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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I think I know where you heard that from. The removal of Viking Fury and the addition of an inverted swinging ship was never the plan, regardless of what some people choose to post on other sites.
  2. Just think... after you're done swimming you can relax on Chairy or even connect the dots in the Magic Screen.
  3. I can tell you what they had planned: new shows and perhaps some new 'eats'. That's it. Don't listen to the rumors that we were going to get a Jump2, or Giga Coaster, or whatever. In fact, the plan I mentioned above WAS the plan until VERY late last summer.
  4. No leaks, it's just hard to get a park map when they're not open yet. It is clear that the transition from PKI to just KI is going to have several speed bumps along the way, which is why it is going to be a slow transition to say the least. No doubt that certain things will not retain the movie names, especially if it's not a major attraction and/or Nickelodeon branded. Most likely we will begin to see references to areas of the park or attractions referred to as other things before an all out rebranding. CDBB will likely be no exception. If I had to guess, it will be "Boomerang Bay" by all accounts, but you probably won't see too many changes in that area of the park this year.
  5. Yeah, you don't want to go back there... kind of takes the magic out of everything...
  6. The track is all still green. It will be painted once it is constructed.
  7. The terrain they're working with is very unlevel. Essentially Firehawk will be built into a notch in the ground, not unlike a step.
  8. After a quick swing down Coney Mall we were able to capture more exclusive photos of Kings Island's New for 2007 Attraction Firehawk! Currently, the retaining wall continues to grow and concrete is being poured into the molds. Footings are begging to take shape as well. Vertical construction starts in about a week and a half!! Click here to see the photos! Regards, Ryan PKICentral.com - Oh my gosh! I locked my car in the garage!!
  9. Sounds like quite lofty claim without backing.
  10. Odd... you'd think that it would fall under the same rules as radio. I wouldn't think you'd need a license to just play the music.
  11. Quite possible. They're always workin' on her.
  12. The only reference to Paramount is in the title bar. Good find.
  13. *IF* kids were outside playing, I'd agree that homework should be minimized or on the out, but we all know they'd all be sitting in front of the idiot box all afternoon.
  14. I'd love to see Kings Island secede from Mason. Sure, it would cost the park a boatload of money in being self-sufficient, but the city of Mason would fall apart. I have read reports saying that when Kings Island opened, it basically paid for Kings Mills' School District. I'm guessing it's the same way with Mason.
  15. ^ "Those who can't, teach." I think there is a serious flaw in the logic behind year round schooling, and that's that 70% of learning is outside of the classroom. If kids learn just to repeat what they learn out of books, then they'll never learn true application.
  16. Kings Island Hosts Job Fair Saturday, Feb. 17 More than 4,000 seasonal associates needed for 35th anniversary season. Kings Island, Ohio – Kings Island plans to hire more than 4,000 seasonal associates for its 35th anniversary season, which begins April 21. Open interviews will be held in the Festhaus this Saturday, Feb. 17, from noon – 4 p.m. Associates are needed in all areas of park operation, including admissions, cash control, food and beverage, entertainment, guest relations, games, water park operations, rides, maintenance, merchandise, security and warehouse. Applicants must be 15 years of age or older and able to work through the summer months. Kings Island is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. For more information or questions regarding employment, please call 513-754-5748 or e-mail at: pkijobs@paramountparks.com. Cedar Fair Entertainment Company (NYSE: “FUNâ€Â) is a publicly traded partnership headquartered in Sandusky, Ohio. The Partnership, which owns and operates twelve amusement parks, five outdoor water parks, one indoor water park and six hotels, is one of the largest regional amusement park operators in the world. Its parks are located in Ohio, California, Toronto, North Carolina, Virginia / District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Missouri and Michigan.
  17. I was at the park one time when AE didn't make it to the first lift hill. I wasn't on it, but the ride was closed for several hours as a result of it.
  18. Just to clear things up: The article says it is going to cost $750,000 less to move Firehawk than to build a new one, not that it costs that much to build it entirely. Also to the poster above, the Back Porch will not be used this year.
  19. To respond: There is always a reason why a ride is removed, whether you or I agree with the reasons or not is a whole different story. I'm not going to go into the reasons why KC was removed again, but regardless the ride had passed its prime. Even if it were still standing today in prefect shape, ridership would likely be low. By the way, whoever is talking about removing AE has another thing coming. Would you believe that it's one of the most ridden rides in the park? The only thing that beats it is The Racer, if you collaborate both frontwards and backwards. Just proof again that the family ride scheme does in fact work. Reclaimer, I do remember people reporting that KC had been removed from storage, but I asked a park official and they said the track hadn't gone anywhere. Of course, anyone can be wrong at certain points. I wouldn't be surprised to see CF clean up the boneyard a little bit. I can assure you, that ride isn't coming back... not here, not anywhere. I'd also be absolutely shocked and appauled if the park ever got another standup coaster. Even the longest and 'best' one of them all down at SFKK is just a painful snoozefest. Unfortunately, although they DID try to sell it for a short time as a ride, that ride isn't becoming anything except for maybe a new ride called Fe → Fe2+ + 2e− ... or perhaps it'll become the hood of a brand new Chevy.
  20. Time for da BoddaH to speak! First of all, thanks for all of the above comments. I'll be the first to admit that we all work really harder than we should on a fan site, but the last to admit that it isn't worth it. Sometimes I get my hands on knowledge which I know is reliable and would kill to share it with you, but I simply can't. You will notice how you are commonly but subtly hinted at things: From: "Thanks for another great season" In my defense, even Maureen did it! From: "I was quoted in Cin Weekly" The reason why things aren't announced immediately is becasue, first of all it's a bad decision to prematurely release trade secrets, as mentioned above and more importantly things change... big time. In fact it wasn't until the very end of the season that KI was going to even GET anything. The original plan called for something else that has been rumored on these forums. It takes a LOT to get the word out about these rides, and until they're ready to do so, they just don't do so. Just remember that even the most overgrown road can be cleared, even the most broken man can be rescued, and that even the most filled in venue can host a sing along. Ryan
  21. I'm willing to say that they'll remove older sttractions to put in new attractions, but that's just me.
  22. Are you sure it's out of question ;-) And that is just one of the many reasons why they moved it this year, so that they wouldnt have to take it down. And you can thank Cedar Fair for that one.....they do that with a lot of their halloween stuff. It's too bad to......Enchanted Theatre was a nice childrens theatre in its day. All you need is a couple of chairs and you'll be set, sir. By the way, a birdie told me that if you like what you've seen announced at other frmr Paramount Parks entertainment, you may just be pretty happy with Kings Island has in store for you. This is going to be one hell of a season, Ryan
  23. Last I recall there was a King Cobra in the park. It was removed mostly due to maintenance-related issues and sat in a field very close to Firehawk's location rusting away for years before being scrapped this off-season. Oh...that's the Cobra you were talking about? Yeah, it's not coming back. It wasn't scrapped this offseason.
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