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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. So here's the question I pose to you - do you think they'll just remove the Paramount logo, or do you think they'll replace it with something else?
  2. I disagree. The best actor/actress in the show was Marge. If he followed her around like that in real life, he would have been removed from the park in cuffs. I also like how the enter and exit rides that are in motion and enter restricted areas. Those were the days...
  3. See, that makes me worry. If KI starts to outdraw CP (as it has been known to in the past), will CF embrace KI as being a winning park or arrogantly take ephasis off of KI and put more on CP?
  4. You make some very good points Ronny. I only have a problem with the bolded section. If it's a smoking ban, then you can't really take smoking elsewhere. I do not disagree with any of the health consequences of smoking, what I disagree with is the element of choice. I mean, what if you're in a group of four people, all of which are smokers, and you want to go somewhere and relax and smoke? Not in Ohio. HOWEVER four non-smokers can go wherever they want and not have to deal with smoke at all. If you open a business in Ohio you HAVE to make it non-smoking, you have no choice in the matter what so ever... regardless of what your customer base or business plan dictates. Thankfully, I'm from a state like KY which doesn't force things upon people like that, but if I were to open a restaurant or bar in Ohio and had no choice in the matter, I'd be pretty angry. Should smoking be banned in the future? Certainly. I hope to God that it gets phased out of society, but I think this approach, so soon, is more discrimination than anything else. -Ryan... who doesn't 100% disagree with Tom's Lake Erie-front property comment.
  5. I'd kill to see a new, quality dark ride at KI. No disagreements on this side of the toboggan.
  6. I love it... we just discussed how the guests in the park were the lifeblood of the park and all of a sudden if you weren't a faceless seasonal employee, you have no reason to be upset about a ride removal. I'm sorry sir, but it's because of the people on this board and the 3 million+ other people who visit KI every year that you even had a job there. I'm sure guests would love to hear your opinion... since they paid good money to go to the park and enjoy such attractions. I'm sure they'll sympathize with the fact that you were paid to stand in front of the ride and press buttons. I am now banishing you back to Survivor Island!!!!
  7. After more than two years of planning, the Great Wolf Lodge is now completely open! This amazing facility not only boasts a 401-suite resorts, an indoor waterpark, state of the art arcade, and amazing spa, but now features a 40,000 sq ft conference center! Dane and I were privileged enough to attend the grand opening ceremonies of the conference center earlier today. Each room was mocked up to show the many functions that this amazing conference center can house including a wedding, children's birthday party, and business meetings. This amazing new conference center can house parties of 10 to 1,100 in its many rooms and can boast world-class meetings and get togethers with endless possibilities! Click here to see the photos! For more information, check out The Great Wolf Lodge Mason Website. Regards, Ryan KICentral.com - Good lookin' out!
  8. So, are you saying you could of done a better job of running 5 parks because you were a food service supervisor? Personally, like I said earlier paramount was in it for one reason, and one reason alone MONEY!!!! Thats what it all boiled down to for them and it definatly looks like they got their money's worth .. Good Ridence thank god Paramount/CBS IS GONE. They no NOTHING about theme park operation! He's questioning Wolfer's cedibility since he was in food service, Combat isn't in food service. Realistically, Paramount did great things for the park. They certainly didn't always make the right decisions but who does? I mean, '93 - Top Gun - can't credit them for the ride, but the themeing was amazing. '94 - Days of Thunder - Motion sims.. every park should have one. '95 - Splat City - Beautifully themed all things considered '96 - FoF - Arguably the enthusiasts' favorite ride in the park, best year ever for PKI in attendance '97 - Waterworks expansion - How can you argue with a giant wave pool? '98 - Splat City - Best Kids Area, Golden Ticket Awards, Amusement Today '99 - Action Zone - Drop Zone and Face/Off, need I say more? '00 - Son of Beast - Tallest, Fastest, Only Looping Woody. Not perfect, but I think ambition exceeded engineering. '01 - Nick Central - Did I mention Golden Ticket Awards? '02 - Tomb Raider - Didn't always work the way we wanted it to, but drew media acclaim. '03 - Delirium - Wonderful... wonderful ride... '04 - Boomerang Bay - #1 seasonal theme park in the world '05 - Italian Job - You can love it or hate it, but you can't help but tilt your hat. '06 - Nick Universe - Yet another Golden Ticket. Things I didn't agree with: Removal of the Tiques in favor of IJ... it screwed up the whole area. Shutting down the whole entertainment department (basically) to cut costs in 06. Removal of the Nickelodeon Ampeatheatre. Whole lotta concrete and not a whole lotta trees... Overall, Paramount saw the park through some of its best years.
  9. The worst thing that'll happen is it's deleted, so enjoy it while you can.
  10. For all you know, he might have permission to post that on YouTube. Are you Viacom's lawyer all of a sudden?
  11. I stopped posting in this thread because the intelligence level dropped to new record lows on both sides of the argument. You, ma'am, have restored my faith in humanity. Welcome to the forums.
