on Cedar Fair Parks and ask in a in a formal letter if they would be so kind as to let us park in a out-of-the-way area for a couple days, to help us insure the Comfort and Safety of the Paramount Kings Island Central members. It would be a wonderful jester from Kings Island to at least consider our proposal on this matter. We are very appreciative of any time that Kings Island gives us in considering this matter. Sincerely Reon? & Avatar You guys just figure out what you want and let us deal with PKI if needbe. They're VERY good people there and I'm sure something could be worked out.
  14. Couple of changes which I have gotten from the park: The Maxx Pass will be $125 The child pass will be known as the Jr/Sr pass. and the age for the Sr. Pass will be 62
  15. Kings Island, Ohio Mark your calendars, park fans! Saturday, Aug. 26 marks the first day that Paramount's Kings Island guests can purchase their 2007 season passes. The new gold passes are valid for the remainder of the 2006 season – including free Nick or Treat and FearFest – as well as all of the 2007 public operating season. A 2007 adult season pass for Paramount's Kings Island costs $74.95 and is available for guests under 60 years old as well as those 48†and taller. A child/senior pass (under 48†or ages 60+) is priced at $44.95, a savings of $20 from the 2006 lowest pass price. Children under 3 are free. The brand-new Cedar Fair Maxx Pass provides access to all 12 Cedar Fair amusement parks across the country, including both Cedar Point and Geauga Lake located in Ohio. This pass is priced at $124.95 for both adults and children. The Maxx Pass can be used at Paramount's Kings Island immediately and is valid at all Cedar Fair amusement parks during the 2007 season. All renewing 2006 season pass holders will receive FREE season-long parking, provided they purchase their passes and have photo IDs taken at the park by October 29. Renewing pass holders should bring their 2006 passes with them to the park when they have their photo IDs taken. For new pass holders, season-long parking is available for $34.95 per pass. Parking is valid at Paramount's Kings Island only. ALL season pass holders enjoy exclusive gold pass perks at Paramount's Kings Island such as early ride times, walk on weekends, bring a friend free days, meal deals and priority concert seating. Season passes are available online at www.pki.com, at the park, or by phone at 1-800-288-0808 beginning August 26. PKI announces 2007 season passes Cedar Fair, L.P. (NYSE: “FUNâ€Â) is a publicly traded partnership headquartered in Sandusky, Ohio. The Partnership, which owns and operates twelve amusement parks, five outdoor water parks, one indoor water park and six hotels, is one of the largest regional amusement park operators in the world. Its parks are located in Ohio, California, Toronto, North Carolina, Virginia / District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Missouri and Michigan. # # # Regards, Ryan PKICentral.com - Call me.. when you get in you should - phone me
  16. Reon; this is the second request that we have gotten about Ryan can we check the hotels to see if they have singles? other wise we will haft to charge him more or he'll haft to give us a discount on the forum fees. I'm still looking for the 2nd request! Bill's just mad at me because I thought it was fun to set stuff on fire in the back seat of his car at Geauga Lake. What a grudge holder!
  17. The PKIC meetups are usually very successful. I'm sure that if we gave enough notice, it wouldn't be an issue. Location: Edgewood, KY - 20mins west of NKU. I happen to be at NKU right now outside of the library on my laptop... waiting for the stupid shuttle!
  18. I was going through the logs and found a poll similar to this from about three years ago. I'm curious as to how our demographic has changed. It's certainly larger.
  19. Since the regular season is drawing to an end, I'm just curious as to how many times you visited this season. Put me down for around 20 thus far. Fearfest is still on the horizon!!
  20. I don't see why you guys make fun of that. I really don't think it detracts from the scenery and it makes for a cleaner, more convenient park. What more could you ask for?
  21. But what makes you think that CBS budgeted for any capital expenditures. Keep in mind the actual definition of a "capital expenditure"...a new cash register or coin operated lockers would qualify Granted, kind of hard to wrap a marketing campaign around, but capital expenditures none-the-less Oh come on jzarley, if I know you like I think I do, I know you were listening to the conference call with everyone else. They were specifically talking about ride installations. If you recall, they mentioned Ghoastrider at KBF. They'll add a ride, I'm sure of it. A big one? Probably not. Now, the Topple Tower and the Jump2 have been mentioned. Was Paramount Parks dumb enough to do business with Huss again after Tomb Raider and Delirium? Probably.
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