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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Of course you wouldnt know, you go to that concrete city across the river aka No Knowledge University. Hey, let's talk about this! I DO go to NKU and am part of the college of business... an INERNATIONALLY acredited college, mind you. PLUS, when I graduate and get a job, I'm probably going to be successful based off of my intellect and cunning, not a piece of paper saying that I have a bachelor's degree!
  2. I doubt it's loosing money, however I would agree that it doesn't make enough money for the effort put into it. Fundamentally speaking, this is what we have. Kinzel said that the park is too big for its revenue. That's almost inarguably true. If most people come for the waterpark, just bank off of that. It's sad to see a tradition like Geauga go, but unfortunately this is business.
  3. I've said this before, but let me say it again.. This is unconfirmed, but it has always been my understanding that trains can only be turned backwards if the patrons can reasonably predict the course of action enough for the ride to be successfully completed in a safe manner. Does this mean The Beast can't be turned backwards? Not at all, but I'm sure there is more red tape involved than just the mechanical aspect of it.
  4. Which lights are we talking about in SDATHC?
  5. The usual figure that you're giving about PKI is that 1/3 of their patrons are season passholders, so you're pretty accurate. Plus, I think this has more to do with moving rides OUT of Geauga Lake than moving a ride into PKI. You can claim what you want about what we deserve, but in all reality IF this does happen, we will happen to get the very long end of the stick in what is nothing more than a happening. I can personally say that I loved X-Flight. It was amazing. One of my top steels. I'm sure many can and will disagree, but if you guys know me you'll know that I was VERY critical about my experience at Geauga Lake and that was the only ride where I really had no apprehensions.
  6. Cedar Fair is more than a billion dollars in debt. Once they made that up, then we'll talk. Back to IAAPA, if you were wondering who Amanda Schroeder is who won best female performer she actually played Ribbons in Santa's Toy Factory and was also in the Nickelodeon Celebration Parade. Hats off to her for such an amazing acheivement!! Click here to see Ribbons. You can't really see her face (sorry, this was before I got the SLR) but she's on the right with tons of.... well... ribbons hanging off of her costume. That, my friends, was a great show.
  7. Oh wow... rumors rumors and more rumors. It's giving me a headache! It sure will be a great birthday gift to me when word is finally out and some things are squashed, and some things come to light! Only time will tell... When the doors of perception are cleansed, things will appear as they truely are...
  8. Paramount's Kings Island™ Earns International Marketing, Entertainment Awards Brass Ring and Big E awards honor the best of the best in the theme park industry. Kings Island, Ohio - The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) recently awarded Paramount's Kings Island with six of its industry-best awards. The Brass Ring Awards honor excellence in attraction marketing and advertising. Paramount's Kings Island earned first place honors for print advertising and website design. In addition, the company's group sales brochure received an award for distinguished excellence. Paramount's Kings Island's entertainment department earned kudos in IAAPA's Big E competition, bringing home Best Female Performer (Amanda Schroeder, Santa's Toy Factory and Nickelodeon Celebration Parade™) and Street Performer, honorable mention (Sean Cahill, "Scrooge") awards. Santa's Toy Factory was also named the year's Best Overall Production. Cedar Fair Entertainment Company (NYSE: "FUN") is a publicly traded partnership headquartered in Sandusky, Ohio. The Partnership, which owns and operates twelve amusement parks, five outdoor water parks, one indoor water park and six hotels, is one of the largest regional amusement park operators in the world. Its parks are located in Ohio, California, Toronto, North Carolina, Virginia / District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Missouri and Michigan. Let's give it up for the best of the best marketing teams out there! Regards, Ryan PKICentral.com - When's IAAPA going to recognize PKIC?? How about just a kudos??
  9. Incorrect -- It went to Syndney Wonderland where it is SBNO... with the rest of the park.
  10. That's an excellent question.......anyone?
  11. That's because with your vote, we're still under 1%. Keep voting everyone! A little trick is, if you want PKI to win all the way down the line, just click on the first drag down menu and press P <Tab> P <Tab> P <Tab> P and submit it. It will set you to automatically vote for PKI!!