  12. I started uploading at 9:00, but we had a server crash. It's up now!
  13. Let me draw you a mental sketch of Kings Island's property: Imagine the whole property being boxed in... on the south side there is that street where the Sunoco is (Columbia?), on the north side is where the camp ground once stood... as stated before, that's still owned by CBS. They own all the way up to Kings Island Drive, and as far east as the Little Miami River. Is there room for another camp ground? There sure is. But it's a LOT more work to build one of those things than you think. Maybe some day in the future... when the market calls for it... you'll see a new one. Until then, enjoy the GWL!
  14. Our friends over at Geauga Lake Today have made what they claim to be their final update involving the removal of X Flight. On behalf of the staff here of KIC, I want to thank them for all of the great work they've done this past offseason keeping us up to date as to what's going on up north. Geauga Lake Today
  15. Firehawk is still months away from giving its first flights but it is quickly beginning to take shape! Vertical supports begin to go up as the section closest to Flight of Fear’s queue area finally begins to look like what it will be: a flying coaster! Contractors are hard at work to get Firehawk ready to open on Memorial Day weekend as scheduled. The station will begin to be installed within the next few days, and track will be erected within the next few weeks! A special thanks, once again, to Maureen Kaiser for taking the time out of her day to cruise over to the construction site with me in style (thanks Lexy!) and allow me to take these photos for you. Thank you! Click here to see the photos! Regards, Ryan KingsIslandCentral.com - Always remember: you're unique, just like everyone else.
  16. So you're saying that your freedom to go anyplace that you want without having any smoking anywhere is more important than SOB_Tom's freedom to have smoking sections? Are you really that special? No, Im not that special, and make no claims as such! what I said was I had no place to attend devoid of smoking! Just as he had no place to attend where all there was was smoking...we are in the same boat! He talked about his freedom of choice that was taken away, and I talked about mine (this is called an opposing viewpoint). Actually this is where you are completely WRONG, I have asthma as do many others on here and I have many allergies. Walking through the smoke I am hurt from it, not to death but never-the-less I am hurt from it, I get a severe pain in my chest when I am even around people spraying lysol, you can imagine what cigarette smoke does! Also, I have trouble breathing it, and in order to clear my system I usually start gagging, which not only really hurts my throat but my stomach if I actually puke. Your assumption that I am not hurt from it is completly asinine and ignorant. Just because you arent physically hurt by it doesnt mean that others are not! And, Im deffinately not complaining about smokers smoking in their designated smoking areas, this is where they have been designated to smoke. BTW, I do avoid the smoking sections where possible, just in the same way that I have to use the side entrances to the buildings at UD! As you can see its not pure lazyness, I go around these areas and am proactive in being away from cigarette smoke, I HAVE TOO! Also, I do intend to work in the park this summer, I have just been given more prescriptions to help me through my umpiring/baseball/KI season! I will try my very best to stay away from the smoke where possible. Once again because unlike you obviously...I HAVE TOO! I completely agree with you here, I said that it was an extremist view! Also Id much rather be on the road with a smoker than a drunk driver, that's pure common sense! As to your claim of not taking away whiskey because you dont like the smell of it on people's breath, I agree, am I wanting to get rid of smoking just because of the smell of it on someone elses clothes? HELL NO! I dont want to get rid of smoking altogether at all, I just feel the designated areas should be designated better as does nearly everyone who has posted in this topic. Smoking is kind of good for America, it helps the economy, creates jobs, the downside is it can take lives. So again, I dont want to as you put it, "ban the whiskey" or in this case smoking, I want to somehow reach a perfect medium with both sides. On a mildly sarcastic note, I live next to the Mound Plant in Miamisburg! As for the local coal plant, I admit this is a great cause of injury and illness just as much as anything else! This is the exact reason why DP&L are currently putting more windturbines and the like in my area (very hilly) Also there is a very strong effort to create clean sustainable energy. Eventually we will get rid of most of these problems, it just so happens that smoking is the first to go, because it is the easiest to control. So yes I am as guilty as the next person for using this site, however we have to start somewhere! I dont turn to smokers assuming they wont smoke, I realize we are human and sh** happens. I also realize that there is no such thing in life as control. There are things that you may guide, but never control, this is why i generally dont trust others, so no I dont look to others to not smoke! I look to the parks which is our topic right now and our government to regulate things to where, we all have a happy medium and we have an all around choice. There has to be give and take. It isnt just if I (or others) dont want to smell smoke we should just go out of our way and avoid it, basically you are saying that smokers dont have to care, they can smoke whereever they want because they own the world and we should just step out of their way! Thats not right, the same way in which it isnt right that they have to be completely secluded, other than the fact that their activities do harm others, as you have seen by my personal account. They should be allowed to smoke, but activities by fellow citizens should never be allowed to jeopardize the well being of other citizens. This is why there are laws against murder, and on-ride photography which could injure people, and drunk driving. There is no hero in any of these accounts, its what I believe is called an opinion. As far as me being a victim as you say, im really not, Im alive and live in a nice house supported by my parents income, you're right Life is GREAT! But it is important that things be taken into consideration because some of us do have issues that can be uncomfortable. And as Im sure quite a few of us have figured out..there are no heroes, only victims. There are those who are cheated little, and those who are cheated lots. What makes us human is that we persevere, understand and change. Those who deal best with their challenges survive, it is natural selection and darwinism at its finest! Just so you know..for future reference...when I walk through that "unharmful" cloud of smoke it deffinatly feels like I have been punched in the stomach, must just be coincidental! Thank you for the insult! Have a nice morning! I don't want you to think I was directing anything directly towards you. I was just making an example. You do make some excellent points in the post above, and you're right... it comes down to pro-activity on both sides, which once again comes down to the respect issue. Smokers need to respect that some people don't like the smell of smoke or get sick by it, and non-smokers need to respect the fact that just because they don't like smoke, it shouldn't take about others liberty to smoke. I have to go to work.... more on this later.
