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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. The SOB area is a "no-go" area, which is why you haven't seen any photos of it on KIC yet. I'm not sure what to tell you about when you'll hear more, or what progress has been made.
  2. Wouldn't there be signs that let guests know that the ride is being tested? Yes, but there's a word that starts with an R and ends with a D which people seems to loose the ability to do when in groups.
  3. Nice poem! FYI - I did see someone at the drop off taking pictures yesterday...perhaps this person may have something to do with your poem? My poem would be: Not to far the Island be To the drop off I will see with camera in hand and memory pictures pictures, all for free --Mine wasn't as good Good poem, but you're dealing with KIC here... do you think we'd really bother to update with something as 'public eye-ish' as the dropoff center?
  4. The track pieces are painted after they're up to avoid damaging the paint during construction. The ride is already broken in. In fact, even a brand new ride is pretty well broken in before anyone from the public gets to ride it. Ohio state law requires that the train be cycled hundreds of times before riders and even get on.
  5. The newsletter will not hold back "news" from the site, but rather would supplement the information on the site. Not really breaking news, but more.. you know.. fun stuff...
  6. The "red" coloring you're seeing is just a primer, the track will be painted the dark red color once it has been erected.
  7. Unfortunately when dealing with a company that just spent over a billion dollars to acquire some parks, that money has to come from somewhere.
  8. Wouldn't it be more like treating a broken arm by buying a new suit?
  9. Dude... we're in vertical construction now. I could update once at 9am and again at noon and there would be something to see!
  10. They're removing the loop so they can accommodate lighter trains, not necessarily with the direct intention of slowing it down. They have two completely different teams working on Firehawk and Son of Beast. Firehawk is scheduled to open Memorial Day Weekend, which was strategically planned. Their goal is to have Son of Beast open as soon as possible. Take that for what it's worth. A major complaint about Son of Beast (besides the turbulant ride) was that "all it has is a bunch of helices" which, after the ride is improved should prove to be a really great experience (ie Beast's finalie). Love the idea, but I don't think we have $100 million to fund it, Mr Disney!
  11. Maybe they've made some progress that might excite you... maybe you'll get to see that progress pretty soon... maybe you should keep checking back to KIC... I can't believe you brought the rhyming hints back. That was so 2004. Actually, I have a new one where I rap: Come bust a move Where the games are played It's chill It's fresh It's Noah's Arcade
  12. I'm doing lights for a play on the 21st, so I'll have to cut out a little early but will be there all day on the 22nd.
  13. Maybe they've made some progress that might excite you... maybe you'll get to see that progress pretty soon... maybe you should keep checking back to KIC... Hmmm a hint to an update. Now the question is when will the update be. Today, Tomorrow, or Sunday. LOL None of the above, but soon.
  14. Maybe they've made some progress that might excite you... maybe you'll get to see that progress pretty soon... maybe you should keep checking back to KIC...
  15. You make a good point... in theory. However, I'm sure somehow between point A and point B, things get screwed up, pieces don't fit the way they were intended, etc. The point is that since Firehawk has been built once already, it may help alleviate these issues.
  16. Doesn't even necessarily have to be Middle Eastern... or even war... if it just had a good solid flight theme it'd be perfect! Personally, I'd incorperate the whole Area 51 thing.
  17. Wow... very interesting!!
  18. I think we're thinking on the same wavelength. Since the ride has been built, it could very well simplify the construction process.
  19. Virgil Dorjo is the casting producer for ABC Television's hit reality show, Wife Swap and he contacted ACE recently looking to find a family to appear in an upcoming episode. They are looking for a family that loves roller coasters, goes out of their way to enjoy amusement parks, and that love to travel across the country to enjoy roller coasters--more than just a fun thing to do--a passion in their lives. In case you are unfamiliar with the show, the premise of Wife Swap is to take two different families and have the moms switch place to experience how another family lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is staying with. Then she introduces a "rule change" where she implements rules and activities that her family has. Each family should consist of two parents and at least one child over the age of five and should reside in the continental United States. It's a positive experience for people to not only learn, but to teach other families other ways of life. Wife Swap airs on Disney-owned ABC television on Mondays at 8:00 p.m. (the "family hour") - which was on before Monday Night Football! It focuses on having fun, learning and teaching. This is a very unique experience that can be life changing for everyone. In addition, each family that tapes an episode of Wife Swap receives $20,000 as compensation for their time. If you and your family meets the criteria and are interested in participating in the show, please contact Mr. Dorjo directly. IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS WITH HIM, PLEASE BE SURE TO MENTION THAT YOU WERE REFERRED BY AMERICAN COASTER ENTHUSIASTS. They are currently experiencing server issues at Wife Swap. Until their server issues are resolved, please contact Mr. Dorjo at his alternate email address: email=wifeswapproducer@gmail.com]wifeswapproducer@gmail.com[/email]. His typical email address is Virgil.Dorjo@rdfusa.com. He checks both emails frequently. ACE officials have confirmed Mr. Dorjo's employment with RDF Media, the production company contracted by ABC to produce Wife Swap. You may visit the Wife Swap page on the ABC Website, at: http://abc.go.com/primetime/wifeswap/index.html. ACE was provided with two new releases about this project. They are small files in MS Word format. If you would like to see them, and don't mind getting them as an email attachment, please contact your regional rep (which you can do by replying to this email) and request them. If you have some interest, but have questions, you are welcome to contact Mr. Dorjo with your questions. Again, be sure to mention that you were referred by ACE. Elizabeth Ringas ACE Mid-Atlantic Regional Rep
  20. An effect that I really liked could be stolen from The Voyage at Holiday World. They have that dip right there in the tunnel where it's pitch black. You NEVER see it coming. It would be great to have such a thing for SOB.
  21. You bring up a good point. When you sign up for a newsletter, you enter in an email address, so it's not necessary to change the one linked to your KIC account if you would like it going elsewhere.
  22. He's referring to the magnos. They slow you down more abruptly.
  23. Nope telegram. Delirium 13's right! We'll have a man in a red suit come to your house and sing the news to you!! On a serious note, it WILL be an email newsletter. The content will go above and beyond what KIC has on its site. For example, I know when our next Firehawk update is going to be. You might know too if it's in the newsletter!! And no, there isn't anywhere to sign up quite yet... but soon if you guys like the idea!!
  24. Hello everyone! For some of you old timers, you may remember the PKICentral newsletter that we had about three years ago, but the idea kind of went to the wayside. I'm just wondering how you guys would feel about a new newsletter for KIC members. Not only would it alert you with the latest KIC content, but it would also have insider KIC information, special polls, and exclusive KIC newsletter information. The beauty of it is, #1 - it's free (as always), and #2 you have to sign up to get it, so you only get it if you want it. Your thoughts please. Thanks in advance, Ryan
  25. You never know when an amateur meteorologist is right!! But I do agree, chances are that we've seen the worst weather come and pass, so hopefully the rain will be the worst of their worries. I wouldn't be shocked at all if it opened on time. They're really trucking now. The vertical construction part goes very quickly!
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