  12. From the desk of Maureen Kaiser... Check this out. Lucas Arts, the gaming arm of George Lucas' empire, is promoting their new amusement park video game, Thrillville, and they want to know what your favorite amusement park is. PKI has 0% of the vote - that is definitely no good. Get on there and vote! And then tell your friends! :-) Click to http://www.lucasarts.com/games/thrillville/survey/ <http://www.ez-llc.com/eznewsletter/api/linktracking/default.asp?eznewsl etter_co_id=44&news_sent_id=158&news_email_id=8786&email=agustafson@marc usa.com&link=http://www.lucasarts.com/games/thrillville/survey/> While you're there, check out Thrillville. Fun! Maureen Kaiser, APR Paramount's Kings Island Marketing Communications 513.754.5802
  13. Don't make conclusions quite yet. As Maureen said at the final Beast ride, they're going to evaluate exactly what's going to stay and go.
  14. For Maverick didn't they have a teaser sign that said something like, "Howdy Folks! Are you ready for some sidewindin'?" Sounds Western to me. And to kill the rumor before it starts, I wouldn't expect whatever PKI is getting.... if they get anything. To have a Western theme. I'd think totally opposite of that.
  15. Come on everyone! Let's vote and help this kid out!
  16. I really have no idea where you're coming from. I really loved x-Flight. It was my favorite ride at Geauga except for the Villian.
  17. From the desk of Maureen Kaiser: Happy Tuesday. As you may know, eight-year-old Luke Hanbury was selected this summer as a host for a 15 ½-in SpongeBob SquarePants made entirely out of, you guessed it, Legos. During his Saturday visit to PKI, Lego SpongeBob met the real SpongeBob SquarePants (thanks to our awesome entertainment team), "rode" several roller coasters (Thanks, Rides!) and enjoyed an all-around fun time. We were pleased to host one of his Cincinnati visits and enjoyed meeting the Hanbury family, long time season pass holders. In addition to PKI, Lego SpongeBob appeared on Fox 19, visited the Mayor, experienced the Newport Aquarium and saw a Reds game. A complete photo gallery has been on the Lego web site since his visit in July. Luke now has the opportunity to win the national contest, with your help. As you can see below, Lego has opened the polls. Please take a second to vote for #4, Luke from Ohio. Together we can welcome a four-foot Lego SpongeBob SquarePants to the great city of Cincinnati. www.legospongebob.com More information can be found below. Thanks much!! Maureen Kaiser, APR Paramount's Kings Island Marketing Communications 513.754.5802 Paramount's Kings Island - where the best of Hollywood entertainment is NOW PLAYING!
  18. You may be right, but Geauga has only a few really key rides and if you removed them it would really be taking the soul away from the park.
  19. That's certainly something to consider...
  20. If I can't be patient, you can't be patient! The clues are all around you!! In fact, some one... out there... somewhere... has hit the nail right on the head. Not necessarily on this site, not necessarily on any sites you guys may go to. Keep looking and we'll find out more soon!
  21. If you just look at the clues you can figure it out rather easily.
  22. Let me clarify: PKIC - There WILL be an announcement coming soon. PKI - There probably will be an announcement sometime soon. That is all.
  23. You might be a PKI addict if you... Go to PKI at least once a month.. every month and you don't work there! People call or text you asking questions about the park when they're at the park and you're not! You've seen the shows enough to know who the normal cast is, and who has switched parts. When you have a comment about the park, you skip GR and just call the person in charge directly. You have some information that you're dying to give your users, but you can't yet! You're at the park so often your mom thinks you work there. You're greeted by a Stricker family member as, "One of those boys from Kings Island that's here to break my flying scooters."
  24. Are you guys talking about this 20th Anniversary Video?
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