  17. So you're saying that your freedom to go anyplace that you want without having any smoking anywhere is more important than SOB_Tom's freedom to have smoking sections? Are you really that special? That's actually not a fact. It's an assertion. Did you notice how all of the truth commercials cite that someone shared an office with a smoker for 20 years and died from it? There really is no doubt in my mind that second hand smoke has negative health effects. However, I think that the whole victim statement about walking through smoke outdoors is a product of the media. You're not going to be hurt from it. Don't like the smell? DON'T WALK THROUGH THE SMOKING SECTIONS! If you complain about people smoking in a smoking section because of that it's just pure lazyness. If you intend to work there this summer, I'd intend to get past that really quickly, because you won't last long. Prohibition was an extremist view. That's why it's gone now. Quite frankly, I'd much rather be on the road with someone who's smoking in their car rather than someone who has been drinking. Drunk driving kills thousands of people each year but very few are standing up and saying that it should be illegal to drink. Heck, I don't like the smell of whiskey on peoples' breath, but I don't try to ban whiskey because I feel as though I am so special that since I don't like something that peoples' liberties should be taken away to please me. As much as you'd hate to admit it, you're as guilty as everyone else. Why? You're on this site right now. You are taking in electricity that doesn't need to be taken in and adding to the pollution in the air from your local coal plant... likely giving someone cancer somewhere. Should we shut down the site and the whole entertainment side of the internet to prevent that? Of course not. Think of the Oz Principle. Dorthy went through the whole land of Oz trying to find someone who could send her home. She encountered a lion, a tin man, and a scarecrow. None of which could help her... they just needed help themselves. Dorthy had the power inside her the whole time. So do we. People have the choice to rise above any circumstance and make greater accomplishments for themselves.. no matter what. If a person wants to turn to others to create an environment, they will only inherit their baggage. So is true in this situation. You say you don't want to smell smoke so you turn towards smokers assuming that they won't smoke. Realistically, if you don't want to smell smoke... avoid smoke. Unfortunately, like most people who make claims like yours, you either want to be the hero or the victim in this situation, which you are neither. Take that as a life lesson, sir.
  18. I think it's a flaw for both and security. It should be enforced... and it should be respected.
  19. We do NOT know that for a fact, sir.
  20. IO Productions took over the show the 2nd year, as Shman said and changed a few things in the show. Just minor lines and stuff to help it make a little more sense. Regardless, what a run!
  21. Rob Pottorf Music composed all of the music for Tomb Raider.
  22. A man was struck by lightning in the parking lot and lived to tell (and sue) about it citing that he was not giving forewarning about an approaching storm.... if you don't count rides shutting down, rain, people running for cover, and lightning everywhere. People have died at Kings Island, but it was almost never the fault of the park. 1983 - Tower Jonny - Idiot with a capital 'I' 1976 - Guy mauled by a lion. He was a trainer, but wasn't where he was supposed to be. 1980s - A man dove from the International Bandstand and died when he hit the bottom of the 2ft deep Royal Fountain. I think he was leaving a Devo concert at the Timberwolf. Black Sunday - Two men died in the lake near the Festhaus after being shocked by a malfunctioning circulating pump. Yep, the pump should have worked, but they also were in a restricted area. Less than 45mins later, woman falls from Flight Commander. Ultimately Intamin was sued, but realistically she fell because she was drunk. The moral of the story kids, is that if you play by the rules, no one gets hurt.
  23. I agree entirely. I think that one is poorly located... along with the one near the fountain on I-Street. However, I think the ones that are fair are the vast majority like near Feasthaus, Coney Mall (near Action Theater), Boomerang Bay, Rivertown, and Rivertown II. Realistically, they're out of the way and if smokers would stay in these areas, and non-smokers would avoid these areas (and yes, you can still walk down the midway and avoid these areas) then it would all work out fine.
  24. I think it's a mutual respect issue. If smokers stayed in the smoking areas, it would alleviate 50% of the problem and if non-smokers would respect the designated smoking areas, and avoid them if they are really offended by the smell then it would alleviate the other 50%. Unfortunately, smokers either don't know about the smoking areas or blatantly refuse to follow the rule, and non-smokers constantly want to make victim statements.
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